Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 13 February 1793

From George Washington

Philadelphia Feb. 13th. 1793.


Arrangements may be made with the Secretary of the Treasury for the immediate payment of One hundred thousand dollars on account of the debt due from the United States to France.

The statement of the Account between these Countries will, it is expected, be compleated tomorrow; and the balance up to the last of December be ascertained; when the propriety of further, and to what extent advances shall be made will be the subject of further consideration.

The Secretary of the Treasury knows of no settlement between Mr. Jay and Mr. Otto in the year 1789; and conceives if such did take place the document respecting it must be in the Secretary of States Office.

Go: Washington

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 13 Feb. 1793. FC (Lb in DNA: RG 59, SDC). Recorded in SJPL.

Jean Baptiste Ternant’s request for an advance of $100,000 on the debt due from the United States to France is discussed in the Editorial Note on Jefferson’s questions and observations on the application of France, at 12 Feb. 1793.

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