Results 15701-15710 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15701 Ingersoll, Charles Jared Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Jared Ingersoll, 16 … 1817-01-16 I have the melancholy intelligence to communicate of the death of Mr. Dallas. He went about a...
15702 Johnson, Richard M. Madison, James To James Madison from Richard M. Johnson, 16 January … 1817-01-16 I have this day rcd a letter from Majr Joseph Hawkins requesting to have his name withdrawn from...
15703 Rhea, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Rhea, 16 January 1817 1817-01-16 I may be prevented by bad weather or some thing Else from Seeing You previous to Your retiring...
15704 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, Ca. 16 January 1817 … 1817-01-16 § To the Senate. Ca. 16 January 1817. “Commissions having issued during the recess to the...
15705 Jefferson, Thomas Lee, William Thomas Jefferson to William Lee, 16 January 1817 1817-01-16 I recieved three days ago a letter from M. Martin 2 d Vice-president am and M. Parmantier...
15706 Ligon, James Jefferson, Thomas James Ligon (for Patrick Gibson) to Thomas Jefferson … 1817-01-16 Inclosed I hand you inclosed Acc t Sales of 175 Bbls Flour nett proceeds $1571.75. with your Acc...
15707 Tudor, William, Sr. Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, Sr., 15 January 1817 1817-01-15 The animated Style in which you have described the circumstances attending the Trial of Corbet &...
15708 Carroll, Charles (of Carrollton) Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Carroll of Carrollton, 15 … 1817-01-15 The inclosed letter sufficiently explains the occasion of this application to you in favour of...
15709 McIntosh, William Madison, James To James Madison from William McIntosh and Others, 15 … 1817-01-15 We hear much talk of the Cherokees wishing to exchange part or the whole of their land South &...
15710 Glenn, Elias Monroe, James Elias Glenn to James Monroe, 15 January 1817 1817-01-15 Immediately upon the receipt of your letter of the 3rd. of this month, I applied to the Collector...