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Results 157001-157010 of 184,431 sorted by author
A few days ago I was honored with your favor of the 3d Ulto inclosing a Bill of Lading for two Pipes of Wine consigned to Messr Chas. Crookshanks & Co. of Maryland for, & on my acct. It is to be presumed the Vessell is safe arrived at her destined Port as the original Letter and Invoice are come to hand; but having heard nothing from these Gentlemen on the subject I am totally in the Dark...
157002[Diary entry: 7 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 7th. Dined at the Cold Spring, with the Club. Returned in the evening, and drank Tea at Mr. Meridiths.
I have received intelligence from Congress which makes it unnecessary for you to proced further on your route to Carolina —you will therefore on receipt of this letter—rejoin the main army by easy marches. I am Sir your most obt servt. Df , in James McHenry’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . For the intelligence from Congress informing GW that French vice admiral d’Estaing was on...
I have recd your favors of the 14th, 24th and 27th of May by Mr Vincent to whom I have delivered the pay of the St Francois Indians agreeable to the Rolls which were sent by him. It was not in my power to consider him as a Lieutenant. Indeed the number of Officers which had been already appointed were more than sufficient for so few Men. If you will make me a return by the first oppertunity of...
157005Memorandum, 30 May–11 June 1755 (Washington Papers)
May 30th Upon my return from Williamberg I found that Sir Jno. St Clair, with Majr Chapman & a Detachmt of 500 Men were gone on had marched to the Little Meadows in ordr to prepare the Roads, erect establish a small Fort Post , and to lay a Deposit of Provision’s there. The 2d of June Mr Spendelowe discoverd a communication from Fort Cumberland to the Old Road leadg to the
157006[Diary entry: 11 November 1772] (Washington Papers)
11. Wind Easterly & pretty fresh in the forenoon but calm & warm also clear in the forenoon.
157007[Diary entry: 18 August 1799] (Washington Papers)
18. Morning—Mer. at 64—and 69 at Night. Wind No. & No. East and cool great appearances of Rain but none fell here.
157008[Diary entry: 15 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
15. Cold & disagreeable Wind N. E.
As the fifty Bushels of Wheat stands as an article of charge at 5/6 in your account against me, it may remain so as a final settlement of the matter—Although I have no flour at present for sale and have made no enquiry into the price of this article, I do not suppose I shall either loose or gain much in so small a quantity by fixing the Wheat at this price. With respect to the persons named in...
A few days since, a Mr Jos[ep]h Massey (said to be a Surveyor) of the North Western Territory, passed through Alexandria on his way to Philadelphia, and there said to a Gentleman, without assigning reasons, or having them asked, that I should lose my lands on the little Miami in that Country. Never having heard of any claim to it, or being able to conjecture on what ground it can be...