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Results 157081-157110 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have recd. sir your letter of the 6th. I know of no propositions to codify the laws of the...
I have recd. Sir your letter of the 9th. and am sorry that I cannot give you the information it...
Your letter of Decr. 30 has been duly recd. Whatever pleasure I might feel in aiding you in the...
I have recd. yr. letter of the 24th inclosing the prospectus of a work you are about to publish....
Your Sympathy in my Sorrows, and Condolence in my grief—are soothing to my afflicted Bosom—Sixty...
I thank you for your address to the New Bedford Auxilliary Society for the suppression of...
13 June 1804, Department of State. “The answer I have forwarded to your letter intimating that...
§ To William Willis. 30 July 1806, Department of State. “I return the original certificate of the...
your appointment to a Consulate in Spain was a full proof that you was then Esteemed to be a...
9 June 1804, Department of State. “It would be irregular to accept your draft until you settle...
§ To William Willis. 1 July 1806, Department of State. “In answer to your letter of the 27th....
MS not found; reprinted from Maggs Bros., Catalogue No. 215 (November 1905), p. 17; and...
Bristol Brown and Thomas Kemp inform us that their Families, Cloth[es] and Household furniture...
Understanding from mr Randolph & others that you are disposed to undertake to carry flour from...
I return you many thanks for the fish you have been so kind as to send me, and still more for the...
I have now before me your several favors of the 19th of March, the 12th and 24th of June, and...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Wilmer and his thanks for the copy of his oration of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Wilmer & his thanks for the pamphlet he was so kind...
New York, July 1, 1800. Discusses the presidential campaign of 1800. Copy, in the handwriting of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received the Act you mention, and if tis convenient...
You are hereby ordered, so soon as the Waggon arrives from the Fort, and you have got those...
Letter not found: to John David Wilper, 7 Feb. 1774. On 23 Mar. Wilper wrote GW : “I was Favourt...
Orders for Sergeant David Wilper [Pearsals, 30 June 1758 ] Mr Wilper, You are to remain at this...
Instructions for John Davd Wilper—Sergeant in the Virginia Regiment. By George Washington Esq....
Before your Letter of the 1st Instt came to my hands I had been to, & returnd from Williamsburg;...
31 December 1804, Department of State. “In answer to your letter [not found] requesting to be...
Th: Jefferson having a few days ago only recieved a copy of the printed proposals for publishing...
I recieved here yesterday your favor of Mar. 18. with the elegant drawings of the new birds you...
I have received your letter of the first of this month— You will be pleased to repair immediately...
You will please to accept of my best thanks for the copy of the debates of your late convention...