Results 156781-156810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I duly recd. yours inclosing a sample from your long fleeced Ewe. I have seen no ⟨way?⟩...
27 May 1811, Philadelphia. “I have received your favour [not found] enclosing a Draft on the...
I Shall continue to write to you altho you may determine to leave St Petersburgh before my...
28 May 1811, Washington. Acknowledges receiving the several parcels of wine sent to him; has...
The inconvenience of my situation as connected with the post office is such as induces me to make...
Letter not found. 29 May 1811. Mentioned in JM to Cutts, 16 June 1811 , as transmitting the news...
My Brother advises me today, that M r Griffin has Applied for a Dft here , for the Bal e due you...
I had the pleasure of writing you last, on the 9th of November, since which I had not enjoyed...
Having been choosen One of the Directors for carrying into effect the Turnpike authorized between...
31 May 1811, New York. “I have been engaged for the last three years in establishing an Extensive...
To receive a Letter from you My Dear Brother, & to be assured that a beloved Sister is recovering...
your two last favours of May 18th & 29th are now before me unreplied to. my apology must be that...
2 June 1811, Lexington, Kentucky. States that the present marshal for Kentucky has decided to...
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 25. ulto. in which you are so good as to...
I have recd. fellow Citizens your address, approving my Objection to the Bill contain[in]g a...
I received on the 29th: of last Month, together with some other despatches from the Secretary of...
I hope, Sir, the occasion of my addressing you personally will be received, as a sufficient...
I have lately recieved a copy of mrs Edgeworth’s Moral ta le s, which seeming better suited to...
I trouble you at this time hearing that my Brother Moses Black of Quincy near Bosten is Dead. And...
W. Rives offers his most respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson, & informs him that he is at...
G Granger presents his compliments to the President—returns Mr. Barbour’s letter, and informs the...
I take the Liberty of Writing to you to Informe you that I Was Prest on board of this Brig the 2...
I Now take the Liberty of wrighting to you to Informe you that I Was Put onboard of this Brig...
Our cultivation of Benni has not yet had entire success. the 1 st year we sowed late & the frost...
6 June 1811, Philadelphia. “I find that Mr. Carrington is returned from Canton & as he may not...
6 June 1811, Darien, Georgia. Gives an account of his life and his efforts to study and become a...
6 June 1811, Buenos Aires. The signatories state that their government, desiring to secure the...
We have since my last received 152 bbls of your flour, which we have been compelled to sell at...
M r Dortic mentioned in your favor of the 23 d ult o was furnishd with a passport, and a packet...
I return the letter from you to D. on the subject of Mr. G. He seems to be incorrigible. If I am...