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Results 156961-157010 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
156961 Jefferson, Thomas II. Sample Encipherment: The Lord’s Prayer, [18 April … 1802-04-18 1st. Operation, or Original. key of letters. | | 3. key of...
156962 Jefferson, Thomas III. Sample Encipherment: "To the People of … 1801-12-25 152879634 836147259 735841926 312694758 key of lines 831694725 291846375 369285741 825163974. key...
156963 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Anne Cary From Thomas Jefferson to Anne Cary Randolph, 18 April … 1802-04-18 Th: Jefferson to his very dear granddaughter Anne C. Randolph. I send you, my dear Anne, more...
156964 Heer, Bartholomew von Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bartholomew von Heer, 19 April … 1802-04-19 I have the Honour of Informing you that in Justice to myself on or about the 14th Inst. I...
156965 McGurk, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James McGurk, [on or before 19 … 1802-04-10 The Petition of James McGurk Respectfully sheweth— That he has Lately been tried in the Circuit...
156966 Page, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Page, 19 April 1802 1802-04-19 Accept my dear Friend, my sincere Thanks for your Favor of the 2d. instant—& for the friendly &...
156967 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 19 April 1802 1802-04-19 The present occasion by mr Dupont is so favorable, that tho constantly immersed in business or...
156968 Douglas, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Douglas, 20 April 1802 1802-04-20 I return your Treatise on the Kine Pock with many thanks.—You will find it in good order. Some...
156969 Fay, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Fay, 20 April 1802 1802-04-20 At the request of Mr. Rathbone , I take the freedom to mention my acquaintance with his son, who...
156970 Jefferson, Thomas the House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the House of Representatives … 1802-04-20 I transmit you a report from the Secretary of state with the information desired by a resolution...
156971 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: From James Madison, 18 April 1802 1802-04-18 The Secretary of State respectfully reports to the President the information requested by the...
156972 “S” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from "S," 20 April 1802 1802-04-20 In our former presidents administration there was days appointed by that Honourable Gentleman for...
156973 Jefferson, Thomas Volney, Constantin From Thomas Jefferson to Volney, 20 April 1802 1802-04-20 Your friendly letters of 5. & 6. Messidor came both to hand in due time, and soon after them I...
156974 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, 21 April 1802 1802-04-21 The guarding our arms at New London & Manchester stands on totally different ground. the former...
156975 Jefferson, Thomas Nemours, Pierre Samuel Du Pont de From Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1802-04-21 I cherish the hope of seeing you here in the course of the present week as your letter of the...
156976 Eppes, Mary Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mary Jefferson Eppes, 21 April … 1802-04-21 I have written to you twice My Dear Papa by Dr Walker who was prevented the first time from...
156977 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 21 April 1802 1802-04-21 I enclose a rough draft of articles which have been substantially agreed on with the...
156978 Hawkins, John Isaac Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Isaac Hawkins, 21 April … 1802-04-21 Yours of the 13th. inst. was handed me by Mr. Paterson. I should have been much surprised at the...
156979 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 21 April 1802 1802-04-21 Mr Neilson the writer of the enclosed Letter is a Gentleman of respectability in the State of...
156980 Baker, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Baker, 22 April 1802 1802-04-22 The repeal of the late Judiciary carrying with it the potomack district, leaves me no views of...
156981 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, [22 April … 1802-04-22 The claims in favour of the State of Virginia for guarding the public stores belonging the United...
156982 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 22 April 1802 1802-04-22 Will it be proper for me to apply to the chairman of the Committee of ways & means for an...
156983 Dufief, Nicolas Gouin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 22 April … 1802-04-22 Je profite avec empressement de l’occasion de Mr Petit de Villers pour vous envoyer les deux...
156984 Yznardi, Joseph, Sr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 22 April … 1802-04-22 Muy Señor mio, y de mi Mayor Respecto me ha sido forsozo dar Fiansa por la Suma de 12 mil $ sobre...
156985 Jefferson, Thomas Cheetham, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Cheetham, 23 April 1802 1802-04-23 I shall be glad hereafter to recieve your daily paper by post, as usual, and instead of sending...
156986 Jefferson, Thomas Corny, Madame de From Thomas Jefferson to Madame de Corny, 23 April 1802 1802-04-23 I recieved, my good friend, your letter of May 19. on the 3d. of September. such are the delays...
156987 Coxe, John Redman Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Redman Coxe, 23 April … 1802-04-23 I feel that it necessary to apologise for thus encroaching on your valuable time; at the same...
156988 Duane, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Duane, 23 April 1802 1802-04-23 Wm. Duane’s respects—No copies of the Country Aurora have ever been reserved, and only ten of the...
156989 Jefferson, Thomas List of Newspapers, [ca. 23 April 1802] 1802-04-23 [ca. 23 Apr. 1802] Boston Chronicle Telegraph 3. 3. } Genl. Varnum Connect. American Mercury Bee...
156990 Martin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Martin, 23 April 1802 1802-04-23 It is truly distressing to me to trouble you, at the same time I am bound to do it for the tender...
156991 Morris, Gouverneur Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Gouverneur Morris, [23 April … 1802-04-23 Mr Morris presents respectful Compliments and is much oblig’d to Mr Jefferson for his kind...
156992 Jefferson, Thomas Thornton, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Thornton and Others … 1802-04-23 Th: Jefferson requests the favor of Doctr. & Mrs. Thornton & Mrs. Breadeau to dine with him on...
156993 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas Memorandum from Albert Gallatin, with Jefferson’s … 1802-04-01 North Carolina recomnds Laurence Mooney present surveyor of Winton has been absent, in Ireland,...
156994 Carey, Mathew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mathew Carey, 24 April 1802 1802-04-24 Well knowing how much you are liable to be persecuted with the applications of the vain, the...
156995 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 24 … 1802-04-24 On last evening, I had the honor to receive your much esteemed favor of the 7th. Ultimo, together...
156996 Nemours, Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1802-04-24 Votre aimable Lettre ajoute à ma peine parce que je me vois dans l’impossibilité de prendre dix...
156997 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 24 April 1802 1802-04-24 I am prevented from going to day to the office, & beg leave to refer you to the office of the...
156998 Jefferson, Thomas List of Candidates for Appointments, [ca. 24 April … 1802-04-24 State < Wm. Cutting of N. Y. to be a Commr. bkrptcy of N. Y. > [Robert Champlin Gardiner of R.I....
156999 Jefferson, Thomas Nicholas, Wilson Cary From Thomas Jefferson to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 24 April … 1802-04-24 I am anxious to recieve the British convention, because the moment I do, I shall lay it before...
157000 Jefferson, Thomas Oldham, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Oldham, 24 April 1802 1802-04-24 I recieved your favor of the 16th. by the last post, whereby I observe you are engaged on the N....
157001 Patterson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Patterson, 24 April … 1802-04-24 Agreeably to the directions in your favour of the 17th I am getting a stand made for the sextant...
157002 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 24 … 1802-04-24 Your letter of the 16th. and mr Randolph’s of the 9th. both came to hand by the last post. since...
157003 Jefferson, Thomas Rodney, Caesar A. From Thomas Jefferson to Caesar A. Rodney, 24 April … 1802-04-24 I have yet to acknolege your favor of Mar. 15. recd. the 25th. I had hoped that the proceedings...
157004 Dougherty, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Dougherty, [on or … 1801-09-01 What I have to Communicate to you is More than I Can do when face to face so I beg lave to do it...
157005 Jefferson, Thomas Nemours, Pierre Samuel Du Pont de From Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1802-04-25 The week being now closed during which you had given me a hope of seeing you here, I think it...
157006 McKean, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas McKean, 25 April 1802 1802-04-25 If the Bill, altering the mode of appointing commissioners of bankrupts, shall pass into a law, I...
157007 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 25 April 1802 1802-04-25 I returned on friday from Albemarle without having accomplished the object of my trip by the sale...
157008 Austin, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Austin, 26 April 1802 1802-04-26 Having attended the hand of national fulness as long as finances would serve, & having pressed...
157009 Jefferson, Thomas Bauman, Sebastian From Thomas Jefferson to Sebastian Bauman, 26 April … 1802-04-26 The inclosed letter to mr Dupont, it is very important should be put safely into his hand, as he...
157010 Briggs, Isaac Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Isaac Briggs, 26 April 1802 1802-04-26 It was with a high degree of satisfaction, I observed in a letter I lately received from my...