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Results 156981-157030 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Agreeable to your Excellency’s direction I have informed myself minutely with the country in the...
Your several Letters of the 23d, 24th & 27th Ulto have been recieved. Agreable to your request I...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We have wrote Capt. Nicholson who will procure you a Passage...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society I had the honour to address you on the 24th Ultimo. Since...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur franklin est prié de se trouver lundi a midi chez...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library This is, as far as we know, the first communication...
AL : American Philosophical Society I have sent you two other Parcels of News papers by Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Basel, January 3, 1778: I have seen in the Pennsylvania...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society <Würzburg, January 3, 1778, in French: I am...
156990General Orders, 3 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court-Martial held 28th ultimo whereof Coll Scammell was President, Captn Courtney...
Colo. Innes having staid a few days longer than he expected, it affords me an opportunity of...
The following hints are humbly submitted to the consideration of your Excellency. The necessity...
I would beg leave to recommend Major Henry Dearborn, who is the Eldest Major in the New Hampshire...
I have been regularly favd with yours of the 28th and 30th of December and of the 1st instant. I...
Every Gentleman of the Army is convinced of the Necessity of recruiting our Troops to a much more...
Yesterday I had the Honor of receiving your Letter of the 1st Inst. which I communicated to...
As some Indian Tribes, to the westward of the Missisippi have lately, without any provocation,...
Great Advantages are often Attended with Great Inconveniencies, And Great Minds Called to severe...
Letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Rendu compte des mêmes rapports de la Lettre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honor of advising you the 29th. ultimo of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’homme est né pour l’homme c’est une verité inconnüe a bien...
157002General Orders, 2 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief, to prevent unnecessary Applications for Furloughs informs the Officers...
You are to proceed to Wms Burg as expeditiously as you possibly can. You will apply to His...
Inclosed you will receive a Copy of a Letter from General Varnum to me, upon the means which...
Captain Hopkins of Colonel Moylans Light Dragoons goes to Boston to procure Cloathing &...
Being appointed by Colo. Moylan to procure cloathing & accoutrements for the Regt against the...
The Continental Forces from Virginia being at present in a situation, that requires the exertion...
I take the liberty of introducing Major John Clark, the Bearer of this, to your notice. He...
I take the liberty of transmitting to you the Inclosed Copies of a Letter from me to Genl Conway...
The inclosed came to my hand only a few days past altho from its date it appears to have been...
I am Directed by a Number of the Genl officers of the Army to Enclose your Excellency a memorial...
Having, with much Concern, been informed that four Regiments of the Light Dragoons of the Army...
The two Battalions from the State of Rhode Island being small, & there being a Necessity of the...
The Inclosed Letter is just come to hand which his Excellency orders to be forwarded to you, that...
Notwithstanding the opposition of our Sentiments & Conduct relative to the present Contest, the...
The year is rendered quite pleasing to me, in its beginning, by the arrival of your favour of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde. Brillon est bien sensible a l’attention de son bon papa...
ALS : American Philosophical Society These are to Request you to give your asistance To Benjamin...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Aubenas, January 1, 1778, in French: A select company in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am desirous of having a little conversation with you, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je m’estimeray bien heureux si vous récévés avec bonté...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je m’etoit flaté mon respectable papa que j’aurois eue...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received a Letter yesterday from Mr. Thornton with the...
157024General Orders, 1 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
As this day begins the new year The General orders a gill of spirits to be served to each...
Arrangement of the Army for the Campaign 1778—& present state of the Battalions this 1st day of...
I have been informed that a number of broad Swords and other horse accoutrements taken in the...
Agreeable to your Exclys request I herewith inclose a Memorial respecting The Salt Works—in The...
It gives me the greatest pain to hear the murmurs and complaints among the officers for the want...
Agreeable to your Excellencys Desire communicated to your General Officers, I have made a few...
I have been duly honored with your several favors of the 23d 24th and 25th ulto with the...