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Results 156781-156810 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Our family is as it was; happy & well: the children grow daily & improve in mind proportionally I...
I have the honor to request your Signature to the Warrant herewith enclosed for Samuel Johnson as...
Your letter of the 12th. is at hand. immediately on the reciept of the former one I referred it...
I last night reached home from Montgomery Court with the Gout in my foot so bad as to confine me...
I found your favor of the 28th. ulto. communicating an extract of a letter from Dupont De Nemours...
I took the liberty to send you a valintine by poste the 14th of feby 1802 and I have ben waiting...
It was with a considerable degree of pleasure that I learned lately, you were benevolently...
Wishing to send two copies of my book to France, I conceived it would be proper to transmit them...
The Memorial of Elizabeth Chester Most humbly Sheweth That Your Memorialist’s Husband Samuel...
Nothing but the present disagreeable necessity, compels me to trouble you with this letter, not...
My friend Dr. A. Alexander of the town of New Castle will deliver you this letter. He has long &...
Your’s of the 10th. is recieved, and I have desired mr Barnes to credit mr Short 130. D. as...
Your favor of Dec. 26. was recieved the 5th. inst. and one of a later date to the Secretary of...
Philadelphia, 16 Mch. 1802. Acknowledging with gratitude the $590 payment for wines, he offers to...
It is with real diffidence that I shall enter upon the duties of Atty Genl of the US should...
When your Letter of the 10th Instant reached this place I was in Richmond attending the court of...
I wrote to you while Mr Dawson was here that I would wait the arrival of the Frigate that was to...
Permit me to lay before you the enclosed Certificate. The restoration of the Judiciary System, to...
I recieved last night your friendly letter of the 12th. which shall be answered the first...
This is merely to correct an error in my last . I mentioned that the brick pilasters should have...
I have duly received your favor of the 16th. and have in compliance therewith given you credit by...
The humble petition of the subscriber I hope will not be thought improper—I am A poor unfortunate...
Your favor of the 8th. inst. was recieved on the 12th. I am duly sensible of the mark of respect...
On the 10th. inst. I wrote to you inclosing a check on the bank of the US. for D. 590.72 the...
The smallest attention to the principles of decorum would have forbid any farther instrusion upon...
In the course of some recent attempts to improve the public mind with our capacities and progress...
I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 28th Ulto, covering that of Mr. DuPont and Mr....
Vous trouverez ci inclus quelques exemplaires du catalogue que je viens de publier—Je me propose...
I wrote you some days ago , informing you, I was in a disagreeable situation, for want of money...
Your’s of the 13th. is recieved. I promised in my last I would make enquiry of mr Milledge of...