George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 4 August 1769]

4. Still at Mr. Washington’s. Mr. Thurston & Lady dining there. Note I was detained this day & yesterday by the Waggon’s which had my Goods in for the springs loosing 2 Hs.

After stopping at Mount Vernon in mid-February of 1768, Thruston had attended the March meeting of the Frederick Parish vestry, Frederick County, where he offered to take the vacant rectorship. The vestry, having given Walter Magowan nine months to take orders, asked Thruston to come back in November. In May 1768 Thruston bought more than 1,000 acres of land in Frederick (now Clarke) County, located between Snickers’ Gap and Warner Washington’s home, Fairfield. Thruston returned to the Frederick Parish vestry in Nov. 1768, accepted an offer of the rectorship, and resigned his post in Petsworth Parish, Gloucester County, the following month. His “Lady” was Ann Alexander Thruston, his second wife, whom he had married in 1766.

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