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Results 156781-156830 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Our family is as it was; happy & well: the children grow daily & improve in mind proportionally I hope: they do not appear to be naturally deficient and their Mother’s diligence constancy & wit surely never were surpassed. with true attachment RC ( ViU ); endorsed by TJ as received 17 Mch. and so recorded in SJL .
I have the honor to request your Signature to the Warrant herewith enclosed for Samuel Johnson as a Gunner in the Navy, he is now acting on board the Adams, & is well recommended by Capn. Preble. With great respect, I have the honor to be Sir Your mo. obt Sert. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text: “The President”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy Department...
Your letter of the 12th. is at hand. immediately on the reciept of the former one I referred it to the board of Commissioners, the authority constituted by law for originating whatever proceedings respecting this city have been confided by the legislature to the Executive. their opinion , which I approved, was that they could only renew to you the offer formerly made with the approbation of...
I last night reached home from Montgomery Court with the Gout in my foot so bad as to confine me to my room. The Judiciary Bill having finally passed , I now feel anxious to see something doing with the Territorial Bill , but I cannot discover from the papers that Congress are even thinking of it. Mr Peyton is with me and feels equally anxious on that subject. If Constitutionally practicable...
I found your favor of the 28th. ulto. communicating an extract of a letter from Dupont De Nemours relative to the claim of the artist Houdon to be paid the sum which he lost by the depreciation of the assignats in the last instalment which he recd. for the statue of Genl. Washington. I postponed an answer untill I had taken the advice of council by which I am authorised to inform you that...
I took the liberty to send you a valintine by poste the 14th of feby 1802 and I have ben waiting for a answer but receiv none which I have taken the opertunity to informe you where to Send the presant, as you know not where I lived and I hope that you will not take it as a miss for my making so free with your honours name as I am but a poor Girl but honest and has nothing to Suport me but my...
It was with a considerable degree of pleasure that I learned lately, you were benevolently endeavouring to turn the Legislative attention towards the situation of the Citizens of the United States in the Town of New-Orleans. altho not much inclined to prefer warm, to temperate Climates, yet in case there are any regulations formed for that Port, I would be very happy to offer my services as a...
Wishing to send two copies of my book to France, I conceived it would be proper to transmit them through the hands of Mr. Pichon, the French Resident here: Yet, not having the honor of any acquaintance with that Gentleman—and it being very uncertain whether the bearer of this (Mr. Peter Shindel, my next-door Neighbour,) will have an opportunity of calling on him,—I pray, Sir, that you will do...
The Memorial of Elizabeth Chester Most humbly Sheweth That Your Memorialist’s Husband Samuel Chester formerly a Recruiting Officer last American War, during which time he had Enlisted 7,500 Men for the service of the United States and learned them their Exercise, and he has been Dead about 5 Months left me destitute of house or home, as he had nothing himself and Your Memorialist has been...
Nothing but the present disagreeable necessity, compels me to trouble you with this letter, not Knowing who so well to apply to; I have been traveling to the western Country, & the Northward, and have got this far on my way home. (Goochland Cty.) and am under the necessity of saying, I am without money or friends in this place, having the misfortune to have one hundred dollars stolen out of my...
My friend Dr. A. Alexander of the town of New Castle will deliver you this letter. He has long & faithfully served us in our State legislature & has never even during the storm veered a single point from the steady cause of Republicanism. He has also been once our candidate for Governor & twice for Representative to congress. You will receive from him satisfactory information of the State of...
Your’s of the 10th. is recieved, and I have desired mr Barnes to credit mr Short 130. D. as recieved from you, and to place them to my account: so I must desire you to debit mr Barnes & credit me the same sum, to save the risk of actual remittance. it will serve to cover my current calls with you.—I must get the favor of you to send a hogshead of molasses for me to Monticello before the season...
Your favor of Dec. 26. was recieved the 5th. inst. and one of a later date to the Secretary of state has been communicated to me. the present is intended as a commentary on my letter to you of Aug. 28. when I wrote that letter I did not harbour a doubt that the disposition on that side the water was as cordial, as I knew our’s to be. I thought it important that the agents between us should be...
Philadelphia, 16 Mch. 1802. Acknowledging with gratitude the $590 payment for wines, he offers to obtain more wine from Spain whenever TJ may desire. As he prepares to embark for Cadiz on the Patapsco , his bailsman in the lawsuit instigated by Joseph Israel wishes to be released from that obligation. Israel, lacking evidence to support his suit, is dragging out the case by seeking to obtain...
It is with real diffidence that I shall enter upon the duties of Atty Genl of the US should future events induce you to wish it. Highly sensible of the Honor you did me in proposing it I explained to you the true grounds of my fears upon the subject. I shall industriously endeavour to remove them, in these endeavours I indulge myself with the hope of your friendly advice and assistance With...
When your Letter of the 10th Instant reached this place I was in Richmond attending the court of Chancery. it was sent forward, but did not get to Richmond untill I had left that place: the consequence of which has been that I did not Receive it untill to Day; let this my dear Sir, be my apology for an apparent neglect. I will give entire attention to Mr Shorts Interest in the Case you mention...
I wrote to you while Mr Dawson was here that I would wait the arrival of the Frigate that was to bring Mr Livingston , and return by it to America, in preference to the Maryland which you offered me; but the frigate being ordered to the Mediterranean prevented me that opportunity. As it is now Peace, though the definitive Treaty is not yet signed, I shall sett off by the first opportunity from...
Permit me to lay before you the enclosed Certificate. The restoration of the Judiciary System, to that state in which it stood before the Act, lately repealed, was passed, necessarily occasions the State of pennsylvania to become again, an entire judicial district, and, of consequence, that the Office of one of the present Marshalls, must be discontinued. Mr: Smith , reasonably supposes, that...
I recieved last night your friendly letter of the 12th. which shall be answered the first practicable moment. in the mean time I send you Latude which I happen to have here. affectionate salutations. RC (Swann Auction Catalogue, sale 2058, New York, 2005); address clipped: “Doctr. Benjamin [Rush]”; franked and postmarked.
This is merely to correct an error in my last . I mentioned that the brick pilasters should have their Capitals 3. courses of brick high & with 3. projections. but as the Capital should be in height only half the diameter, & that is of a brick and a half, say 13. I. the height of the capital must be of 2. courses only, each course projecting 1.¼ I. so as to make the upper one 2. bricks square....
I have duly received your favor of the 16th. and have in compliance therewith given you credit by Mr. Barnes for the 130:$ received of Mosby for Mr. Short. The cyder has not yet arrived from Norfolk; which however, as yet, is of no consequence, as it could not have been forwarded, in consequence of the low water. There have not I believe been a dozen boats down from Milton in 5 or 6. months. I...
The humble petition of the subscriber I hope will not be thought improper—I am A poor unfortunate Man imprisoned & overcome by the Iron hand of A man of fortune—It may be said i’me not imprisoned by him but may truely date all my present misfortunes through him. The person of whome i’me speaking is A residenter of Georgetown his name is John Threlkeld , he has injured me by taken the most...
Your favor of the 8th. inst. was recieved on the 12th. I am duly sensible of the mark of respect to me which you are pleased to testify by the name you propose to give to the town you are about to establish. it is the more grateful to me as it comes from a person, uninfluenced by personal acquaintance, and who has been able to judge me by my actions, unblinded by the mists of unprincipled...
On the 10th. inst. I wrote to you inclosing a check on the bank of the US. for D. 590.72 the amount of the bill for the last wines you were so good as to send me. not knowing whether you were in Baltimore or Philadelphia, the letter laid by me two days for enquiry, and I then inclosed it to Genl. Smith , asking him to superscribe on it the proper place. I mention this because mr Barnes informs...
The smallest attention to the principles of decorum would have forbid any farther instrusion upon your moments after the very polite note with which you was pleased to honor me; was I not still pursuaded of being capable of rendering essential services to the United States, abroad. From London, the cords of the National dulcimer might be so toutched as to vibrate in favor of our interests in...
In the course of some recent attempts to improve the public mind with our capacities and progress upon the subject of cotton , several ideas, which did not appear fit for present publication, occurd. It appeared of importance that they should be placed before the government however, to be treated according to their discretion. I concluded to make a little historical note upon the cotton...
I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 28th Ulto, covering that of Mr. DuPont and Mr. Barbe-Marbois respecting the business of General LaFayette: The friends of this unfortunate Patriot will feel themselves indebted to your Excellency for your polite attention to this subject; it is certainly important, if any measure should be attempted in his behalf, that the proposition should...
Vous trouverez ci inclus quelques exemplaires du catalogue que je viens de publier—Je me propose de faire venir de France une collection des nouveautés les plus intéressantes dans tous les genres— Si vous avez des ordres à me donner à ce Sujet, soyez assuré qu’ils seront exécutés avec toute la diligence & le soin possible. En vous adressant à moi à present vous seriez Servi probablement en...
I wrote you some days ago , informing you, I was in a disagreeable situation, for want of money in a strange place. I now have the pleasure to say I am releived by the arival of the mail the following evening. please to inclose the inclosd letter directed to Richmond, Va. Yrs Respectfully RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as a letter of 20 Mch. 1802 received 23 Mch. and so recorded in SJL . I WROTE...
Your’s of the 13th. is recieved. I promised in my last I would make enquiry of mr Milledge of Augusta in Savanna on the subject of cotton, because he is a great cultivator of it, in fact the introducer of it there, very accurate & judicious. he says the blackseed cotton is cultivated in the country below Augusta, the green seed above. the former sells for 40. cents when the latter is at 20....
I expected with impatience and received with great pleasure the information & opinion your last favor contained respecting my scheme of removing my slaves to a cotton climate. The importance of it to the future wellfare of my family and to the comfortable existence of such a number of human creatures as I am loaded with the care of, keeps me in constant anxious thought on the subject. In my...
Your letter of the 6th. instant has been duly recieved. I know of no inconvenience which will arise from a knowledge of our intentions to have made mr Trist the successor of mr Steele in the supposed event of his death: an event still considered as more than probable, tho from the nature of his disease he may wear for some time. I confess I would rather the appointment should not take place...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Bailey to accept of some small articles of cloathing for his family, on the score of antient acquaintance . Would it be within the scope of mr Bailey’s plan of gardening for the common market, to make a provision of endive for the ensuing winter, so as to be able to furnish Th:J. with a sallad of endive every day through the winter till the spring sallading...
When lately in Albemarle I found the complition of a chmney in my house delayd by the want of abt. 350. bricks, which were not to be had in the neighbourhood. As the number is too small to burn a kiln on purpose to obtain them and as it may possibly be in my power to replace them sometime hereafter when you may have occasion, if convenient, I will thank you for as many. sincerely I am your...
The inclosed papers will so fully explain to you their object that I need add nothing more than ask the favor of you to state to me whatever you may recollect relative to the paiment made to Houdon in assignats, which may enable us to ascertain & pay what remains still justly due to him on account of the statue of Genl. Washington. Accept assurances of my respect and attachment. RC ( NjP );...
I receive this Instant your Favor of this Date. Were I at Home, I might perhaps find some Memorandum respecting the Transaction which it alludes to. Certainly I should find the Letters I have received, and Copies of those I may have written on the Subject. By the Copy Mr houdon has transmitted , of a Note from Mr Grand, it is evident that he at least must have misunderstood me. Hudon...
Project of a cypher . Turn a cylinder of white wood of about 2. Inches diameter, & 6. or 8. I. long . bore through it’s center a hole sufficient to recieve an iron spindle or axis of ⅛ or ¼ I. diam. divide the periphery into 26. equal parts (for the 26. letters of the alphabet) and, with a sharp point, draw parallel lines through all the points of division, from one end to the other of the...
I recieved your favor by mr Engles . the place desired for him is not given by commission from me, but is a mere appointment by letter from the Secretary at war, and consequently rests solely with him, without my interposition. nevertheless I sent him your letter, and afterwards stated to him the weight of your testimony. you have no conception of the number of applicants for this office. the...
I have lately wrote to the Secretary of State , requesting him to favour me with a reply, so far, as to releive me from doubt & anxiety; whether I may, or may not depend on the justice, or friendship of administration—I require no reasons, or apology—let him but inform me, that he can find others more deserving, & better qualified for any office in his department, & I shall then know what...
The Petition of William Vallance, Respectfully sheweth. That having been in the Service of the United States, on board a Cutter in the Service of the States aforesaid, as first Mate for the space of Twenty Months, the greater part of the Time under the Command of Captn. Isaac Roach and the latter part under Captn. George Price. Had my Sentiments been uniform with Those to whom I was...
What I am now to write about will be in perfect confidence between ourselves. the legislature is likely to establish a marine hospital at New Orleans, where we lose about 400. boatmen & seamen annually by sickness. I think it probable that we shall have a run on us, of recommendations of young men, just from their lectures, unsettled, and without experience, to obtain the superintendance of a...
I recieved yesterday your letter of the 20th. and catalogue. I remark on it a work Jaques le fataliste par Diderot . if it be really by Diderot I shall be glad to recieve it with Chaptal, as also the Systeme de la Nature par Mirabeau, unless you should know that there exists an edition in petit form. in which case I would rather await your return from France, when you could perhaps bring me...
G Granger presents his Compliments to the President and informs him that Marbell Camden was the last Postmaster at Milton—his resignation was lately received. G Granger does not recollect the name of the Gentleman proposed for that office and prays the President to be kind enough to send the name by Bearer. RC ( DLC ); partially dated. MARBELL CAMDEN assumed the office of postmaster at Milton...
Mr. Humphreys by Contract of 27th Septr 1800, was allowed 2000 Dolls ⅌ annm & all his reasonable expences paid, in consideration of his services— RC ( DLC ); undated; in a clerk’s hand; address clipped: “Preside[…]”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy Department on 23 Mch. and “Humphreys to go to recieve ship timber” and so recorded in SJL . In 1800, the United States Navy appointed...
In compliance with the wishes of our Republican Brethren of Kent County in the State of Delaware as enjoined on us by the preceeding Resolves —We Humbly submit to your consideration the following reasons upon the subject of said resolves. Being decidedly of opinion that Allen Mc.Lane esquire deserves not to be continued Collector of the Port of Wilmington in the State of Delaware;—we have been...
Madame d’Irujo presents her respectful compliments to Mr Jefferson, & has the honor to send him by the bearer, two dozen bottles of sweet Paxarete wine, which the Chevalier has spoken of, to Mr Jefferson. Madame d’—. would have had the pleasure to have sent it sooner, but being disturb’d in comeing from Philadelphia; waited till it became sufficiently fine to be presented. RC ( DLC ); at foot...
I had no conception there were persons enough to support a paper whose stomachs could bear such aliment as the inclosed papers contain. they are far beyond even the Washington Federalist. to punish however is impracticable until the body of the people, from whom juries are to be taken, get their minds to rights; and even then I doubt it’s expediency. while a full range is proper for actions by...
The act fixing the military peace establishment of the US. rendering it necessary that the officers retained in service should, in most cases be transferred into regiments different from those to which their commissions attach them, new commissions are deemed necessary for them, as well as for those entitled to promotion, and for the Ensigns newly nominated. the inclosed report from the...
The young Gentleman to whom the enclosed letter is addressed, has been recommended by Mr. Page , for reinstatement in the navy. If you have no objection the enclosed letter shall be forwarded. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 45 , LSP ); at head of text: “The President.” Enclosure: Smith to Hugh Wallace Wormeley, 25 Mch. 1802, informing Wormeley that he has been reinstated as a midshipman in the navy and...
Being informed that your Excellency has been pleased to grant my solicited commission of Consul for the Canary Islands, and that your Excellency Condescended personally to have my petition complyed with in a manner which I do not merit, nor could have expected; beg leave to offer you the homage of my warmest acknowledgements and assurances of my great respect. My Father who is now fast...