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Results 156851-156860 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
This will be handed to your Excellency by Mr Francis, a french Merchant belonging to the House from which we have received our ample Supply of Ordnance, Ordnance Stores, Fire Arms &c. He is come over to secure his Remittances, and will I am confident receive that respect from our Countrymen that his assistance afforded at a time of need justly merit. Part of the Cannon and Stores which arrived...
I had the pleasure of receiving your favs. of the 2d and 3d of Novemr by Genl McIntosh who arrived very opportunely to take the command of the North Carolina Brigade, which had wanted a Brigadier very much since the Fall of Genl Nash. The account you give of the numbers of Indians in the Southern Tribes far exceeds any thing that I had an Idea of, and it therefore behoves us the more to...
I Schall make use in this particular instance of the liberty you gave me of telling freely every idea of mine which could strike me as not being useless to a better order of things. There were two gentlemen, same rank, same duty to perform, and same neglect of it who have been arrested the same day by me—as I went in the night around the piquets I found them in fault, and I gave an account of...
A council called for fixing the place to be fortifyed on Hudson’s River has decided Last night that west point is the best place—this post is on the west Shore of the Nort River over against fort Constution Six mile Higher than fort Montgomery 8 mile below New Windsor. we will bar the River with a chain. this Council was called at my request. I have read before these gentlemen a Memorial...
This will be deliver’d to you by the Chevalier de Mauduit du Plessis, who was among the first French Officers that joined the Army of the United States—the gallant Conduct of this young Gentleman at Brandywine, German Town, and his distinguished Services at Fort Mercer, where he united the Offices of Engineer and Commandant of Artillery, entitle him to the particular notice of Congress—he made...
Upon frequent Complaints that Capt. Kennedy’s Residence at his Farm was injurious to the State, & occasioned great Clamours from the People in This Neighbourhood, the Council ordered his Attendance on the Board—they at the same time desired a Gentleman near the Spot, to procure what Affidavits he could respecting Captn Kennedy’s Conduct—He sent us by return of the Express three Affidavits with...
I am favd with yours of the 27th Ulto, and am happy to find that Your Excellency is Convinced, my Conduct has not been such as Represented by Col: Drake—I have ever paid the Utmost attention to the Protection of the Inhabitants; and am Vain enough to think, that they Conceive the Army to be as good Neighbours, as Col: Drake. General Parsons has not Yet Return’d, Tho is soon expected; and till...
Since writing to you this morning on the subject of the prize Brig Symetry, the Regulations of the Feild Officers of the division for conducting the Sale and disposing of the Cargo was laid before me with a letter from the Regimental Surgeons and Mates to Docr Cochran. These Gentlemen feel themselves so much hurt by the discrimination made by these Regulations between them and the Officers of...
That bills relating solely to the raising or disposing of public money in any way whatever are not amendable by the Senate. That in other bills if some clauses or sentences relate to the raising or disposing of public money, and others relate to other subjects, the said clauses or sentences so relating to the raising or disposing of public money are not amendable by the Senate; but such other...
Whereas divers persons, subjects of Great Britain, had, during our connection with that Kingdom, acquired estates real and personal within this Commonwealth and had also become entitled to debts to a considerable amount, and some of them had commenced suits for the recovery of such debts before the present troubles had interrupted the administration of Justice, which suits were at that time...