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Results 156851-156900 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
156851 Madison, James Cutts, Richard From James Madison to Richard Cutts, 16 June 1811 1811-06-16 If I mistake not I have already acknowledged your favor of May 29. which brought the first...
156852 Jefferson, Thomas Bassett, Burwell Thomas Jefferson to Burwell Bassett, 17 June 1811 1811-06-17 I have lately recieved a letter from Mons r Beauvois of Paris , a literary friend & acquaintance...
156853 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 18 June 1811 1811-06-18 As my object is to deposit as much about information concerning an interesting period of our...
156854 Payne, John C. Madison, James To James Madison from John C. Payne, ca. 18 June 1811 1811-06-18 Letter not found. Ca. 18 June 1811. Mentioned in Dolley Madison to Anna Payne Cutts, 20 June 1811...
156855 Barnes, John Jefferson, Thomas John Barnes to Thomas Jefferson, 18 June 1811 1811-06-18 I am without any of your favors since that of the 4 th April — Answered the 15 th — on the 25 th...
156856 Jefferson, Thomas Chisholm, Hugh Thomas Jefferson to Hugh Chisholm, 18 June 1811 1811-06-18 We yesterday got up the wooden frame of our Pier-head compleat, and this morning mr Salmonds...
156857 Wood, William B. Madison, James To James Madison from William B. Wood, 19 June 1811 1811-06-19 I have taken the liberty of informing You of our safe arrival in this country on the 22d of...
156858 Gilpin, Joshua Madison, James To James Madison from Joshua Gilpin, 19 June 1811 … 1811-06-19 19 June 1811, Philadelphia. Wrote to Barlow some weeks ago soliciting through him “the...
156859 Baker, John Martin Jefferson, Thomas John Martin Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 19 June 1811 1811-06-19 I have the Honor to Enclose herewith a packet delivered to me at Cagliary by the professor...
156860 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston From John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 20 … 1811-06-20 The letters by Mr. Ewing have arrived—And among them I have to acknowledge the receipt of your...
156861 Cushing, Hannah Phillips Adams, Abigail Smith From Hannah Phillips Cushing to Abigail Smith Adams, 20 … 1811-06-20 I have not been unmindful of you my Dear Friend, nor of each member of your worthy family since...
156862 Bankhead, Charles Lewis Jefferson, Thomas Charles L. Bankhead to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1811 1811-06-20 I have recieved yours of the 10 June for which both my father and myself render you our gratefull...
156863 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1811 1811-06-20 I inclose an acc t of the sales of 547 bbls of your flour, together with your acc t current to...
156864 Jefferson, Thomas Minor, Peter Thomas Jefferson to Peter Minor, 20 June 1811 1811-06-20 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Peter Minor and sends him a bottle of oil of the...
156865 Wash, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Wash to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1811 1811-06-20 Your letter of the 11 th may reached me by the last mail: from which I learn with considerable...
156866 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 21 June 1811 1811-06-21 As Charité commens par soi même, or as We more elegantly express it, as Charity begins at home, I...
156867 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 21 June … 1811-06-21 I write to you by every opportunity altho I hope you will have left St Petersburgh before this...
156868 Madison, James Gerry, Elbridge From James Madison to Elbridge Gerry, 21 June 1811 1811-06-21 I thank you for your polite communication of the Speech to your Legislature. The solid &...
156869 Armstrong, Captain Madison, James To James Madison from Captain Armstrong, 21 June 1811 1811-06-21 We your brothers and children Send this letter by our grandson and relation, having first talked...
156870 New Bedford, Massachusetts Inhabitants Madison, James To James Madison from the Inhabitants of New Bedford … 1811-06-22 The Inhabitants of New Bedford, legally convened in Town Meeting, Respectfully represent: That an...
156871 Madison, James Presidential Proclamation, 22 June 1811 (Abstract) 1811-06-22 22 June 1811. Declares and makes known under the acts of Congress for the sale and disposal of...
156872 Madison, James Cutts, Richard From James Madison to Richard Cutts, 23 June 1811 1811-06-23 I congratulate you & Mrs. Cutts on the event which has relieved your anxieties; the more so as it...
156873 Madison, James Grand Sachem of the Tammany Society of Chillicothe From James Madison to the Grand Sachem of the Tammany … 1811-06-23 I have received the letter of the 14th. instant which you have addressed to me, in the name of...
156874 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 23 June 1811 1811-06-23 Soon after my arrival here (viz on the 1st. inst) I saw Mr Joy, & delivered to him the letter...
156875 Lee, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Lee, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 Having omitted to mention one or two circumstances to you in the case of my neighbor Mr Yeaton...
156876 Lee, Ludwell Madison, James To James Madison from Ludwell Lee, 24 June 1811 … 1811-06-24 24 June 1811, Belmont. “A relation & friend of mine, Mr. Mordecai Booth of Winchester, wishing to...
156877 Jefferson, Thomas Chamberlayne, William Thomas Jefferson to William Chamberlayne, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 I have been longer than I had hoped in getting my produce to market & sold. it now enables me to...
156878 Jefferson, Thomas Everette, Charles Thomas Jefferson to Charles Everette, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 My funds lying all in Richmond , I inclose you an order on Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson of that...
156879 Granger, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas Gideon Granger to Thomas Jefferson, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 A few days past I rec’d your note acknowledgeing the receipt of my late list of Post offices,...
156880 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 Yours of the 20th was recieved yesterday inclosing my account balance 3128.60 and the estimated...
156881 Jefferson, Thomas Lyle, James Thomas Jefferson to James Lyle, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 The process of getting my flour to market from Bedford and this place, and of getting it sold,...
156882 McGehee, William Jefferson, Thomas William McGehee to Thomas Jefferson, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 your boy came down today while I was in the woods geting timber for the Sithes with a line...
156883 Sharp, Richard Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Sharp, 25 June 1811 1811-06-25 Few letters have ever given me so much pleasure as that which you did me the honor to write in...
156884 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 25 June 1811 1811-06-25 The fortieth American vessel, which has arrived at Cronstadt, since the opening of this years...
156885 Madison, James Gales, Joseph From James Madison to Joseph Gales, [25 June] 1811 1811-06-25 J. M. with his thanks to Mr. Gales returns the newspaper sent him—with an anticipated paragraph...
156886 Keyser, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Keyser, 25 June 1811 1811-06-25 You will please to pardon the Liberty, I have taken, by forwarding you a Copie of An address, to...
156887 Madison, James Napoleon From James Madison to Napoleon, 25 June 1811 (Abstract) 1811-06-25 25 June 1811. Addresses to him a letter of credence appointing Joel Barlow as minister...
156888 Baldwin, Charles N. Madison, James To James Madison from Charles N. Baldwin, 26 June 1811 … 1811-06-26 26 June 1811, New York. “Having issued from the press the first number of a periodical work; the...
156889 Saavedra, Cornelio de Madison, James To James Madison from Cornelio de Saavedra, 26 June … 1811-06-26 26 June 1811, Buenos Aires. “My Son Don Diego de Saavedra will have the honour of placing in Your...
156890 Thompson, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Thompson, 26 June 1811 … 1811-06-26 26 June 1811, Shawanee Springs, Kentucky. Has seen the late act of Congress laying off districts...
156891 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 27 June 1811 1811-06-27 I shall now proceed with that obnoxious Journal:— Monday, Nov. 11, 1782. Mr. Whiteford, the...
156892 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 27 June 1811 1811-06-27 I have sold your last 54 barrels of flour to W m M c Kenzie at 8.½ & 9$. (5 barrels being fine...
156893 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 28 June 1811 1811-06-28 Act 1. Scene 2nd. Mr Adams alone in his Study. Enter B Rush. A: Aye Rush is that you? What is...
156894 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1811-06-28 The very sudden change of the weather last Sabbath, when I was in a high state of persperation;...
156895 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 28 June … 1811-06-28 The considerations which arise out of my engagement with the public in the direction of the...
156896 Blunt, Edmund M. Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund M. Blunt, 28 June 1811 … 1811-06-28 28 June 1811, New York. “Permit my enclosing for your inspection a copy of the Nautical Almanac...
156897 Blunt, Edmund M. Jefferson, Thomas Edmund M. Blunt to Thomas Jefferson, 28 June 1811 1811-06-28 Permit me to enclose for inspection a copy of the Nautical Almanac for 1812—I confess myself...
156898 Chamberlain, James Jefferson, Thomas James Chamberlain to Thomas Jefferson, [received 28 … 1811-06-28 This strange application will, I have no doubt, surprise you, but dire necessity compels me to...
156899 Rush, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Rush to Thomas Jefferson, 28 June 1811 1811-06-28 I enclose you another Attempt to combat a greater enemy to the prosperity and liberties of the...
156900 Smith, William Stephens Adams, Abigail Smith From William Stephens Smith to Abigail Smith Adams, 29 … 1811-06-29 I was much gratified by the receipt of a few lines from you under date of Feby. 11th. enclosing a...