George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General Steuben, 2 May 1780

To Major General Steuben

Morris Town May 2d 1780

My dear Baron,

My Nephew waits on you to present his thanks for the honor You meant to confer on him, by appointing him one of your Aids—And, at the same time to assign his reasons for declining the favor.1

If he should not be explicit in doing this, when I next have the pleasure of seeing you at head Quarters, I shall not fail to do it myself.

Be assured my dear Sir, that I shall entertain a proper sense of the honor you intended my Nephew, and of the compliment I should have received thereby—and that I am with every sentiment of affectionate regard Yr most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

ALS (photocopy), NjP: Armstrong Collection; ALS, sold by Kende Galleries, Inc., New York, 1947; ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1GW’s nephew George Augustine Washington recently had received a congressional appointment as ensign in GW’s guards (see General Orders, 27 April, and n.3).

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