Results 15701-15730 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the melancholy intelligence to communicate of the death of Mr. Dallas. He went about a...
I have this day rcd a letter from Majr Joseph Hawkins requesting to have his name withdrawn from...
I may be prevented by bad weather or some thing Else from Seeing You previous to Your retiring...
§ To the Senate. Ca. 16 January 1817. “Commissions having issued during the recess to the...
I recieved three days ago a letter from M. Martin 2 d Vice-president am and M. Parmantier...
Inclosed I hand you inclosed Acc t Sales of 175 Bbls Flour nett proceeds $1571.75. with your Acc...
The animated Style in which you have described the circumstances attending the Trial of Corbet &...
The inclosed letter sufficiently explains the occasion of this application to you in favour of...
We hear much talk of the Cherokees wishing to exchange part or the whole of their land South &...
Immediately upon the receipt of your letter of the 3rd. of this month, I applied to the Collector...
Will you permit me to lay before you the plan of a course of publications which, if due...
the kindeness you have Ever Shewn to the inhabitants of Louisiana during your administration...
Understanding that mr Gibson is too unwell to attend to business, I take the liberty of...
Montezillo, in the Spanish language signifies “a little hill.” You will search for it in vain in...
I know dear H. that you will be glad to learn that S. received a Letter last Evening from mr C....
As you live in terror of my long Letters, and as the very last, I had the pleasure of writing...
If the ports blockaded be not within the possessions of the B. E. I. Company, a representation on...
My apology for this address is, that it relates to public concern. Being advisd that Jno. T....
I had the honor of writting to You Some days past —and at that time did expect that this day I...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance the Bearer hereof Mr Robert White an intimate friend...
§ From James W. Clark. 14 January 1817. “J. W. Clark accepts Mr. Madisons invitation to dine with...
Your favor of Nov. 25. came during an absence of 2. months in Bedford ; that of the 6 th inst....
Our last mail brought me your favor of the 5 th and I hasten to answer by it’s first return....
What Temples Statues, Mausoloumes, pray, have you seen, that you cannot could pretend to...
Capt Austin of the Ship Persia states the circumstances of an illegal Blockade to which he was...
§ To William Darlington. 13 January 1817. “J. Madison requests the favor of Mr Darlington to dine...
I have postponed a reply to yours of 14 Ult o addressed to M r Thweatt & myself untill the select...
Notwithstand g what has been said, & done, Respecting your several powers—they have not had an...
§ From Augustin Thierry. 12 January 1817, Washington City. “M. Thierry aura l’honneur de se...
§ Andrew Jackson to John Payne Todd. 12 January 1817, Nashville. His friend Maj. John H. Eaton is...