Results 156981-157010 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
156981 Bassett, Burwell Jefferson, Thomas Burwell Bassett to Thomas Jefferson, 20 July 1811 1811-07-20 Your letter of the 17 th ul t has been received and the answering of it thus long delaid. to...
156982 Heston, Jacob Franklin Jefferson, Thomas Jacob Franklin Heston to Thomas Jefferson, [before 20 … 1811-07-20 IN dedicating this book to you, I have many reasons to expect, that I shall escape the censures,...
156983 Morgan, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Morgan to Thomas Jefferson, 20 July 1811 1811-07-20 Your favour of the 11 th Ult o reached me a few days ago covering the papers asked for in my...
156984 Jefferson, Thomas Rives, Robert Thomas Jefferson to Robert Rives, 20 July 1811 1811-07-20 The failure of the postmaster of Charlottesville to forward your favor of the 3 d to Milton , to...
156985 Adams, John Memorandum Preceding Letter to George Wythe, January … 1811-07-21 In the beginning of the year 1776 There was printed, at Phyladelphia, a Pamphlet under the Title...
156986 Adams, John Note Regarding Genesis of Thoughts on Government, 21 … 1811-07-21 In the Winter of 1776 there was much discussion in Congress concerning the Necessity of...
156987 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 21 July 1811 1811-07-21 American vessels are now pouring upon us in floods—I wrote you less than a month since that there...
156988 Barlow, Joel Jefferson, Thomas Joel Barlow to Thomas Jefferson, [received 21 July … 1811-07-21 Mammoth Rye . I recieved it last year from France . it is lately from Asia . I sowed 70 grains in...
156989 Walker, James Jefferson, Thomas James Walker to Thomas Jefferson, 21 July 1811 1811-07-21 I have taken a second consideration on the calculation of the running gears intended for your saw...
156990 Everett, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Everett, 22 July 1811 1811-07-22 I have perused the pamphlet you did me the honor to submit to my perusal last Saturday. It...
156991 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Henry Latrobe, [ca. 22 … 1811-07-22 Mr. Barry has expressed to me Your wish that your Glass should be sent by your Waggon. I will...
156992 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 22 July … 1811-07-22 22 July 1811, Madeira. Acknowledges receipt of the duplicate of JM’s letter of 28 May . “I feel...
156993 Jefferson, Thomas Barlow, Joel Thomas Jefferson to Joel Barlow, 22 July 1811 1811-07-22 I had not supposed a letter would still find you at Washington . yours by last post tells me...
156994 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 22 July 1811 … 1811-07-22 I must ask the favor of you to send me by return of post 200.D. I drew on you the 20 th inst. for...
156995 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 23 July 1811 1811-07-23 “Sirs—The Journal proceeds—1782—November 21, Thursday—Paid a visit to Mr. Brantzen, and then to...
156996 Adams, Abigail Smith Johnson, Abigail Louisa Smith Adams From Abigail Smith Adams to Abigail Louisa Smith Adams … 1811-07-23 your Mother has been So constant in writing that I have been the more remiss. I am glad to find...
156997 Adams, Abigail Smith Smith, William Stephens From Abigail Smith Adams to William Stephens Smith, 23 … 1811-07-23 I hope you will not impute my not writing to you by your son to want of attention to you, or a...
156998 Madison, James Cutts, Richard From James Madison to Richard Cutts, 23 July 1811 1811-07-23 We are at length about to exchange Washington for Montpelier. The morning after tomorrow is fixt...
156999 Madison, James Dearborn, Henry From James Madison to Henry Dearborn, [ca. 23 July] … 1811-07-23 I had the pleasure of duly receiving yours of the 8th. inclosing a Copy of your son’s oration. In...
157000 Cummins, Ebenezer H. Madison, James To James Madison from Ebenezer H. Cummins, 23 July 1811 … 1811-07-23 23 July 1811. Has just heard that “the consulship at Tripoli is without an officer, in...
157001 Thomas, John L. Jefferson, Thomas John L. Thomas to Thomas Jefferson, 23 July 1811 1811-07-23 My Brother Norborn & myself having Commenced a Commission buisiness in this place any...
157002 Wash, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Wash to Thomas Jefferson, 23 July 1811 1811-07-23 M r John T Mason , intends to pass thro’ your part of the Country on his return to Loudon ; and...
157003 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 24 July … 1811-07-24 I write to you, altho it is really with the hope that you may not receive my Letter. I would fain...
157004 Madison, James Russell, Jonathan From James Madison to Jonathan Russell, 24 July 1811 1811-07-24 I have recd. your letter of Jany. 2. with the sketch of a convention arranged between you & the...
157005 Hamilton, Paul Madison, James To James Madison from Paul Hamilton, 24 July 1811 1811-07-24 I have the honor of submitting to your consideration the paper herewith marked A—which exhibits a...
157006 Madison, James Presidential Proclamation, [24 July] 1811 1811-07-24 By the President of the United States, of America A PROCLAMATION. Whereas great and weighty...
157007 Esenbeck, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Esenbeck, 24 July 1811 … 1811-07-24 24 July 1811, Washington. Proposes to convince JM that the president has the power “to settle as...
157008 Mason, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Mason, 24 July 1811 … 1811-07-24 24 July 1811, Indian Office. Informs JM that Samuel Tupper, factor in the trading house at...
157009 Thompson, Benjamin Franklin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Franklin Thompson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 July … 1811-07-24 A sincere and ardent veneration for your person and character, has induced me, to transmit you an...
157010 Warden, David Bailie Jefferson, Thomas David Bailie Warden to Thomas Jefferson, 24 July 1811 1811-07-24 I beg leave to inform you, that I have received the volume for general La Fayette . I shall set...