Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Willing, 6 August 1794

To Thomas Willing1

Treasury Department, August 6, 1794. “I request that you will furnish William Bradford Esquire with Eight hundred Dollars for a matter relative to the public service.…”2

ALS, Connecticut College Library, New London, Connecticut.

1Willing was president of the Bank of the United States.

2This money was for the expenses of the United States commissioners—of which Bradford was one—appointed to confer with representatives from western Pennsylvania. See H and Henry Knox to George Washington, August 5, 1794, note 3. Documents itemizing the expenses of the commissioners may be found in RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1894, Account No. 6562, National Archives.

At the bottom of this letter Bradford wrote: “Recd the above Wm. Bradford.”

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