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Results 156801-156850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Dr. Cr.   1794. 1793. Januy. 3d. To Warrant No. 3322 in favor of Bartholemew Dandridge being for...
Having acted for several years past under the State laws as Deputy naval officer in the district...
By this mail I send the sundry newspapers recd. pr. Ship Pacific from Liverpool by which it may...
The inclosed paper will inform you on board what vessell and to whom consigned the small cask I...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives de la Marine Vôtre Excellence a été informé...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je crois ne pouvoir mieux m’énoncer vis à vis de Vous que...
The bearer John Hall, a freeman has been encouraged to apply to you to dispose of one of your...
After I had sealed my letter of yesterday , a mail arrived, bringing me one from mr Cathalan ,...
26 March 1802, Washington. “In answer to your communications, as contained in the letter of the...
The project of appointing a special commissioner to Great Britain having been … for some time in...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Some Years ago there was a dispute between Lord...
I have been less diligent in acknoleging the receipt of your favors of Oct. 31. Jan. 10. and Mar....
Thanks for yours of the first and the two Packetts. Who are they who furnish the Aurora with Such...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours of December the 9th. I receiv’d per the...
Philadelphia, 15 Dec. 1779 . Circular letter to the state executives enclosing a resolve of...
This will be delivered you by Major General Greene, whose thorough knowlege of Rhode Island, of...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 23, 1779 . Instructs Armand to proceed to Monmouth to contact...
Our operations may be such in the course of a few Weeks as to render a quantity of facines &...
I receiv’d your Letters of 26th and 29th of June, the day after I wrote to you I was attack with...
I beg Leave to allow me to address you my warmest & most Sincere Congratulations on your...
I was in hopes I should not again have had occasion to have troubled your Excellency on the...
I have the Pleasure of Wishing you Joy on our long looked for Victory or Glorious Independence of...
The office of librarian to the University of Virginia having become vacant by the resignation of...
156824General Orders, 16 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The tents are to be carried to the encampment of the troops, and pitched immediately. Varick...
I have the honor to submit the military nominations[.] The post is in and no letters from General...
I view it as an instance of Condescension, that you vouchsafed to answer my letter with your own...
As you have considered the question of Constitutionality arising on the Carriage Tax, & I am...
The brigade, which as Lieut. Col. commandant, I have had the honor to command, being on the point...
Your Letters of the 17th. June and 2d. of July have given me great pleasure, perhaps more because...
Mr. Barry, late of Washington, having placed his claim upon this government (the subject of your...
I am desired by Mr Hollyday to transmit the inclosed to you, and to request the favor of an...
156832General Orders, 21 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Printed summary ( Calendar of Virginia State Papers , III, 458). The original letter has not been...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous souhaite le bon jour, mon cher Papa, et vous...
The accompanying extract from the occurrences at Fort Jackson, in August 1814 during the...
AL : Connecticut Historical Society; AL : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai recu...
I stated to you the other day in conversations that I believed the directors of the Rivanna...
Monsieur Jefferson a eu l’honneur de recevoir de Monsieur le comte de Vergennes un passeport pour...
I should much sooner have written to you but for the press of business which had accumulated at...
We have the honor to enclose to your Excellency a final report in the case of the Claimants under...
I have recd your favor of the 24th with Copy of Capt. Duncans letter to you and your answer. I...
Calais, 27 Mch. 1801 . While awaiting a passport for Paris, he wishes to congratulate TJ on his...
The petition of John Moore, humbly shews unto your Excellency: That at November Term of 1815 of...
In consequence of a total alteration in our Plans, & the movement of a large Body of Troops to...
A Return of Stores belonging to his Majesty Royall Train Left at the Undermentioned places viz....
12 April 1801, London. No. 10. Encloses copies of correspondence with Lord Hawkesbury about...
I must beg a thousand pardons for not having sooner answered your kind enquiries after Patsy’s...
Without the pleasure of any of yours I referr to my last No. 88. We have no Novelty here...
I would not have you expose yourself to go out in the rain, but when you do go out, John prays...
The situation of your affairs certainly furnishes good cause for your not acceding to my...