Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Jonathan & Isaac Shoemaker, 8 June 1811

Account with Jonathan & Isaac Shoemaker

Messrs Shoemaker in Account with Th: Jefferson

 Dr  Cr
1811.  Jan. 15.  To balance by settlement of this day  490.58  
Feb. By order on Underhill    250.
11. To a quarter’s rent due this day   320.1
May 11. To a quarter’s rent due this day  320.  
19. By Bacon’s ord. in favr of Trevilian    82
June 11 To a month’s rent which will be due this day – 4. days    92.473    
June 1. By balance of account of offal to May 7     873.054
8. By additional furnished    8.705
By store account for 2. sacks 1¼ bush. salt    12.
By short allowance for Salmon’s ord. of Dec. 15. 09    36
By facing a pair of Burr millstones    4.
By cambric Etc to McKenny    27
 Balance due Th: Jefferson     62.308
1223.05 1223.059

June 8. 1811.

This is a settlement of all accounts subsisting between us to this day whereon the balance of sixty two Dollars 30. cents is acknoleged due to Th: Jefferson

Th: Jefferson
Jonathan Shoemaker
  June 10.  By a horse 40.
11. By shipstuff Etc  22.30

MS (MHi); in TJ’s hand, signed by TJ and Shoemaker; evidently composed 1 June, revised and agreed to on 8 June, and further amended 11 June 1811; with TJ’s notation on verso: “Shoemaker Jonathan & Isaac. final settlement of June 1811.”

salmon’s: James Sammons. burr stone is a siliceous rock found in France and North America that is used for millstones (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ).

1 TJ canceled an entry in the next row reading “Mar. 22. by my order in favr K. Catlett 50. bush. bran,” with “5” canceled in the credit column.

2Entry interlined.

3Number reworked from what appears to be “106.57.”

4Number reworked from what appears to be “745.70.”

5Entry interlined.

6Entry interlined.

7Entry interlined.

8Number reworked from what appears to be “200.85.”

9Both numbers in this row interlined in place of “1237.25.”

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Edmund; Monticello overseer search
  • cambric search
  • Catlett, Kemp; TJ sells bran to search
  • flour; J. & I. Shoemaker sell search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with Shoemakers search
  • McKinney, James; mentioned search
  • mills; stones search
  • Monticello (TJ’s estate); Overseers at; plantation accounts of search
  • overseers; plantation accounts of search
  • Sammons, James; paid for masonry work search
  • Shoemaker, Isaac; TJ’s account with search
  • Shoemaker, Jonathan; TJ’s account with search
  • textiles; cambric search
  • Trevilian, Mr. search
  • Underhill, William search
  • wheat; ground at Shadwell Mill search