Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 16 April 1802

To George Jefferson

Washington Apr. 16. 1802.

Dear Sir

By a vessel sailing this day for Norfolk mr Barnes sends 16. packages of groceries &c addressed to mr Taylor, to be sent on to you. these being for use while I shall be at Monticello I must pray you to forward them by the first boat, as they will, with good luck, only arrive in time for me. accept assurances of my affectionate esteem

Th: Jefferson

PrC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr. George Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Recorded in SJL with notation “Groceries go off this day.”

VESSEL SAILING THIS DAY: John Farrall, master of the sloop Three Sisters, in port at Georgetown, received 16 marked and numbered packages from John Barnes on 15 Apr. to be delivered to James Taylor, Jr., merchant at Norfolk. Farrall charged $4 for the shipment (bill of lading in CSmH; printed form, with blanks filled by a purser or clerk, signed by Farrall; endorsed by Barnes as sent to Taylor “for Richmond” on account of the president; endorsed as paid in full by same purser or clerk; endorsed by TJ: “Farral”).

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