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Results 157081-157110 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am within a few minutes of setting out on a short visit to Monticello, and must therefore be...
I think it is dean Swift who says that a present should consist of something of little value, &...
Mr. Patton presents his compliments to the President of the United States & begs leave to inform...
I am this moment setting out on a short visit to Monticello, but a thought coming into my head...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your Latin grammar, by post for which I pray you to accept my...
I take the Liberty to send herewith a copy of an improved Variation Chart , hoping it will be...
I this day recd. a letter from Mr. Holt storekeeper at New London, informing me there is reason...
Mr. Lear arrived here the day before yesterday a few minutes after your departure. He confirms...
The operation which Congress has [performed] in the [...] the custom house officers [...] was...
I do myself the honor to enclose Warrants for Jno. N. Canon—Boatswain & David Loring—Gunner—...
In my former letter I announced my intention of resigning my ministerial function, which has...
Your favor enclosing D. Griffith on Longitude was recieved, & the acknowledgement for it is now...
Some Time in February last I wrote to You —to which I beg Reference concerning the Opinion I then...
The road through Ravensworth is rendered absolutely impassable for a four wheeled carriage by a...
I arrived here yesterday & shall stay here a fortnight only. on my return to Washington I shall...
I omitted before the rising of Congress to enquire for proper characters to appoint in South...
May this meet you amidts the social scene of Domestic happiness!—Contrasted, with the late trying...
The enclosed exhibits a view of the deposits made with the Treasurer of the Navy —the drafts upon...
I arrived here the day before yesterday on a visit of one fortnight [only and am] in hourly hope...
Je prend la libertez l’honneur de vous Saluer pour prevenir, que Cremer est party apres a voir...
157101List of Vaccinations, 10 May 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
1802 Vaccinations with the thread . May. 10. < John Hemings .> failed John Perry < his apprentice...
I beg Leave to inform your Honour that last Sunday John Kramer went from here for and on the...
I ask pardon for not furnishing you sooner with the method I use for calculating the rising and...
This will be handed to you by Mr. Dinsmore , who was several years our Agent in the Cherokee...
Your last letters the one to Maria by the way of Colesville & the other to me by City point have...
The Elections of New York State have gone agt. us for Congress. all is not right I will write...
I have nothing new since my last either from Europe or the W. Indies. The elections in N. York...
I Consider it a Just duety to inform you, that I Last wiek have got on the track of a valuable...
Je reçois vos lettres à tems et avec un grand plaisir. Vous ajoutez beaucoup à ma reconnaissance,...
Permit me to introduce to you Coll Henry Smith the bearer of this Letter. He is a Gentleman of...