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Results 157081-157110 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
157081 Jefferson, Thomas Early, Peter From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Early, 27 June 1806 1806-06-27 I have recieved several respectable applications for the pardon of Jacob Ray now confined in the...
157082 Jefferson, Thomas Bassville, Nicolas Joseph Hugon de From Thomas Jefferson to Hugon de Bassville, 25 August … 1786-08-25 I have now the honor to inclose to you a letter of introduction to Mr. Dumas, who is charged with...
157083 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 29 April 1794 1794-04-29 (Secret & confidential) My dear Sir, Philadelphia 29th April 1794 Receive, I pray you, the...
157084 Waterhouse, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Waterhouse, 13 June 1821 1821-06-13 I cannot sufficiently thank you for the fresh instance of your friendship in writting to Prest....
157085 Adams, John 1767 May [17] Sunday. 1767-05-17 At Plymouth, went to Mr. Robbins’s Meeting in the Morning, and sat with Mr. Hovey. Dined with...
157086 Washington, George Biddle, Clement From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 17 March 1799 1799-03-17 On the 18th Ulto, I remitted you in a letter, One hundred Dollars in Bank Notes of the United...
157087 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 2 April 1805 1805-04-02 Since the date of my letter of the 14th. of February, I have made a communication to the...
157088 Rush, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Rush, 5 August 1803 1803-08-05 I return you herewith Sir John Sinclair’s pamphlet upon Old Age with many thanks. I have read it...
157089 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1809-06-05 I was unable to replie to my dear sisters Letter of May 19th. being visited by St Anthony who...
157090 Reibelt, J. Phillipe Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. Phillipe Reibelt, 15 … 1805-10-15 J’ai par çelle çi l’honneur de repondre a la Votre du 12, qui m’est parvenue hier midi. 1) Mr. Du...
157091 Witherspoon, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Witherspoon, 14 August … 1786-08-14 I am induced to give you the following Trouble at the Desire of a Friend. It is said there is a...
157092 Orser, Jonas Washington, George To George Washington from Jonas Orser, 19 September … 1782-09-19 The Complaint of Capt. Jonas Orser against Colo. Shelden Capt. Wansworth and Capt. Webb of the...
157093 Morellet, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Morellet, [19 June 1784] 1784-06-19 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The “fragment” that Morellet enclosed with the present...
157094 Madison, James Lewis, William From James Madison to William Lewis, 25 October 1803 … 1803-10-25 25 October 1803, Department of State . In answer to his letter of 20 Oct., informs Lewis that his...
157095 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 8 March 1824 1824-03-08 My known respect for the public & personal worth of Dr. Richard Field has led to a wish from his...
157096 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 September 1771] 1771-09-28 28. Very warm with but little Wind & that Southerly wt. Clouds.
157097 Attwater, Reuben Madison, James To James Madison from Reuben Attwater, 6 July 1808 1808-07-06 I send you enclosed Copies of the Executive Acts and proceedings of Michigan Territory from the...
157098 Franklin, Benjamin Van de Perre & Meÿners From Benjamin Franklin to Van de Perre & Meÿners, 23 … 1780-04-23 Copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the...
157099 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 17 December 1818 … 1818-12-17 Since writing the within I have conversed with M r Davidson , the Senator from Clarksburg . He...
157100 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 May 1769] 1769-05-22 22. Reachd home after going as far as Colo. Harrisons with a view of crossing thro Maryland &...
157101 Jefferson, Thomas County Lieutenants From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenants of … 1781-05-08 The British Army [&c. to the words ‘with these arms in their hands’] to Richmond or Prince Edward...
157102 Stoddard, Josiah Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Josiah Stoddard, 14 … 1779-01-14 It was my fortune by the Severity of the Service in the fall of 76 to contract a disorder of the...
157103 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1780-07-27 I have successively received your several favors of the 12th 16th and two of the 21st. What you...
157104 Schuyler, Philip John Washington, George To George Washington from Philip John Schuyler, 5 April … 1782-04-05 I have perused the Charges exhibted by M: Gen: Heath, against M: Gen: McDougal, and the letter of...
157105 Bourne, Sylvanus Madison, James To James Madison from Sylvanus Bourne, 1 September 1801 1801-09-01 Inclosed I send you the Leyden Gazette to this date by which you will perceive that Cairo has...
157106 Brodhead, Daniel Washington, George To George Washington from Daniel Brodhead, 10 March … 1781-03-10 I beg your Excellencies pardon for not returning the Rank of the Maryland officers in my last. I...
157107 Breckenridge, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Breckenridge, 6 April … 1823-04-06 My friends here have put me up as a candidate for the Assembly & insist that I shall meet them at...
157108 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Benjamin … 1778-10-03 I was honored with your Excellency’s favor, of yesterdays date, the last evening. I immediately...
157109 Washington, George Humphreys, David From George Washington to David Humphreys, 18 February … 1787-02-18 Colo. Wadsworth has handed me your obliging and much esteemed favor of the 20th ulto for which I...
157110 Bourne, Sylvanus Madison, James To James Madison from Sylvanus Bourne, 10 February 1804 … 1804-02-10 10 February 1804, Amsterdam. “I have sedulously occupied myself of late in the means for...