Results 156981-156990 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your letter of the 17 th ul t has been received and the answering of it thus long delaid. to procure the desired information—. I have this day seen M r Ratcliffe the person named in the letter of Mons r Beauvois . He is a man I have lon g been acquainted with , and I know him to be deserving of confidence. He states that he was sent for to write M r
IN dedicating this book to you, I have many reasons to expect, that I shall escape the censures, which the authors of dedicatory addresses so generally, and so justly, deserve. If you had not retired from office into the peace of private life, this address might have afforded some pretext, perhaps, to charge me with motives, very different from those by which I am actuated. But sir, you...
Your favour of the 11 th Ult o reached me a few days ago covering the papers asked for in my letter of the 22 d March and it appears a further delay is to take place with this unfortunate business— Lieut Peyton is stationed at Fort Stoddard a considerable distance from hence and could not be got here before the Adjournment of our Superior Court which takes place to day The Court opens again on...
The failure of the postmaster of Charlottesville to forward your favor of the 3 d to Milton , to which place I send every post day for my letters, has delayed my reciept of it till this moment. I hasten therefore to inclose you by tomorrow’s post an order on Gibson & Jefferson for the amount of the disbursements which I make 91. D 34 c; altho’ it is probable that my ignorance may have omitted...
In the beginning of the year 1776 There was printed, at Phyladelphia, a Pamphlet under the Title of Thoughts on Government in a Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, if memory serves me. The Gentleman was Mr John Adams and his then a Member of Congress and his Friend now President of the United States and his Friend was Mr George Wythe then a Member of Congress from Virginia and now...
In the Winter of 1776 there was much discussion in Congress concerning the Necessity of Independence, and advising the Several States to institute Governments for themselves under the immediate Authority and original Power of The People. Great difficulties, occurred to many Gentlemen, in making a Transition from the Old Governments to the new, i.e from the Royal to Republican Governments. In...
American vessels are now pouring upon us in floods—I wrote you less than a month since that there had then arrived at Cronstadt forty since the opening of the year’s Navigation; and already the number exceeds ninety, besides as many more at Archangel and the other Russian Ports—They have already glutted the markets untill they are forced to disgorge; but I hear that they are still coming by...
Mammoth Rye . I recieved it last year from France . it is lately from Asia . I sowed 70 grains in my garden. it produced 7483 grains. but they are not so plump as those I sowed. It is heavier than wheat & gives a flour as white. The stalk being more solid than that of common rye it will probably resist the fly. Sow in Sep r — Caspian wheat . recieved with the rye. was extremely plump & heavy,...
I have taken a second consideration on the calculation of the running gears intended for your saw Mill. both for a 10.½ feet water-wheel &. a 15 feet wheel—&. am most in favour of the latter. more particularly as you intend using the small branch the 15 feet wheel will with the same quantity of water drawn on it produce the greatest effect as there will be so many more buckets to act at the...
I have perused the pamphlet you did me the honor to submit to my perusal last Saturday. It furnishes one of those items which prove in detail the general position that has been established in my mind for more than twelve years— That its author was the father of American Independence . In this conviction there is no merit and nothing strange—But to have predicted, while the Patriarch of the new...