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Results 156951-157000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
On the 29th August I did myself the Honour of addressing you on the Complaint of the Quarter...
I wrote you fully the 28th ultimo; since when I have only received two returns; one of the...
I wrote you last on the 8th. we have still not a word from our envoys. this long silence (if they...
Will you have the goodness to order me a copy of a patent to Peter Jefferson for 400. acres of...
By Mr. Tailor, who has promised me to deliver this with his own hand to you, or distroy it if...
156956[Diary entry: 5 August 1769] (Washington Papers)
5. Prosecuted our Journey to the springs (by Jacob Hites). Bated at Opeekon and lodged at Joshua...
Par devant Les Conseillers du Roy, Notaires au Chatelet de Paris, Soussignés Fut Present Haut et...
The bearer hereof Mr. Samuel Pleasants, being desirous of being made known to you on account of...
Your favor of Mar. 25. is recieved and I thank you for the offer it makes. I had desired mr...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il faudroit que je fusse bien ingrat pour ne pas dans ce...
Mr Secretary Graham has solicited of me a letter as an introduction to you, he has so great a...
I inclose you Oldham’s letter. the settlement of his and Nielson’s acc ts I leave to yourself...
The Case which I had Yesterday the Honor of recieving from you, gave occasion to the following...
Since writing my letter of the 20th instant, in which I mentioned to you the joint desire of Mr....
ALS : Yale University Library I received my dear Friend’s Letter of the 8th past, and should have...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President of the U. States and...
I have received your letter of the 21st. of Febuary I have no scruples of conscience, and no...
MS account books: American Philosophical Society December 10, 1764 As Franklin had done when he...
The Ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America by the State of Rhode Island...
156970[Diary entry: 23 October 1795] (Washington Papers)
23. Clear.
Mr Lear, my Secretary, being from our lodgings on business, one of my Servants came into the room...
I have been longer in acknoleging the reciept of your favor of May 28. 96. than I would have been...
14 February 1805, “Committee Room.” “With a view to a subject referred to the Committee of...
I received a few days since your favour of the 28th. ulto: with the very interesting account of...
Your well known love of Science induces me to adress myself to you on a subject, which I hope you...
In my last I informed Your Excellency that I had made Proposals to a certain Person (formerly an...
ALS : British Library I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me this Morning...
At the Request of Mr. Samuel T. Anderson who intermarried with my Daughter Caroline, I inclose...
156979[Diary entry: 2 July 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 2d. Thermometer at 68 in the Morning—78 at Noon and 76 at Night. A little rain fell in...
Paris, 1 Feb. 1786 . Informs TJ that a 60-day bill drawn by Carmichael on 24 Nov. 1785 for 4,500...
Finding on my return from a little ride, that the post was here without my having recd a key to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Convinced that His Excellencys time is too much (Just now)...
Yours by Bob came safe to hand sometime in July last. We are much oblig’d to you for the good...
[ July 23, 1791. On September 1, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Foster : “I have had the pleasure of...
J. Monroe has the pleasure to submit to mr Jefferson ’s perusal a letter from Judge Bland , on S...
It is with pleasure I acquaint you with my safe arrival in the United States from Liverpool in...
ALS (facsimile): Massachusetts Historical Society Altho’ I have not the pleasure either of a...
Your letter of the 24 Decr. as also that of the 19th Jany. last inclosing sundry papers came safe...
I have the pleasure to return you your correspondence with the directors of the Rivanna company...
156990General Orders, 19 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW’s aide Maj. Caleb Gibbs paid £32 New York currency, equal to $80,...
With not less pain than you communicate it, I receive the information contained in your letter of...
I have determined upon a plan of operations for the reduction of the City and Garrison of New...
When I had the pleasure of writing you last fall, you spoke so kindly of my Father that I have...
I write these Lines to acknowlege yours from S t . Ildefonso of the twenty eighth of September....
I am favor’d with yours of 18th Ulto & upon perusing your Letter to Genl Howe, am sorry to find...
156996[Diary entry: 2 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
2. At Fredericksburg all day.
Several letters recieved from you have proven that your mind is placed in a state of considerable...
156998Acct. of the Weather in August [1770] (Washington Papers)
Augt. 1. Clear with the Wind very fresh from the So. West but very warm notwithstanding. 2. Again...
I am favoured wth yours of the 26 April Last year Accquainting me that the Six hhds of wc. you...
12 March 1813, New York. “The Petition of John Taylor of the City of New York Grocer....