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Results 156801-156810 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Dr. Cr.   1794. 1793. Januy. 3d. To Warrant No. 3322 in favor of Bartholemew Dandridge being for so much paid by Edward Carrington to Andrew Beedles for carrying a Packet of Dispatches from the President of the United States to Mr. Jefferson, 16th. October 1793 13.33 Decemr. 31. By Balance unexpended as ⅌ certified Account rendered under this date, and lay’d before Congress 8,154.50 Feby. 11....
Having acted for several years past under the State laws as Deputy naval officer in the district of Vienna in the State of Maryland, I take the liberty with all becoming respect, to present myself to the president of the United States for the office of Collector for this port. My Brother Mr Adam Muir who is now the naval officer resides at the distance of twenty miles, and as the Bill for...
By this mail I send the sundry newspapers recd. pr. Ship Pacific from Liverpool by which it may be observed that the non importation Law presses very hard upon Great Britain which with the severe operation of the Embargo on account of the scarcity of Bread and her other difficulties will be likely to increase the Current against the present Ministry of that nation beyond their power to...
The inclosed paper will inform you on board what vessell and to whom consigned the small cask I send you goes—it contains Anthony informs me four gammon and one shoulder. I wish I could have sent you more and larger peices but you must be content with what and such as they are. I set out in the morning for Loudoun and Albemarle and shall not return in less than 8 or 10 days. Your letters to me...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives de la Marine Vôtre Excellence a été informé qu’il a été embarqué à Brest, dans le courant des mois d’Avril et May derniers, sur les Navires L’ Achille , Le Maurice et la Marie-Therèse , divers Effets et Marchandises pour le service des Etats unis de l’Amérique Septentrionnale, dont j’ai eû l’honneur de vous faire remettre les Etats détaillés....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je crois ne pouvoir mieux m’énoncer vis à vis de Vous que dans une Langue que j’ai beaucoup désiré d’apprendre, et que je ferai ensorte de cultiver par Goût, je vous Suplie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien agréer mes Dévoirs réspectueux et de m’accorder l’honneur de Votre Protection et Appui dans le Déssein où je Suis d’offrir ma Personne et mon peu de Talens au...
The bearer John Hall, a freeman has been encouraged to apply to you to dispose of one of your female Slaves to whom he was married while he resided in Virginia. The man bears a good Character, and from the number of worthy people in our city who have taken an interest in his happiness, I have no doubt but he will faithfully comply with any engagement he may enter into, to pay the full price...
After I had sealed my letter of yesterday , a mail arrived, bringing me one from mr Cathalan , which informs me that mine to him of July 3. had never got to his hands. as this went thro’ the same channel (the Sec y of state’s office) with mine to you of July 5. it shews that the doubt expressed in your favor of Nov. 9. was real, and that that letter had not then got to hand. it covered one to...
26 March 1802, Washington. “In answer to your communications, as contained in the letter of the attorney Genl. of the Mississippi territory, enclosed by Governor Claiborne respecting claims to vacant lands in that territory, I can state little more than general principles, and a loose opinion on the described cases.… Nothing can be clearer, than that all grants, made by the Spanish Government...
The project of appointing a special commissioner to Great Britain having been … for some time in contemplation, I have necessarily been solicitous to obtain some precise knowledge of the objects of the negociation which will be committed to him. I therefore took occasion from the receipt of your Lordship’s last dispatches and in the course of one or two days afterwards to have some...