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Results 156781-156830 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
If Fortification is necessary in any Armies, it is peculiarly so in those, which like ours, from a deficiency in the practice of manoeuvres cannot oppose any to those of the Enemy—being necessitated therefore to receive him on their own ground, they ought always to be protected either by a natural or artificial Fortification, if it were only to have (under favor of the resistance of this...
I am glad to hear, by yours of the 15th instant, that you have been appointed to the Command of the Brigade late Newcombs. From the Character given of you by Genl Green, I have every reason to expect that nothing will be wanting on your part to excite a proper spirit among the people, and to give the most effectual opposition to any parties of the Enemy who may attempt to ravage your Coast. If...
Lieut. General Burgoyne has requested leave for his Assistant Commissary General, Mr Clarke, to proceed to Sr Wm Howe, to lay before him the Accounts of provisions &c. which have been supplied to the Troops of the Convention, those for the Months of November and December having been exhibited. I imagine this is in order to consult General Howe which will be most for their Interest, to refund...
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 8th Instant respecting Captain Dick and a number of American Officers said to be confined in Dungeons in England. It is a Circumstance perfectly new to me, and I shall transmit your Representation relative to Captain Dick &ca to England with my first Dispatches. I am with due respect Sir, your most obedt Servant Copy, in Robert Hanson...
I have consulted with his Excellency Governor Clinton on the best mode of transporting the Cannon from Albany to Pennsylvania. He agrees with me that they will remain perfectly Safe at Albany untill next Spring; and when the ice shall break up in the river, which will be some time in March, to have them brought down by water to New Windsor; and thence across the Country to Pennsylvania. I have...
Col. Hellum of the militia, now a prisoner in Philada, in a memorandum of intelligence sent me this day, says, that an officer of the Anspachers engages to bring off three hundred of that corps, provided the command can be ensured him. He also mentions, that there are several persons throughout the country contracting for horses for the use of the Philada, light dragoons now raising. There are...
I had the honor of your Excellency’s favor of the 10 Inst. respecting the materials sent by the state of Virginia for the use of the troops nothing was left here that had come forward except about 1500 Ells of cloth which I had put into the taylors hands immediatly but As it will be some considerable time before they could be all made here owing to the scarcity of hands as well as that the...
General Knyphaussen having obtained a passport for Quarter Master Major Kitz to go to Fredericksburg in Virginia with a Serjeant & Servant and a Waggon with Cloathing and Necessaries for the Hessian Officers at that place, In order that the same may be safely conveyed, and that no irregularities may attend the execution of this Business, you are to proceed with all convenient expedition with...
I had the Honour of Addressing your Excellency from Horsham Township by Captain Gibbs; the day After we began our Operations in a streight line from the Old York Road, to the River Delaware, and the different Party’s with the Comissarys are Arriv’d this Evening as high as this place; am Sorry to Inform your Excellency few Stock are to be Collected below this, both the Malitia and Philadelphia...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am sorry that the things to which I objected having been continued in the Instructions for Capt. Jones prevent me from giving my signature to them except in the manner which I have the honor to send you. I am Gentlemen with great esteem Your most Obedient Servant Notations in different hands: A Lee to BF. & SD / A. Lee to BF. & SD. Lee’s dissent is...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. & Mrs. Izard present their Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and will have the honour of waiting on him to dinner next Wednesday. Addressed: A Monsr. / Monsr. le Dr. Franklin / à Passy. Notation: Mr Izard In the husband’s hand.
156792General Orders, 17 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
Thomas Bradford Esquire is appointed Deputy Commissary General of Prisoners. His Quarters are at Mr David Havard’s the next house to the Marquis de-la-Fayettes. The Brigadiers and Officers commanding Brigades are to meet this evening at Genl Varnum’s Quarters to consult and agree upon proper & speedy measures to exchange raw-hides for shoes; They will as soon as possible critically review &...
Mr William Smith, is employed in the Continental Service as Deputy Waggon Master—Josiah Kittara as Waggon Conductor—Wm Smith Junior as Sub Conductor—and Thomas Edwards and Amos Evans as Waggoners—the Certificates of their being attached to the Continental Army in these Capacities will be deliver’d to you by Mr Wm Smith who goes in behalf of the rest—and as it cannot be the intention of the...
I begin my Letter to beg your Protection for me and my Country man Mr Zielinski if his side is right as he informed me; But if it is not, tell him Sir that he had better return to his Country, than make confusion to me and others, I should be very sorry to see him Conduct bad in this Country. I beg more of your favour Sir to have me always under your Command and believe my Sincere attachement...
In a Letter from Colo. Ramsey Dated the 11th Instant in the name of the Field officers at wilmington Stating the Nature of Their Claim to the Goods taken in the Brig & Setting forth the Quantity he adds This Paragraph. “A Letter was yesterday Sent to his Excellencey on the Subject Signed by all the Field Officers present it was wrote in a hurrey & I fear for want of a Deliberate & Cool Revisal...
I have received your favor of this morning containing an extract of a Letter written by Colonel Ramsey on behalf of the Field Officers at Wilmington—their Apology Sir is sufficient to do away every thing disagreeable that has past on the subject, and to induce me to attribute their incautious expressions to the causes which they mention. You will communicate this to the Gentlemen by the first...
ALS : South Carolina Historical Society This will be delivered to you by Mr. Carmichael to whom we have committed our dispatches for Congress, and who becoming Acquainted with Mr. Deane soon after his arrival at Paris, travelled to Berlin through Holland and Hambourgh at the desire and Appointment of Mr. Deane and on his Journey rendered very Considerable Services to the United States by...
Extract: American Philosophical Society The Success of Baltimore John Nicols Master coming from Maryland is arrived here yesterday with 140 Hogsheads of tobacco. This vessel was destined for Nantes or Bordeaux, but having been chased by three Men of war without Colours and which we believe to be the three that saild last from Brest, the said Capt. taking advantage of the night got clear and is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettes, et Excuses je vous prie ma liberté de vous adresser cette lettre, et de derober par la quelques uns des Momens si pretieux a vos Braves, libres et courageux compatriots. J’ose Home celebre et vertueux, vous demender un service, qui consiste dans l’instante priere de vouloir bien jetter un coup d’oeil favorable sur ce petit Memoire ci joint, et de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai pas encore reçû l’avis de l’arrivée à Nantes, des sabres que j’y ai fait passer par vos ordres et pour vôtre compte, ils doivent cependant y être parvenûs depuis prés d’un mois. Comme cet avis pourroit encore tarder, je vous serois très obligé de vouloir bien faire solder l’article des fusils, dont j’ai eû l’honneur de vous remettre la facture. J’ai...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur, Monsieur, de m’adresser à vous avec confiance, pour vous prier de vouloir bien me faire la grace de me confirmer, s’il est vrai, comme il m’est revenu de plusieurs côtés, que M. le chevalier de Mauduit duplessis, officier d’artillerie, aujourd’hui au service des Etats unis de l’Amérique, se soit distingué dans les avantages que les...
156802General Orders, 16 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
A Flag will soon go to the Enemies Lines, those Persons who have any things to send to our Prisoners there must have them at the Commissary Genl of Prisoner’s Quarters by next saturday afternoon. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Brig. Gen. Edward Hand’s orderly book includes an order for a “Detail for Fatigue” of 598 men “To be on the Grand Parade Tomorrow Morn’g precisely at ½ past Seven...
I was Honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 29th December inclosing a Return of Colonels Livingston & Cortlandt’s Regiments some Days since—The Contents whereof I have communicated to the Legislature of this State now sitting at this Place & have most earnestly recommended them to their immediate Consideration. I have the Honor to be with the most perfect Regard & Esteem Your...
The disagreable Situation to which I am reduced by the Ravages of the British Troops, will I hope sufficiently apologize for my troubling your Excellency with this Memorial to inform you, that I was appointed a Deputy Commissary under the late Commissary Trumbull and acted in that Department till he resigned, with his Resignation my appointment ceased of Course, being at a Distance from the...
Letter not found: from Joseph Nourse, 16 Jan. 1778. GW wrote Richard Peters on 24–25 Jan. that he had received a letter “of Mr Nourse of the 16th.”
Three days ago I received your favor of the 2⟨9th⟩ Ulto. I had heard before of Colo. Webbs misfortune through various channels and by Letter from himself; and hav⟨ing⟩ written to him fully upon his request to be exchan⟨ged,⟩ it is unnecessa[r]y to enlarge upon the subject. I shall therefore briefly observe, that I could not consent to it, without doing injury to the Officers who have been much...
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 16 Jan. 1778. In a letter to GW of 18 Feb., Lund Washington refers to “your Letter of the 16th of jany.”
Dr. £ s d 1777 To Cash Spent from my leaving Home the 9. Jany. 1777 to my Return 27. Novr 1777 exclusive of every Article of Cloathing and exclusive of a Bll flour sent to my family from Baltimore. 312: 14: 0 To Cash paid my servant for Wages and Expences, by Mrs. Adams 7: 16: 8 To Cash due to Mr. Sprout for Board one Week at £4 Pen. currency 3: 4: 0 To Cash due to Mr. Smith for his Account 1: 12:
I had this Moment the Honour of receiving the Order of the Honourable the House of Representatives of the 14th. instant directing the Gentlemen who the last Year represented this State in Congress, and are now in this State, to lay before the Honourable House an Account of their Expences, while in that service. In Obedience to this order, sir, I herewith transmit, all the Account, which it is...
I was honoured on the 7th. Instant by the Receipt of your favour of the 9th. Ultimo by the hands of Mr. Thaxter. I desired that Young Gentleman to call on me the Morning after he arrived intending to have conversed with him and to have aimed at some plan for procuring a suitable employment for him, but I found that by the Interest of other friends he had been introduced into the Secretary’s...
ALS : National Archives Whereas we understand that Capt. Jones has in View to strike a Stroke upon the Enemy that may be greatly to their Damage, but in its nature not probably profitable to his Ship’s Company, unless some Reward be received from the Congress adequate to the Service done, And we being of Opinion that Rewards in such Cases are not only necessary for Encouragement, but are...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Letter of the 10th. instant mentioned a Book, which I begged your kind Acceptance of. It was: Simlerus de Rebus publicis Helvetiorum . That Book went off this morning, (without my Letter, brought by Mistake to the Post-Office,) by a Merchant of this Place, Mr. Benoit Charpin; recommended to the care of Monsr. Constant, Rüe de Gesvres, a la Tête noire, à...
156813General Orders, 15 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
Colls Humpton and Gibson, Lt Coll Vose & Majors Furnald and Ball are appointed to repair to the several Hospitals in the middle department; They will receive their orders at the Adjutant Genl’s office tomorrow morning—1st Pennsylvania, Poors, Larned’s, Maxwell’s Huntington’s and McIntosh’s brigades each give a Captain, Woodford’s, Scott’s Weedon’s & Varnum’s each a Subaltern for said...
I have thought it my duty to forward to Head Quarters a Certain Hofman Lowrey—that has under the character of beeing one of my horseman robd a number of Poor people—Takes provisions from the poor and Sel’s it for hard money to others. This man and two others have kept up this trade for some time past. I have Delay’d sendg him in expectation of takeing the others It is not in my power to...
As I was appointed by Governor Livingston, to the Command of General Newcomb’s Brigade, I thought it my duty to acquaint Your Exellency with the State of the Militia under my Command—There is about five hundred at this time out in Service, wch has in general proved a sufficient force to prevent any trade or Intercourse between this country & the city of Philada—But we have not in other...
Letter not found: from Archibald Kennedy, Jr., 15 Jan. 1778. GW wrote Kennedy on 20 Jan. 1778 : “I received yours of the 15th last Evening.”
Should it be thought expedient to draw a Body of Men together early next Spring, it will be necessary for us to know precisely what number of Arms we could have ready for such an emergency. I have desired Colo. Flowers to make me a return of all at the magazines under his immediate direction, & have wrote to the Commissary at Springfield to do the like. You will be pleased to make the proper...
From Intelligence which I believe may be relied on, great Quantities of Provisions are carried into Philadelphia by the way of Coopers Ferry. I have given the stricktest orders against suffering this infamous Practice, both to the civil & military officers, in those parts. But I fear Sir, that without your Interference, it will not be suppressed. I have the Honor to be with great Respect your...
The enclosed recommendation of the honourable house of General Assembly of this state, founded on a recommendation of Congress, has been repeatedly under consideration: As we are persuaded that however it may be in other states, we cannot reasonably expect in this state where property is in general very equally divided, that farmers will exert themselves to enlist their neighbours children in...
In a letter from you of the 25th Octobr last, you informed me that twenty three Boats had been saved from the Enemy, besides what were up Esopus Creek, the number of which you did not then know. You at the same time informed me that you should have those put into repair that wanted it, and set the Carpenters at work to build new ones. I shall be glad to hear in your next what number you have...
We had the Honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 29th Ultimo, inclosing a return of the Rhode Island Regiments; it gives us very sensible Pain, when we consider the deficiency in our Battalions, and how impracticable it is for us at present to remedy it. We have ever esteemed it of the highest and most important consequence to have the Continental Battalions compleat, for which...
I Arriv’d with my party at this place last Night, but have been Oblig’d to halt this day as well for to get my men provisions as to Consult with General Potter Col. Stewart &ca Concerning the manner in which we should proceed in driving off the Stock between the Enemy’s Lines and the River Delaware. We have Concluded it is not worth while beginning nearer to Philada than Eight Miles, as the...
The Senate conceive that, in the present Question, it is of no consequence whether the constituent Parts of our Legislature resemble the Lords and Commons of Great Britain , or whether the Senate is made to resemble the House of Lords in this or that Particular. Clearly pointed out as they have supposed the Office of the two Houses to be in the matter on which a Difference of Opinion has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Metz, January 14, 1778, in French: My dear brother went to America during the late Anglo-French wars, and remained at Quebec as secretary to the British governor of Canada. I heard from him several times until your war broke out; since then he sent me two letters by a bearer who, about to be searched at sea, threw them overboard, and could only tell me...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld fait bien des complimens à Monsieur franklyn, en lui envoiant le paquet cijoint qu’il s’est chargé de lui faire passer de la part de M. l’Abbé Rozier. Il le prie de vouloir bien lui mander s’il y a quelque chose de vrai à la nouvelle qui se répandoit hier, que les forts de Mud Island et de Red Bank avoient été pris les 20. et 23....
AL : Bibliothèque municipale, Mantes Mr. Franklin presents his respectful Compliments to M. the Duke of Rochefoucauld; with Thanks for his Care of the Pacquet. The English Gazette which came yesterday gives a particular Account of the taking of those petty Forts about the Time you mention. ’Tis a wonder they held out so long. After sustaining a Days continual Battery from the Cannon of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee presents Compliments to Dr. Franklin. He received the Louis. The London paper is inclosed. That with the Boston papers were sent by Mr. Deane to Mr. A. Lee who carried them out with him yesterday as Mr. W. L. tho’t to leave them at Passi, but it seems he left them with Mr. Izard. They will be sent for today and return’d immediately. Mr. L. is just...
156828General Orders, 14 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Majors of Brigade will deliver a list of the Field Officers in the several brigades to which they belong tomorrow at orderly-time. The Court-Martial which was to sit this day, to sit tomorrow ten ôClock at the Bake-House near Head-Quarters. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Brig. Gen. Edward Hand’s orderly book for this date includes instructions for a fatigue party of fifty-four men “to parade...
I am really ashamed of my long Silence: which has been owing altogether to the Want of Meterials worthy of communicating to you, the same Cause still subsists; but the Fear of your imputing my Silence to the Want of regard & respect; compels Me at present, to intrude a few Lines upon that short Moment, you are allowed by the Multiplicity of your Business, to devote to Freindship, and Society....
Since the date of my last the 5th Inst. I have been honoured by the receipt of Your Excellency’s Several Letters of the 2d 4th 5th & 9th all which, together with Copy of a Letter to Major Genl Gates have been in course reported to Congress—a Sealed packet under Your Excellency’s direction to Genl Gates, I forwarded to day to Reading where I expect it will meet the Genl. Your Excellency will...