George Washington Papers

General Orders, 15 January 1779

General Orders

Head-Quarters Middle-Brook Friday Jany 15th 1779

Parole Tigris—C. Signs Thorn. Trim.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

GW was absent from his Middlebrook headquarters from 21 Dec. 1778 to 5 Feb. 1779, having gone to Philadelphia to discuss plans for the new campaign with Congress’s committee of conference. During GW’s absence, the general orders continued to be issued at Middlebrook by Major General Stirling, whom GW had left in command of the troops there (see GW to Stirling, 21 Dec. 1778, first letter, and n.1). For GW’s approval of all of Stirling’s general orders, see General Orders, 6 February.

GW was accompanied to Philadelphia by his secretary Robert Hanson Harrison and his aides-de-camp Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Richard Kidder Meade, and Tench Tilghman. GW’s assistant secretary James McHenry remained at Middlebrook, from whence he forwarded correspondence and other information to GW. Harrison and Meade left Philadelphia in early January to go home to Virginia on leave. They rejoined GW at Middlebrook in late March. Hamilton, Laurens, and Tilghman returned to Middlebrook with GW in early February.

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