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Results 156781-156810 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
When I meet The beattified Spirit I Shall Say to him, with our mutual frankness, “Sir you ought to have added two Chapters to your last Work; one upon Possessions, and another upon Dreams.” In the first, You you should have examined all that has been written by the great Mr Mead, by the little Doctor Mead, and by the learned Hugh Farmer, about Dæmons, Dæmoniacs, and Dæmoniacal Possessions: and...
A dysenteric attack at Georgetown with its effects retarded my journey so much that I did not arrive here till a few days ago. I am free at present from the original complaint, but a little out of order with the piles generated by that or the medicine it required. The Cato in which were the busts of P. Jones and the box of books for myself never arrived till the day before yesterday, having...
156783Council of War, 31 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Head Quarters Prackness in New Jersey the 31st October 1780 Major Generals Brigadiers Lord Stirling Knox St Clair Glover Fayette Patterson Howe Wayne Hand Huntington Irvine The Commander in Chief states to the Council that since he had the honor to meet them on the 6th September last —Sir Henry Clinton has made a detachment from New York estimated at three thousand...
Newport, Rhode Island, December 9, 1793. “By the last Post I was honored with your confidential Communication of the 20th. of Novr. From Appearances here I was fearful some Embarrassment might arise on the Subject of a fit Person for District Attorney for this District. Wishing to be as happy as possible with the Person who should be appointed, and not knowing that my Sentiments might be...
Personally unacquainted as I am with you, I fear that the liberty I take in addressing to you this communication may be deemed a troublesome, perhaps an impertinent intrusion upon your privacy & Leisure. I can well conjecture the frequent demands which are made upon your time, for counsel & information, having relation to the political history & opinions of the country, in the government of...
I had the honor last night of receiving your favor of the 28th. from Goldmine Creek and this morning that of the 29th. I shall be very happy indeed if against such a Superiority of Cavalry you shall be able to keep out of the way of the enemy till you are fully reinforced. I imagine Genl. Weedons observation as to his want of power to call forth the militia respects the Counties round about...
ALS : British Museum The letter below belongs with those above to Cooper of June 8 and to Cushing of December 24, for in each Franklin discusses a different aspect of the constitution as he sees it. In the earliest he stresses the colonists’ recourse of petitioning their sovereign for protection against an arbitrary and corrupt Parliament. In the second he argues that Parliament has no right...
156788[Diary entry: 10 February 1772] (Washington Papers)
10. Clear and Cold—Morning being hard froze with the Wind at No. West. In the Afternoon it got Southerly but still kept cool.
The circumstances and disposition of this Country are such and the Finances so low, that no operations ought to be undertaken unless they convey with them the greatest probability of uccess, especially where they would be attended with an extraordinary accumulation of the public Debt, a failure in that case, would increase the Stupor at present too prevalent, and materially injure our infant...
156790General Orders, 15 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW was absent from his Middlebrook headquarters from 21 Dec. 1778 to 5 Feb. 1779, having gone to Philadelphia to discuss plans for the new campaign with Congress’s committee of conference. During GW’s absence, the general orders continued to be issued at Middlebrook by Major General Stirling, whom GW had left in command of the troops there (see GW to Stirling, 21...
After having laboured with you in the common cause of America during the late war and having learnt your value, judge of the pleasure, I felt in the prospect of a reunion of efforts in the same cause for I consider the business of America’s happiness as yet to be done. In proportion to that sentiment has been my disappointment at learning that you had declined a Seat on the Bench of the U....
I have the Honor to enclose to your Excellency the Copy of an Address to me, from the Generals and Officers commanding Regiments & Corps, together with my Answer to them. These Enclosures will explain the Distresses which resulted from the measures now carrying into Execution, in Consequence of the Resolution of Congress of the 26th of May—but sensibility occasioned by a parting Scene, under...
My Nephew waits on you to present his thanks for the honor You meant to confer on him, by appointing him one of your Aids—And, at the same time to assign his reasons for declining the favor. If he should not be explicit in doing this, when I next have the pleasure of seeing you at head Quarters, I shall not fail to do it myself. Be assured my dear Sir, that I shall entertain a proper sense of...
ALS : Salem County [New Jersey] Historical Society I have wrote you a long Letter by this Vessel, and only add this Line to inform you, that I have receiv’d of your Papers but twice since my Arrival here; and when I want to know what they contain am oblig’d to borrow them of Mr. Neate, who has them regularly. The Reason of this I do not know. I am Yours affectionately Addressed: To / Mr David...
Your favor of the 8th past came duly to hand & the Letter inclosed in it for your Son safely delivered. I have given him a Cornacy in Baylors Regiment of light Dragoons, with which he seems to be pleased, and I have not a doubt will do honor to himself & the Corps, as he is spirited & possesses a fund of good sense, and good humour which cannot fail of rendering him agreeable to the Regiment...
Colo. Lowrey informs me that you are possessed of a horse which he had recommended, previous to your owning him, to be purchased by the President; & that you are willing to part with him for one hundred & twenty five pounds. Altho’ this price far exceeds what the President had an idea of giving for him, yet as he is desirous of obtaining a good covering horse to put on his Estate at Mount...
Le Sincere interêt que vous m’avés inspiré, joint au désir de prouver une vraie Satisfaction à mr. adenet qui aura l’honeur de vous remettre cette lettre, est le motif pour lequel je prens la liberté de vous l’addresser. M. adenet est depuis longtems de mes amis, et un des plus Zelès de ceux de la cause américaine. Il entend parfaitement la langue anglaise et il écrit très bien en Francois....
I this day was honor’d by your favor in answer to mine of the 1st. inst. wherein you were pleased to inform me that "the Arrangements designed by the President relative to the Consulate at Rotterdam, do not permit you to authorize me to return to that place in my former Capacity". A Circumstance which I regret exceedingly. I have asked of the President, what every Man may ask without blushing,...
Tho’ I have not the honour of being personally acquainted with you, I flatter myself this will not be deemed an Intrusion, as it is a measure which necessity and the Advice of My Friends (Mess rs. Johnson & Chace ) have recommended— the Particulars of my Case M r Johnson informs me he communicated to you, during your Short stay in London, but as I have not the Vanity to imagine they were of...
Herewith is inclosed Returns of the Stores in this Division of the Continental Army. I shall immediately send to the Agents to furnish those Articles mentioned in Mr Webb’s Letter of the eighteenth Instant, and shall comply as far as is in my power with all Your Directions therein. As soon as the Regiments are able to march I shall give orders therefor, and immediately retire. I am Your...
Dr. Cr.   1794. 1793. Januy. 3d. To Warrant No. 3322 in favor of Bartholemew Dandridge being for so much paid by Edward Carrington to Andrew Beedles for carrying a Packet of Dispatches from the President of the United States to Mr. Jefferson, 16th. October 1793 13.33 Decemr. 31. By Balance unexpended as ⅌ certified Account rendered under this date, and lay’d before Congress 8,154.50 Feby. 11....
Having acted for several years past under the State laws as Deputy naval officer in the district of Vienna in the State of Maryland, I take the liberty with all becoming respect, to present myself to the president of the United States for the office of Collector for this port. My Brother Mr Adam Muir who is now the naval officer resides at the distance of twenty miles, and as the Bill for...
By this mail I send the sundry newspapers recd. pr. Ship Pacific from Liverpool by which it may be observed that the non importation Law presses very hard upon Great Britain which with the severe operation of the Embargo on account of the scarcity of Bread and her other difficulties will be likely to increase the Current against the present Ministry of that nation beyond their power to...
The inclosed paper will inform you on board what vessell and to whom consigned the small cask I send you goes—it contains Anthony informs me four gammon and one shoulder. I wish I could have sent you more and larger peices but you must be content with what and such as they are. I set out in the morning for Loudoun and Albemarle and shall not return in less than 8 or 10 days. Your letters to me...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives de la Marine Vôtre Excellence a été informé qu’il a été embarqué à Brest, dans le courant des mois d’Avril et May derniers, sur les Navires L’ Achille , Le Maurice et la Marie-Therèse , divers Effets et Marchandises pour le service des Etats unis de l’Amérique Septentrionnale, dont j’ai eû l’honneur de vous faire remettre les Etats détaillés....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je crois ne pouvoir mieux m’énoncer vis à vis de Vous que dans une Langue que j’ai beaucoup désiré d’apprendre, et que je ferai ensorte de cultiver par Goût, je vous Suplie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien agréer mes Dévoirs réspectueux et de m’accorder l’honneur de Votre Protection et Appui dans le Déssein où je Suis d’offrir ma Personne et mon peu de Talens au...
The bearer John Hall, a freeman has been encouraged to apply to you to dispose of one of your female Slaves to whom he was married while he resided in Virginia. The man bears a good Character, and from the number of worthy people in our city who have taken an interest in his happiness, I have no doubt but he will faithfully comply with any engagement he may enter into, to pay the full price...
After I had sealed my letter of yesterday , a mail arrived, bringing me one from mr Cathalan , which informs me that mine to him of July 3. had never got to his hands. as this went thro’ the same channel (the Sec y of state’s office) with mine to you of July 5. it shews that the doubt expressed in your favor of Nov. 9. was real, and that that letter had not then got to hand. it covered one to...
26 March 1802, Washington. “In answer to your communications, as contained in the letter of the attorney Genl. of the Mississippi territory, enclosed by Governor Claiborne respecting claims to vacant lands in that territory, I can state little more than general principles, and a loose opinion on the described cases.… Nothing can be clearer, than that all grants, made by the Spanish Government...
The project of appointing a special commissioner to Great Britain having been … for some time in contemplation, I have necessarily been solicitous to obtain some precise knowledge of the objects of the negociation which will be committed to him. I therefore took occasion from the receipt of your Lordship’s last dispatches and in the course of one or two days afterwards to have some...