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Results 156901-156950 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
156901 Jefferson, Thomas the Senate From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 8 April 1802 1802-04-08 In order to satisfy as far as is in my power the desire expressed in your resolution of the 6th....
156902 Voigt, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Voigt, [before 9 April … 1802-03-05 When I had your watch before to rectify, although I saw a fault in it at that time, as it was in...
156903 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 9 April 1802 1802-04-09 The following gentleman are proposed to your consideration, as Candidates for military Agencies :...
156904 Kilty, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Kilty, William Cranch … 1802-04-09 The Case of the United States against Daniel McGinnis Daniel McGinnis having been much beat and...
156905 Randolph, Thomas Mann Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, 9 April … 1802-04-09 Your letter inclosing Captain Lewises memorandum came to me regularly: I return him thanks for...
156906 Jefferson, Thomas Reib, Nicholas From Thomas Jefferson to Nicholas Reib, 9 April 1802 1802-04-09 On the reciept of your letter of Mar. 27. I had a thorough examination of your case made. the...
156907 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicolas Gouin From Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 10 April … 1802-04-10 I recieved yesterday your favor of the 6th. and the books forwarded by mr Duane. La Grange’s...
156908 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas Memorandum from Albert Gallatin, [10 April 1802] 1802-04-10 The paper “Sinking fund” is sent to show Steeles sentiments in 1799 & the project then existing...
156909 Ingraham, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Ingraham, with John … 1802-04-10 The petition of Nathaniel Ingraham of Bristol in the District aforesaid, mariner, Respectfully...
156910 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 10 April … 1802-04-10 Your favors of the 2d. and 3d. are recieved, and I will attend to the having some funds remitted...
156911 Mazzei, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 10 April 1802 1802-04-10 Colle lettere di Milano mi pervengano sul punto che son di partenza le 2 sue dei 29 Aprile 1800 e...
156912 Stewart, Deborah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Deborah Stewart, 10 April 1802 1802-04-10 While your attention is directed to so many, and such important Public objects, I feel...
156913 Wistar, Caspar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caspar Wistar, 10 April 1802 1802-04-10 I have delayed my reply to your favour of March 22d. in order to inform myself more fully...
156914 Jefferson, Thomas Lincoln, Levi From Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln and John Thomas … 1802-04-11 Sentence of death having been passed by the Circuit court of Columbia , against a citizen of...
156915 Ogilvie, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Ogilvie, 11 April 1802 1802-04-11 I am this moment apprised that it is probable you will pass thro’ Stevensburg on the 15th. Inst:...
156916 Edwards, Pierpont Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierpont Edwards, 12 April … 1802-04-12 Shou’d the appointment of commissioners of bankruptcy be by law vested in the President of the...
156917 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, [12 April … 1802-04-12 Ogden versus Tucker Since Mr Ogden applied for those documents, Mr Pearson, the federalist...
156918 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 12 April 1802 1802-04-12 The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the United States the...
156919 Lincoln, Levi Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Levi Lincoln, 12 April 1802 1802-04-12 I have the honor of stating my ideas on the subject submitted to my consideration by your favor...
156920 Mason, John Thomson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Thomson Mason, 12 April … 1802-04-12 Upon examining the authorities I find it settled, at Common Law, 1. That the time and place of...
156921 Mitchill, Samuel Latham Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Latham Mitchill, 12 … 1802-04-12 Permit me to offer you the inclosed Letter which I received by yesterday’s Mail from Albany. I...
156922 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 12 April 1802 1802-04-12 I find among the papers in the council chamber an acct. adjusted by you between Houdon and the...
156923 “Noname Iota” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from "Noname Iota," 12 April 1802 1802-04-12 I had an inclination to address you for some time, I know So much of the Manœuvres of the p....
156924 Patterson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Patterson, 12 April … 1802-04-12 I have been honored with your favour of the 22d Ult. and feel, with a lively sense, the...
156925 Nemours,Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1802-04-13 Les circonstances politiques et commerciales, entre la Contrée à laquelle je dois la naissance et...
156926 Jefferson, Thomas Hawkins, John Isaac From Thomas Jefferson to John Isaac Hawkins, 13 April … 1802-04-13 The Forte piano which you made for me, and which I had great reason to be satisfied with on every...
156927 White, Alexander Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Alexander White, 13 April 1802 1802-04-13 In consequence of what you were pleased to mention this morning I send a rough sketch of a...
156928 White, Alexander Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Draft of a Resolution for the City of … 1802-04-13 Draft of a Resolution for the City of Washington Resolved, as the opinion of the Board that a...
156929 Wilson, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Wilson, 13 April 1802 1802-04-13 I am the unfortunate Claimant for the Ship Mentor; so long yr: Supplicant for Compensation, of...
156930 Jefferson, Thomas Wistar, Caspar From Thomas Jefferson to Caspar Wistar, 13 April 1802 1802-04-13 Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Doctr. Wistar and incloses him a letter from...
156931 Jefferson, Thomas Baldwin, Abraham From Thomas Jefferson to Abraham Baldwin, 14 April 1802 1802-04-14 I have prepared a catalogue for the library of Congress in conformity with your ideas that books...
156932 Jefferson, Thomas Baldwin, Abraham Enclosure: List of Books for the Library of Congress … 1802-04-14 Law of Nature and Nations ✓ Rutherforth’s institutes of natural law. 8vo. Puffendorf devoirs de...
156933 Dufief, Nicolas Gouin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 14 April … 1802-04-14 Vous recevrez sous peu de jours un second exemplaire de l’élégante traduction des Oeuvres de...
156934 Stevens, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Stevens, 14 April 1802 1802-04-14 The Bearer, Mr: O Hebert is an english Gentleman of easy Circumstances, interested in a Patent...
156935 Jefferson, Thomas White, Alexander From Thomas Jefferson to Alexander White, 14 April 1802 1802-04-14 Not yet sufficiently possessed of the state of proceedings respecting the city, I am afraid of...
156936 Jefferson, Thomas White, Alexander Enclosure: Draft of a Resolution for the City of … 1802-04-14 Whereas sundry lots and fractions of lots for building have been laid out on the ground of the...
156937 “Yankey Doodle” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from "Yankey Doodle," 14 April 1802 1802-04-14 I have told you in my last Letter that I Soon Send you another the object of my Letter is that...
156938 Jefferson, Thomas the House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the House of Representatives … 1802-04-15 I now transmit the papers desired in your resolution of the 6th. instant . those respecting the...
156939 Madison, Bishop James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bishop James Madison, 15 April … 1802-04-15 I am greatly obliged to you for your Favour , by the last Post. From the Examination, which I...
156940 Wilson, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Wilson, [on or before … 1801-12-28 Pray your Excellency grant me in some way protection from cruel Delay and wrong; The Committee of...
156941 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 16 April 1802 1802-04-16 I take the liberty of proposing the following gentlemen as Ensigns in the Regiments of Infantry,...
156942 Jefferson, Thomas Grymes, Philip Ludwell From Thomas Jefferson to Philip Ludwell Grymes, 16 … 1802-04-16 Your’s of the 11th. is recieved. I find that writing to mr Windham Grymes at the same time as to...
156943 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 16 April … 1802-04-16 By a vessel sailing this day for Norfolk mr Barnes sends 16. packages of groceries &c addressed...
156944 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 16 April … 1802-04-16 I have lately received, and have to day forwarded to Johnston & Richardson of Norfolk, to be by...
156945 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison’s Report on Claims under Article 7 of the … 1802-04-16 The Secretary of State, to whom has been referred by the President of the United States a...
156946 Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Martha Jefferson Randolph, 16 … 1802-04-16 I recieved with gratitude and pleasure inexpressible, my dearest Father, the elegant medal you...
156947 Rodney, Caesar A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar A. Rodney, 16 April … 1802-04-16 I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance Dr. Joseph McCreery , a young gentleman of...
156948 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 16 April 1802 1802-04-16 Mr Charles Ludlow for whom the accompanying nomination is intended, has been mentioned to me in...
156949 Tilton, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Tilton, 16 April 1802 1802-04-16 The bearer, Doctor Joseph McCrery, who has Just passed the medical school of Philadelphia,...
156950 Boudinot, Elias Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elias Boudinot, 17 April 1802 1802-04-17 The Director of the Mint, being informed by the public News Papers, that a Bill has been brought...