Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Philip Ludwell Grymes, 16 April 1802

To Philip Ludwell Grymes

Washington Apr. 16. 1802.

Dear Sir

Your’s of the 11th. is recieved. I find that writing to mr Windham Grymes at the same time as to yourself, I have by mistake mentioned to both that I had inclosed mr Jennings’s letter, whereas I had but one to inclose, and that probably went to mr W. Grymes. Mr Jennings expressing a doubt therein how a particular expression in the will might be construed by our laws, mentioned what the testatrice intended by it. I answered him that our law was the same as the English on that subject, & as the expression in the will would effect her intention in England, it would probably do the same here. Accept my assurances of respect and friendly consideration.

Th: Jefferson

PrC (MHi); at foot of text: “Philip L. Grymes esq.”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso.

YOUR’S OF THE 11TH.: Grymes to TJ, 11 Apr. 1802, has not been found but is recorded in SJL as received from Brandon on 15 Apr.

AT THE SAME TIME: on 30 Mch. 1802, TJ wrote to both Charles Wyndham Grymes and Philip Ludwell Grymes.

I ANSWERED HIM: TJ to Edmund Jenings, 21 July 1801.

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