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Results 156821-156830 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have now before me your letters of the 16th Ulto & the 5th & 8th Inst. Mrs Washington’s Slippers and Clogs have come safe to hand, the latter, however, are not such as she wished to have—she intended to have had leathern Gloshoes made, and will, by the first convenient opportunity, return the Clogs to Mr Palmer and get a pair of Gloshoes. I am very sorry that you did not get the quantity of...
156822[Diary entry: 16 January 1799] (Washington Papers)
16. Clear. Mer. 38. Wind at No. W. in the Morning but moderate calm and exceedingly pleasant afterwards.
There will be a necessity of throwing up a small Work upon Stoney point to protect the communication by Kings ferry—Colo. Gouvion will go down tomorrow to lay it out. When that is done, you will be pleased to furnish a party from Lord Stirlings Division to assist in executing it. I have wrote to Genl Wayne to furnish a party also from the Infantry —You had best see him and detail agreeable to...
156824General Orders, 29 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief earnestly exhorts the officers of every rank to use their utmost exertions to have the huts completed as soon as possible, that the troops may get comfortably lodged. He also directs a gill of spirits to be served this afternoon to each non commissioned officer and soldier. And as officers may find it difficult and expensive to procure spirits for their own use in camp,...
Letter not found: to Henry Edwin Stanhope, 4 Jan. 1776. Stanhope’s letter to GW of 25 Dec. 1775 is endorsed in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing: “Ansd the 4 Jany 1776.”
156826After Orders, 17 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
After Orders. Lieutenant Thomas, with the Orange Militia, is ordered to Lieutenant Hedgmans post, as all his men have deserted except eight; who are to join the Spotsylvania Militia. Captain Woodford is ordered to Lieutenant Thomas’s post—Lieutenant Bebb, of the Louisa Militia, is to go in pursuit of his men, who deserted all except six men: These six are to join the Carpenters at work. LB ,...
This encloses a copy of my last—written, as you will readily perceive, with much haste as one indication of it, I omitted the stamp of privacy, but you would not, I am well persuaded, consider it as official nor in any other light than as the private sentiments very hastily thrown together of Your obedient and Affectionate ALS , DLC ( EJ : 10633 ). LbkC , DLC : Washington. In this letter of 30...
156828General Orders, 30 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Coll Beauford is appointed to visit & superintend the Hospitals in Jersey—He will apply at the Orderly-Office tomorrow for instructions. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW dined on this date with Congressman Samuel Holten, John Jay, French minister Conrad-Alexandre Gérard, and “about 60 other Gentln” ( Smith, Letters of Delegates Paul H. Smith et al., eds. Letters of Delegates to Congress,...
I have the pleasure to inform your Excellency that the detachment sent against the Mutineers as Mentioned in my last, surrounded them in their Quarters on the Morning of the 27th and demanded an immediate surrender, which was complied with on their part without the least attempt to resist—Two of the principal actors were executed on the spot & the remainder pardoned. From the appearances of...
You are so well acquainted with our Circumstances and Situation that I need not assign any Reason for desiring you to call upon every Colonel within your reach and order him to march whatever Men he may have raised to join the Army immediately. Let a good Officer be sent forward with the first party who may receive and take Care of the Men of his Regiment as they come up. Endeavour to procure...