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Results 156901-156950 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
In order to satisfy as far as is in my power the desire expressed in your resolution of the 6th. inst. I now transmit you a letter from John Read, agent for the US. before the board of Commissioners under the VIth. article of the treaty with Great Britain, to the Attorney General, bearing date the 25th. of April 1801. in which he gives a summary view of the proceedings of those Commissioners,...
When I had your watch before to rectify, although I saw a fault in it at that time, as it was in the construction of the movement , (not a defficiency in workmanship,) & not having sufficient experience of the operation of a movement on that construction, I thought it certainly would answer.—But since I have had it my possession this time, I have been more particular in examining, not only the...
The following gentleman are proposed to your consideration, as Candidates for military Agencies : (viz) For the Northern Department Peter Gansevoort , of Albany. For the middle Department William Linnard of Philadelphia. For the Southern Department Abraham D. Abrahams of Savannah. I have the honor to be, Sir, with high consideration, Yr. Obt. Servant RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by...
The Case of the United States against Daniel McGinnis Daniel McGinnis having been much beat and abused by a certain James Carroll and others in the Month of July 1801 Gave information to the Grand Jury and a presentment was made by them at September Term 1801 Daniel McGinnis was recognised in the sum of fifty Dollars with John Barber and Alexander King his securities in the sum of twenty five...
Your letter inclosing Captain Lewises memorandum came to me regularly: I return him thanks for the information and express my gratitude to you for the credit you offerr me with the Georgia merchants. Long sickness or a broken limb should allways be deemed possible and provided for before hand.—Martha received the medal today: the execution is fine but Ceracchi was much better worth copying...
On the reciept of your letter of Mar. 27. I had a thorough examination of your case made. the inclosed papers will shew you the result and that the Executive having done in it every thing which the law authorises, no applications to them can be of any avail to you. I return you the papers inclosed in your letter to me. Accept my best wishes. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Mr. Nicholas Reib”;...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 6th. and the books forwarded by mr Duane. La Grange’s translations are new to me, and I am so much pleased with that of his Seneca, that I will thank you to forward me also his Lucretius with the Latin text. has the Seneca of La Grange been ever printed with the Latin text? if it has I should be glad if you would order it from France. if not, order me...
The paper “Sinking fund” is sent to show Steeles sentiments in 1799 & the project then existing to destroy the sinking fund. Steele did not understand fully the subject & is mistaken as to the application of a particular law; but it is immaterial to the general purpose— The letters from Baltimore give me hopes that we will not be losers by A. Brown’s failure — MS ( DLC ); entirely in...
The petition of Nathaniel Ingraham of Bristol in the District aforesaid, mariner, Respectfully sheweth, That at the February term of the District Court, for Rhode Island District, AD. 1801, an Action quitam was prosecuted against him by John West Leonard , who sued as well in behalf of the United States as of himself for the sum of Dollars:—That said Action was continued from said term to the...
Your favors of the 2d. and 3d. are recieved, and I will attend to the having some funds remitted to you. you will recieve shortly a quarter cask and 2. boxes of wine shipped to you by mr Sheaff of Philadelphia, some nailrod and hoop iron from Roberts & Jones, to which will perhaps be added a quarter cask from Robertson & Brown of Norfolk, all to be forwarded to Monticello, where I expect to be...
Colle lettere di Milano mi pervengano sul punto che son di partenza le 2 sue dei 29 Aprile 1800 e 17 Marzo 1801. Da queste vedo, che sonosi smarrite tutte le mie dall’8 xbre 1797 al 6 xbre 1800, e che le sue pure a me dirette ànno avuta la meda. sorte. Dopo l’indicata mia del 6 xbre 800, nel mandarlene la copia, il 5 Febb. 801, aggiunsi una breve descrizione dei mali della povera Italia, dove...
While your attention is directed to so many, and such important Public objects, I feel considerable reluctance in claiming a share of it for the family of Gen: Stewart, which was known to you, and which I flatter myself you have not entirely forgotten. Permit me however with perfect reliance on your benevolence and politeness, to solicit your Patronage for the eldest son of that family; who is...
I have delayed my reply to your favour of March 22d. in order to inform myself more fully respecting some of the heads of your inquiry— My acquaintance with Dr Barnwell commenced about a year & a half since, in consequence of a communication he made to the A.P.S., which was ordered to be published, but was lost by the Printer. He has since then sometimes visited me, & conversed respecting...
Sentence of death having been passed by the Circuit court of Columbia , against a citizen of Washington county, guilty of an aggravated murder, a question arises Who is to sign the warrant for execution? By the act of Congress 1801. c. 86. the laws of Maryland , as they existed at that date, are in force in Washington county: and by the law of Maryland 1795. c. 82. the Governor of Maryland is...
I am this moment apprised that it is probable you will pass thro’ Stevensburg on the 15th. Inst: On that day, my junior pupils will undergo a public examination in the forenoon, & in the afternoon, original orations will be pronounced by the senior students. Indulging a hope, that you may find it convenient to honour the Academy with your presence, I take the liberty to observe, that few...
Shou’d the appointment of commissioners of bankruptcy be by law vested in the President of the United States, I have to request, that my son Henry Waggaman Edwards , of this city, may be appointed one of the commissioners for this district—He is well known to the Vice-President, and to Mr Granger—I am with the highest respect and most sincere regard Your Obed Servt RC ( DNA : RG 59 , LAR ); at...
Ogden versus Tucker Since Mr Ogden applied for those documents, Mr Pearson, the federalist mentioned in his letter, met Tucker & with another man’s assistance, assaulted & beat him. He was indicted & the federal Judges of the County of Burlington have fined him one dollar — Mr Ogden has called several times for an answer and he must have one. Will you be good enough to look at the two drafts...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the United States the propriety of nominating a proper person to fill the office of Supervisor of the North west District. The duties have been heretofore performed by Thomas Worthington with the commission only of Inspector. But he cannot, without the commission of Supervisor, appoint collectors; and there are at present...
I have the honor of stating my ideas on the subject submitted to my consideration by your favor of yesterday. The Courts of the Columbia District, are national ones created by statute. Their powers are merely judicial, unless in particular instances particularly expressed, or necessarily implied. The mere establishment of these courts did not of course include, a particular extent of...
Upon examining the authorities I find it settled, at Common Law, 1. That the time and place of execution make no part of the Judgment in capital cases 4. Blac. Com. 404. 1 Hal. P.C. 368 . 2 Hawk. 658 2. That the Court having power to give Judgment of death, necessarily possesses the power of awarding execution 2 Hal. P.C. 406. 3. That formerly the Judge of the Court who pronounced Sentence...
Permit me to offer you the inclosed Letter which I received by yesterday’s Mail from Albany. I suspect from what Mr. L’Hommedieu has written to me, that the Conversation about an Association of Agricultural Societies which I heard from you, some time ago , has given rise to that Communication. In the absence of the President of the New York Society Mr. Livingston in France, the functions of...
I find among the papers in the council chamber an acct. adjusted by you between Houdon and the Commonwealth. Perhaps you have a copy of it at Monticello, which may be the document to which you wish to recur before you decide on his claim. If this paper is material it shall be sent to you, tho’ to me it appears as if it cod. not be, as the sole or principal question is, what the depreciation...
I had an inclination to address you for some time, I know So much of the Manœuvres of the p. office that I judged the attempt hazardous at best—if not highly dangerous—I do at this time alter my handwriting as much as possible to make the subject intelligible.—Now, to the point. The most dangerous man belonging to the City, Washington, is J Wheaton, Sergeant . his family is in Canada, his...
I have been honored with your favour of the 22d Ult. and feel, with a lively sense, the obligation I am under for the interest you were pleased to take in behalf of my friend, though the appointment has fallen on another worthy gentleman of the same name. I am not a little flattered with the notice you have taken of my cypher—Your alteration will certainly very much facilitate the labour of...
Les circonstances politiques et commerciales, entre la Contrée à laquelle je dois la naissance et celle qui m’a donné un généreux azyle, me semblent exiger que je fasse en France un voyage, que je colorerai sous des raisons et des affaires réelles de Commerce; mais dont le principal but sera de tenter encore de servir mes deux Patries de mon très grand Zêle et de mes faibles lumieres. Le...
The Forte piano which you made for me, and which I had great reason to be satisfied with on every account but one, has from a single cause become entirely useless, I mean that of not staying in tune. at first it would remain in tolerable tune for a day or two, and I hoped that when all it’s parts should take the set to which they might have a tendency when new, that it would become settled &...
In consequence of what you were pleased to mention this morning I send a rough sketch of a Resolve respecting a subject which I do not feel myself competent to act on I have examined the Essays of Nicholas King while he was in the employ of the Commissioners, and acting under the auspices of Doctor Thornton, from which it appears that their Idea was to carry a Water Street 80 feet wide through...
Draft of a Resolution for the City of Washington Resolved, as the opinion of the Board that a Plan of the City of Washington on which the public appropriations, as they are described in the several Acts of the Presidents of the U States directing the conveyance thereof to the Commissioners; the squares or Parcels of ground which have been divided, or prepared for division, as building lots;...
I am the unfortunate Claimant for the Ship Mentor; so long yr: Supplicant for Compensation, of the British Government for the Destruction of that Ship; and Cargo: in time of Peace; the pursuit of Superior Velocity , in the Sailing of Shipping, caused me to build that Ship; I having been bred in the Mercantile line of Trade from an early period of my life, made the Stepping of Masts, and form...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Doctr. Wistar and incloses him a letter from the Vice President of the Agricultural society of N.Y. on the subject of uniting all the Agricultural societies of the United States by the link of a Central society at the Seat of the Genl. government: to be communicated to the American Philosophl. society. he has recieved Dr. Wistar’s letter of...
I have prepared a catalogue for the library of Congress in conformity with your ideas that books of entertainment are not within the scope of it, and that books in other languages, where there are not translations of them, are to be admitted freely. I have confined the catalogue to those branches of science which belong to the deliberations of the members as statesmen, and in these have...
Law of Nature and Nations ✓ Rutherforth’s institutes of natural law. 8vo. Puffendorf devoirs de l’homme et du citoyen. 2.v. 12mo. Beller’s delineation of Universal law. 4to. ✓ Grotius’s Laws of war with Barbeyrac’s notes. ✓ Puffendorf’s law of nations with Barbeyrac’s notes. ✓ Burlamaqui sur la droit naturelle et Politique 4to. Wolff droit de la nature et des gens. Lat. Fr. 6.v. 12mo. ✓...
Vous recevrez sous peu de jours un second exemplaire de l’élégante traduction des Oeuvres de Senèque, (prix 9 dollars les 6 volumes brochés) & le Lucrèce Latin français. J’ai parcouru avec attention les catalogues des Principaux Libraires de Paris, Il n’y est fait aucune mention d’une Edition de Seneque, traduite par la Grange avec le texte original—ce qui me porte à croire qu’il n’en existe...
The Bearer, Mr: O Hebert is an english Gentleman of easy Circumstances, interested in a Patent Right for a Discovery of a Mode of applying Steam for the Cure of certain Disorders. Altho’ the Discovery is not altogether new, yet I believe the Mode of Application is perfectly so. I am willing for the Good of Humanity to suppose that it possesses all the Virtue attributed to it by it’s...
Not yet sufficiently possessed of the state of proceedings respecting the city, I am afraid of taking up an erroneous idea. I have in the inclosed draught of a resolution expressed my idea of what is wanting to be done at this time that you may see if I view it, according to the fact, & correct me if otherwise. it differs from yours principally in leaving out the part respecting making the...
Whereas sundry lots and fractions of lots for building have been laid out on the ground of the city of Washington which are not yet described by lines on the plan of the city, particularly within certain squares or spaces left open in the sd plan, and the water-lines on the said plan are not exactly conformable with those lines as they exist actually on the ground: Resolved that it is...
I have told you in my last Letter that I Soon Send you another the object of my Letter is that you Shall See how you Shall act in this Case Sir a few day’s ago—an affray took place on board the Spanish brig it Contain’s as follow’s the mariner’s having Consulted a lawyer about how they Could get Paid the Lawyer told them that must keep possesion brig until the monday following when he Should...
I now transmit the papers desired in your resolution of the 6th. instant . those respecting the Berceau will sufficiently explain themselves. the officer charged with her repairs, states, in his letter recieved Aug. 27. 1801. that he had been led by circumstances, which he explains, to go considerably beyond his orders. in questions between nations who have no common umpire but reason,...
I am greatly obliged to you for your Favour , by the last Post. From the Examination, which I have been able, as yet, to give the Work, it appears to contain much valuable Information; & to do real Honour to the mathematical Talents of it’s Author. But for your Goodness, it is probable, I should have remained a Stranger to so interesting a Work; especially as the Americans have not been,...
Pray your Excellency grant me in some way protection from cruel Delay and wrong; The Committee of Claims, put me off the third year, although the Auditor gave me an acknowledgement that the Rice and Claret , I supplied to Comy. General Blains Department, is entered in account in that office, as “Unsettled for.” Mr. Smith, Secretary of the Navy, does not understand my Naval Architecture, or my...
I take the liberty of proposing the following gentlemen as Ensigns in the Regiments of Infantry, in the service of the United States: (viz) Simeon Knight Vermont 1st. Regiment Joseph Dorr ditto. 1st. ditto. George T. Ross Pennsyla. 2d. ditto. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my high respect RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Dearborn; at foot of text: “The President of the United States”;...
Your’s of the 11th. is recieved. I find that writing to mr Windham Grymes at the same time as to yourself, I have by mistake mentioned to both that I had inclosed mr Jennings’s letter, whereas I had but one to inclose, and that probably went to mr W. Grymes. Mr Jennings expressing a doubt therein how a particular expression in the will might be construed by our laws, mentioned what the...
By a vessel sailing this day for Norfolk mr Barnes sends 16. packages of groceries &c addressed to mr Taylor, to be sent on to you. these being for use while I shall be at Monticello I must pray you to forward them by the first boat, as they will, with good luck, only arrive in time for me. accept assurances of my affectionate esteem PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Mr. George Jefferson”;...
I have lately received, and have to day forwarded to Johnston & Richardson of Norfolk, to be by them sent on to Mr. Barnes by the first opportunity, seven dozen of Mr. Macons hams; being all that he can spare. I am endeavouring to make up the quantity you require, and hope shortly to procure such as may be relied upon. The two boxes & Cask of wine from Philada. arrived some days ago, and were...
The Secretary of State, to whom has been referred by the President of the United States a Resolution of the Senate passed on the 12th. day of this month, requesting the President to cause to be laid before the Senate the Amount of claims preferred under the seventh Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce & Navigation with Great Britain, and of the sums awarded by the Commissioners and paid by...
I recieved with gratitude and pleasure inexpressible, my dearest Father, the elegant medal you sent me. it arrived safely with out a scratch even, and is I think a good likeness; but as I found fault with Houdon for making you too old I shall have the same quarrel with the medal also. you have many years to live before the likeness can be a perfect one. Mr R—desired me to tell you that as his...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance Dr. Joseph McCreery , a young gentleman of very amiable character & manners, who has read or rather studied medicine under Dr. J. Tilton of this place a man proverbial for his rigid honesty & inflexible integrity. Dr. McCreery has lately passed his examination as a physician in the University of Penna. & wishes employment in the hospital...
Mr Charles Ludlow for whom the accompanying nomination is intended, has been mentioned to me in terms of very high Approbation, by many respectable Nautical gentlemen—He is intended for the Adams. I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect, Sir, your mo: ob: st: RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text: “President United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from...
The bearer, Doctor Joseph McCrery, who has Just passed the medical school of Philadelphia, presents himself to you, in hopes of the appointment of physician to the hospital, which is to be established at New-Orleans. Much might be said in favour of this young gentleman. I shall only observe that, in addition to the Diploma, which he will receive in May next, I can vouch for his extensive...
The Director of the Mint, being informed by the public News Papers, that a Bill has been brought into Congress for abolishing of the Mint, cannot, consistent with his duty, omit, respectfully to represent the Case of some of the Officers, Clerks and Workmen of the Mint, to the President. The Salaries and Wages allowed in the Mint have not been increased since the first establishment of the...