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Results 156821-156830 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I was in hopes I should not again have had occasion to have troubled your Excellency on the subject of the Hospital at Wilmington: but our distress on the score of money renders it absolutely necessary. The sick are suffering—indeed perishing—for want of Wood and Straw, which have as yet been partially furnished by the exertions of Docr Latimer and the humanity of individuals. As your...
I have the Pleasure of Wishing you Joy on our long looked for Victory or Glorious Independence of that Tyrannical Country. and hope will allways Merit that Goodness which God Almighty has granted us. the People of England in General seems to be very much Dissatisfied that the King has indulged us So much. and even without the Consent of his Parliament. the People of Ireland is Divided. but be...
The office of librarian to the University of Virginia having become vacant by the resignation of mr Kean, and the authority of ultimate appointment being in the Board of Visitors, it becomes necessary in the mean time to place the library under the temporary care of some one; you are therefore hereby appointed to take charge thereof until the Visitors shall make their final appointment. you...
156824General Orders, 16 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The tents are to be carried to the encampment of the troops, and pitched immediately. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Muhlenberg’s orderly book contains different orders for this day’s general orders: “In aid of the supplys of cloathing imported by Congress they earnestly Recommended to the Sevel States to Exert their utmost Endeavour to procure all kinds of cloathing for the comfortable...
I have the honor to submit the military nominations[.] The post is in and no letters from General Williams. I beg leave again to submit Joseph Howell as Accountant to the Department of War and Caleb Swan as Paymaster to reside with the Army. I have the honor to be with perfect respect Your most obedient servant. LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . For the list of nominations, see GW to the U.S....
I view it as an instance of Condescension, that you vouchsafed to answer my letter with your own hand; & the contents were such, as gave pleasure to my heart. I have a letter by me, which I received from President Washington . They lay side by side as precious deposits.— I little thought that I should have occasion to address you so soon again.— Colo. Johonnot of Hampden requested me to write...
As you have considered the question of Constitutionality arising on the Carriage Tax, & I am applied to, on a sudden, to engage in the Argument, if without inconvenience, you could bestow 10 or 15 minutes to hint your Ideas upon the Subject, they will be very acceptable to me. Excuse the liberty I take I am With much respect Your obed hum servt RC ( NHi ). Addressed by Ingersoll to JM, “No....
The brigade, which as Lieut. Col. commandant, I have had the honor to command, being on the point of dismissal, I take the liberty of suggesting, that the officers & soldiers are well instructed in the duties of their profession, & it would be of great public benefit, if as many of them, as might be requisite, should be taken to fill up the corps, government have concluded to retain in...
Your Letters of the 17th. June and 2d. of July have given me great pleasure, perhaps more because they were Unexpected. A Spirit of Jealousy founded on a long Intermission had made me suppose you had totally forgot me? and never Intended again to write a Single Line. I hope the reasons you give for so long silence are by the fine Air of the Hague, and by Exercise removed and that I shall again...
Mr. Barry, late of Washington, having placed his claim upon this government (the subject of your letter to Mr. Bowdoin of June 15 1806) under the care of Mr. Young, I have had frequent consultation with that gentleman as to the best means of bringing it to a settlement. It is the Opinion & wish of Mr. Young that no official application shoud yet be made to the Minister of State, since as he...