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Results 156901-156950 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
156901 Jay, John Montmorin de Saint-Hérem, Armand Marc, Comte de From John Jay to Montmorin, 26 June [–19 July] 1782 1782-06-26 I devote the first Leisure moment which has occurred since my arrival, to the Pleasure of writing...
156902 Madison, James JM Treaty privileges of ships of war in foreign ports … 1807-10-01 1. P 34. no right to visit for municipal objects See Resoln. of H. of Comms & H of L in 1739....
156903 Stewart, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Stewart, 23 June 1778 1778-06-23 Col. Wadsworth & my Self after arranging our business in Philada left that City this day at Ten...
156904 Lewis, Howell Washington, George To George Washington from Howell Lewis, 31 July 1793 1793-07-31 Having gon round to all the different Farms Since writing you last, I am now about to give you...
156905 Randolph, Ellen Wayles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ellen Wayles Randolph, 22 … 1805-02-22 I recieved your letter and am very much obliged to you for it, as it is very seldom that I get...
156906 Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, conde de American Commissioners The Conde de Aranda to the American Commissioners, with … 1784-09-27 Antes de ayer recibi la carta de V. S as. del 22 por mano del S r. Humphreys Secretarío de la...
156907 Jones, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Jones, 15 November … 1782-11-15 ALS : American Philosophical Society I should have hastened, if an earlier opportunity had...
156908 Smith, James Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from James Smith, [between 27 … 1778-12-27 AL : American Philosophical Society It is requested by Doctor Smith that the “Articles...
156909 Taylor, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Taylor, 10 January 1811 1811-01-10 I promised to drop you a line on the subject of the petition &c. I did my self the pleasure to...
156910 Fox, Thomas W. Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas W. Fox, 10 May 1802 … 1802-05-10 10 May 1802, Falmouth. Reports arrival of many American ships at Falmouth with cargoes of flour,...
156911 Rutledge, John, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Rutledge, Jr., 4 … 1788-09-04 In the month of September or October last, I do not exactly recollect which, I remember seeing at...
156912 Stow, Joshua Jefferson, Thomas Joshua Stow to Thomas Jefferson, 4 March 1817 1817-03-04 Permit me, in the name of the Soci Connecticut Society for the encouragement of A merican...
156913 Adams, John 17. 1778-08-17 Dined at Chatou, with Mr. Bertin. After dinner went to view the Machine of Marli, which forces up...
156914 Madison, James Hayne, Robert Young James Madison to Robert Young Hayne, 3 April 1830 1830-04-03 I recd. in due time your favor inclosing your two late Speeches, and requesting my views of the...
156915 Mazzei, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 21 April 1780 1780-04-21 The first time I spoke, according to my Instructions, to Dr. Franklin on the purport of my...
156916 Whitner, Benjamin F. Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin F. Whitner to Thomas Jefferson, 7 April 1809 1809-04-07 Well knowing you to be an open and sincere friend and patron of literature, and presuming that it...
156917 Washington, George Howe, Robert George Washington to Major General Robert Howe, 23 June … 1780-06-23 Rockaway Bridge [ New Jersey ] June 23, 1780 . Reports that British are marching in two divisions...
156918 McHenry, James Washington, George To George Washington from James McHenry, 14 September … 1796-09-14 If you have a few minutes to spare I could wish you to examine the within conditions for a new...
156919 Clinton, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Clinton, 21 January … 1782-01-21 Altho’ you was pleased on your leaving the State to express a Desire of hearing from me I could...
156920 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 5 August … 1792-08-05 Since the date of my last dispatch to you of the 1st instant, I have received your Letters of the...
156921 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 November 1772] 1772-11-22 22. Breakfasted at Hubbards, and reachd Fredericksburg about 4 Oclock. Lodgd at Colo. Lewis’s.
156922 Dexter, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Dexter, [October 1791] 1791-10-01 [ October, 1791. Letter not found. ] Dexter was supervisor of the revenue for Rhode Island....
156923 Ternant, Jean-Baptiste, chevalier de Washington, George To George Washington from Jean-Baptiste de Ternant, 8 … 1791-03-08 Permit me to join a few lines to Pages of our friend Mr de la fayette —I think I cannot, under...
156924 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 8 [January] 1797 1797-01-08 I recd. the other day yours of the 16th ult. inclosing a part of paines letter to the president...
156925 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 May 1769] 1769-05-08 8. Warm clear and pleasant. Wind Southwardly.
156926 Stone, David Madison, James To James Madison from David Stone, 24 February 1807 1807-02-24 I am happy so Soon to have it in my power to inform you that I understand from Mr. Joseph Bryan a...
156927 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 April 1762] 1762-04-07 7. Sowed—or rather sprinkled a little of Ditto on the Oats.
156928 Fairfax, George William Washington, George To George Washington from George William Fairfax, 6 … 1757-12-06 I arrived here the 25th of last month since which there has not been an Opportunity to America,...
156929 Howe, William Washington, George To George Washington from General William Howe, 21 … 1777-09-21 There being some wounded Officers & Men of your Army at Howel’s Tavern & the neighbouring Houses,...
156930 Madison, James Hampton, Wade From James Madison to Wade Hampton, 8 November 1802 1802-11-08 The enclosed letter for you has been left in the office of the Secretary of State, & I address it...
156931 Ringgold, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Ringgold, 28 March 1816 1816-03-28 Having ascertained from friends on whose superior judgement I have the greatest reliance, that in...
156932 Madison, James Lawrence, Nathaniel From James Madison to Nathaniel Lawrence and John … 1805-11-06 I have received your letter of the 1st. inst. respecting the capture of the Ship Eugenia, off the...
156933 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John To John Adams from Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 6 … 1819-12-06 Journal 6. December 1819 Our City being reanimated by the return of Congress I shall attempt to...
156934 Gain de Montagnac, Louis-Laurent-Joseph de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Louis-Laurent-Joseph de Gain … 1778-01-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez-moi d’avoir l’honneur de vous adresser le...
156935 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 July 1799] 1799-07-29 29. Morng., Mer. at 74—But little wind, and that Southerly. Weather clear thro’ the day. Mer. 87...
156936 Hamilton, Alexander From Alexander Hamilton to ———, 7 August 1792 1792-08-07 In adjusting the accounts of the contractors for supplying the army with shoes a charge will...
156937 Washington, George United States Senate From George Washington to the U.S. Senate, 8 June 1795 1795-06-08 In pursuance of my nomination of John Jay as Envoy Extraordinary to his britannic majesty, on the...
156938 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1813-05-05 I have made up packets of Letters for this mornings post, to Wiscasset, to N york, to the Valley...
156939 Washington, George Morris, Gouverneur George Washington to Gouverneur Morris, 8 May 1779 1779-05-08 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 8, 1779 . States reasons for favoring a campaign in South....
156940 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1779-08-18 I have received Your Letter of this date. The intercourse which you mention to be carrying on by...
156941 Washington, George Washington, Martha From George Washington to Martha Washington, 12–15 May … 1791-05-12 Letter not found: to Martha Washington, c.12–15 May 1791. On 5 June Martha Washington wrote...
156942 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 14 August 1815 1815-08-14 I recd. duly yours intimating your intended visit to the Sulphur Springs. I hope you will derive...
156943 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 March 1775] 1775-03-19 19. Clear and very pleasant with but little Wind and Southe[rly].
156944 Adams, John Huntington, Samuel From John Adams to the President of Congress, No. 34, 4 … 1780-04-04 Paris, 4 April 1780. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 405–408). printed : various...
156945 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 17 December … 1782-12-17 I do myself the Honor to enclose to your Excellency the Copy of a System for Issuing Provisions...
156946 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 January 1771] 1771-01-16 16. Constant Rain the whole day with the Wind high from the Eastward. In the Evening it Shifted...
156947 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 5 … 1777-11-05 Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 5 Nov. 1777. On 14 Nov. Putnam wrote GW that he had...
156948 Treasury Department Enclosure: [“An Act Making Provision for the Debt of … 1794-08-08 Whereas by an Act passed the fourth day of August in this present year, intitled “An Act making...
156949 Bache, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Bache, 29 March 1803 1803-03-29 I arrived at this place on the 27th. of this month and finding the government occupied in the...
156950 Adams, Abigail Smith, William Abigail Adams to William Smith, 26 June 1798 1798-06-26 Since writing to You, respecting Thomas Welch, I have received last week a Letter from mr Adams...