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Results 156981-156990 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The claims in favour of the State of Virginia for guarding the public stores belonging the United States, at Manchester and New London, as transmited by Govr. Munro, are as follows, viz. for guarding stores at Manchester, in the months of Septr. & Octobr. 1800. $543.44 for Do. at New London prior to the 15th. of April 1801 }  410.83 for Do. at New London subsequent to the 15th. of April }...
Will it be proper for me to apply to the chairman of the Committee of ways & means for an appropriation of five or six thousand dollars for defraying the expences of compleeting the line between the Cherokees and North Carolina, and for runing and marking the Chocktaw line, and also for ascertaining and runing the lines of the reserved tracts in the Northwestern & Indiana Territories, or...
Je profite avec empressement de l’occasion de Mr Petit de Villers pour vous envoyer les deux traductions de l’elève de Diderot . J’aurais bien voulu y joindre l’ouvrage sur la Russie, mais je n’ai pas été Jusqu’ici heureux dans mes recherches—Si je réussis à le trouver soyez assuré de ma diligence à vous l’adresser Voici la liste de quelques ouvrages nouveaux que je viens de recevoir De...
Muy Señor mio, y de mi Mayor Respecto me ha sido forsozo dar Fiansa por la Suma de 12 mil $ sobre el Mal Pleyto del Capn Isrrael en el qe he Nonbrado por mi Nuebo defensor á Mr. Dalas Asegurandole qe V.E conoce mi Justicia, y qe desea se me haga y Confio en qe dos Renglones privados á Mr Dalas serán Suficientes para qe aga anular dicho Pleyto, y no dudo Mereser este favor á V.E antes de...
I shall be glad hereafter to recieve your daily paper by post, as usual, and instead of sending on the Republican Watch-tower , you will retain it, and at the end of the year send it to me in a volume bound in Blue boards.—it is proper I should know what our opponents say & do; yet really make a matter of conscience of not contributing to the support of their papers. I presume Coleman sends...
I recieved, my good friend, your letter of May 19. on the 3d. of September. such are the delays to which correspondences across the ocean are subjected. it is true as you say, that I had not written to you for some years; but equally true, my friend, that I had not recieved a letter from you within that time. the reason I presume was the same with both. such was the state of your revolutionary...
I feel that it necessary to apologise for thus encroaching on your valuable time; at the same time you will permit me to return you my most sincere thanks for your very polite attention in transmitting to me, through Mr. Jno. Vaughan, a portion of Vaccine Infection, which has enabled me to introduce this invaluable blessing in this City, & also to extend it very considerably through this &...
Wm. Duane’s respects—No copies of the Country Aurora have ever been reserved, and only ten of the daily paper; if the Daily Aurora will be acceptable, it will be to be ordered from Philadelphia, as none of 1801. are yet bound. No map of Maryland is to be had here. I have ordered two different copies from Philadelphia, which if they should not be acceptable or either of them, can be kept here...
[ca. 23 Apr. 1802] Boston Chronicle Telegraph 3. 3. } Genl. Varnum Connect. American Mercury Bee 2½ 1. } mr Granger Albany Albany register .
It is truly distressing to me to trouble you, at the same time I am bound to do it for the tender thoughts that I have for my little family. I have not been Officially informed of my being disbanded but from information think it must be the case, I am Old and getting rather infirm. I have no trade, nor am I able at this time of day to do any thing for my self or family, therefore do hope that...