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Results 156851-156900 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
156851 Fenwick, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Fenwick, [on or before … 1802-03-01 Nothing except imperious necssity could actuate my intrudeing mysilfe to you’r notice—Knowing...
156852 Jefferson, Thomas Gourlay, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Gourlay, 30 March 1802 1802-03-30 In a letter to mr Jennings of July 21. 1801. I acknoleged the reciept of his of Feb. 21. and...
156853 Jefferson, Thomas Grymes, Charles Wyndham From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Wyndham Grymes, 30 … 1802-03-30 Mr. P. L. Grymes having informed me that he was appointed guardian to yourself and sisters, I...
156854 Jefferson, Thomas Grymes, Philip Ludwell From Thomas Jefferson to Philip Ludwell Grymes, 30 … 1802-03-30 Your favor of Feb. 25. has been duly recieved. my object in wishing to know when a guardian...
156855 Osgood, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Osgood, 30 March 1802 1802-03-30 Permit me, Sir, to render you my sincere Thanks for the honor you did me in appointing me to the...
156856 Jefferson, Thomas Savage, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Savage, 30 March 1802 1802-03-30 Your’s of the 1st. instant has been duly recieved. I was not aware of the difficulty of placing...
156857 Jefferson, Thomas the Senate and the House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of … 1802-03-30 The Secretary at War has prepared an estimate of expenditures for the army of the US. during the...
156858 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 30 March 1802 1802-03-30 The young gentleman for whom the enclosed is intended, has been recommended by Colo New for...
156859 Jefferson, Thomas the House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the House of Representatives … 1802-03-31 According to the desire expressed in your resolution of the 23d. instant, I now transmit a report...
156860 Mason, John Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Thomas Mason, with … 1802-03-31 I am requested by the wife of Frederick Long to State his Case with a view to submit it to the...
156861 Minor, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Minor of North Carolina … 1802-03-31 as it has been my misfortune as yet not to obtain any Pay due a brother of mine for his services...
156862 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 31 March 1802 1802-03-31 Your’s of the 21st. is duly recieved. Chisolm is now engaged in running up for me 20. brick...
156863 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Francis From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Peyton, 31 March 1802 1802-03-31 The commission of the peace for the county of Alexandria stands thus. George Gilpin, Wm....
156864 Jefferson, Thomas the Senate From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 31 March 1802 1802-03-31 Since nominating to the Senate on the 25th. instant the officers who are to be transferred or...
156865 Jefferson, Thomas Chaudron, Jean Simon From Thomas Jefferson to Simon Chaudron and John James … 1802-04-01 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Messrs. Chaudron and Baralet and acknoleges the reciept...
156866 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicolas Gouin From Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 1 April … 1802-04-01 Since writing my letter of the 23d. I observe in your catalogue Oeuvres de Seneque translation de...
156867 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1 April 1802 1802-04-01 I have read and considered your report on the operations of the Sinking fund and entirely approve...
156868 Jefferson, Thomas Legaux, Peter From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Legaux, 1 April 1802 1802-04-01 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Legaux, and acknoleges the reciept of his letter of...
156869 Nicholas, Wilson Cary Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Wilson Cary Nicholas, [1 April … 1802-04-01 I take the liberty to inform you that I have heard some uneasiness expressed at the arrangement...
156870 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, [1 April 1802] 1802-04-01 The enclosed I have received this morning . There are some incorrect statements in it with...
156871 Coxe, Tench Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Coxe, [before 2 April] 1802-02-17 I am informed that Congress are to rise in the beginning of April, and that the internal Revenues...
156872 Nemours, Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1802-04-02 Je vous prie d’approuver que je mette sous votre enveloppe un Mémoire assez étendu que Je suis...
156873 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 2 April 1802 1802-04-02 I now inclose your account made up to the first of this month, by which there appears to be a...
156874 Jefferson, Thomas Kosciuszko, Tadeusz From Thomas Jefferson to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 2 April … 1802-04-02 It is but lately that I have recieved your letter of the 25th. Frimaire (Dec. 15.) wishing to...
156875 Livingston, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Livingston, 2 April … 1802-04-02 The enclosed paper is I believe the only one printed here which contains the proceedings of the...
156876 Jefferson, Thomas Page, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Page, 2 April 1802 1802-04-02 Yours of Mar. 27. was recieved last night; and the object of the present is to assure you that...
156877 Peyton, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Peyton, 2 April 1802 1802-04-02 William Fitzhugh, Richard Conway, and Thomas Darne, have declined qualifying as justices of the...
156878 Jefferson, Thomas Clinton, DeWitt From Thomas Jefferson to DeWitt Clinton, 3 April 1802 1802-04-03 Th: Jefferson requests the favor of Mr. Clinton’s company to dinner and chess on Tuesday next at...
156879 Nemours, Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1802-04-03 J’ai oublié dans ma lettre d’hier de vous exposer ce que le service des Etats unis a couté à...
156880 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 3 April 1802 1802-04-03 I yesterday forwarded the Cyder and Corks, together with some things written for by Mr. Randolph,...
156881 L’Hommedieu, Ezra Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ezra L’Hommedieu, 3 April 1802 1802-04-03 I have the honor of transmitting to you herewith certain Resolutions of the Society for the...
156882 Jefferson, Thomas the Mississippi Territory House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the Mississippi Territory … 1802-04-03 I recieve with great pleasure the address of your honourable house of the 20th of January, and...
156883 Quarrier, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Quarrier, 3 April 1802 1802-04-03 Imperious necessity actuates me once again to address you, it’s I assure you both foreign from my...
156884 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 3 … 1802-04-03 I recieved Anne’s letter by the last post , in which she forgot to mention the health of the...
156885 Jefferson, Thomas the Senate From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 3 April 1802 1802-04-03 According to the request expressed in your resolution of yesterday I now transmit to the Senate...
156886 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 3 April 1802 1802-04-03 I take up my pen not as heretofore to trouble you about myself or my affairs, but merely to...
156887 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 4 April 1802 1802-04-04 Nicholas Reib is upon me again . I presume the report of the committee of Feb. 11. 96. herein...
156888 Jefferson, Thomas Bartram, John, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to John Bartram, Jr., 5 April … 1802-04-05 I am desired on the part of the Agricultural society of Paris to put the inclosed list of seeds ,...
156889 Bauman, Sebastian Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Sebastian Bauman, 5 March … 1802-04-05 I have the Honor to inform you that the letter for London which you sent me under Cover, came in...
156890 Létombe, Philippe de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe de Létombe, 5 April … 1802-04-05 J’ai reçu, le 1er aoust dernier, la lettre infiniment obligeante dont vous avez daigné m’honorer,...
156891 Jefferson, Thomas the Senate From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 5 April 1802 1802-04-05 Since my message of January 6th. to the Senate I have recieved information that Thomas Sim Lee...
156892 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 6 April 1802 1802-04-06 Lieut: Jesse Lull having been rejected by the Senate, I take the liberty of proposing Peter...
156893 Dufief, Nicolas Gouin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 6 April … 1802-04-06 Mr Duane s’est chargé de vous remettre tous les ouvrages que vous m’avez demandés À l’égard de...
156894 Jefferson, Thomas Giles, William Branch From Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, [6 April … 1802-04-06 I inclose you an extract of a letter from mr Brown to mr Lincoln under whom, acting as Secretary...
156895 Portas, Louis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Louis Portas, 6 April 1802 1802-04-06 Si Votre Excellence, a la bonté de se rapeller, de moy et de m’avoir vû a Sette , lors de son...
156896 Jefferson, Thomas the Senate From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 6 April 1802 1802-04-06 I nominate Henry Potter of North Carolina, now a judge of the 5th. Circuit court to be judge of...
156897 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 7 April 1802 1802-04-07 The inclosed was communicated to me by DeWitt Clinton. he did not say, tho’ doubtless he meant it...
156898 Lillie, John S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John S. Lillie, 7 April 1802 1802-04-07 Your well known candor induses me, although I acknowledge it to be a painful task, to be under...
156899 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 8 April 1802 1802-04-08 I have the honor to enclose a copy of an Act, in relation to the Direct Tax, passed a few days...
156900 Quarrier, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Quarrier, [on or before … 1802-02-02 once again I implore & solicit the extention of you’r benevolence to the unhappy writer of this,...