Results 156751-156780 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have been absent from home these last three weeks, and at my return I found your favour of the 24 ult. unanswered I much regret this circonstance which deprived me to express to you Sooner how anxious I always will be to execute any order which you will have the kindness to give me. I will forward by the first opportunity for Richmond a quart r cask containing a few pounds of fine folling...
Yours of April 11 . was recieved in due time; but as you expressed a wish that your lands should be offered to mr Bankhead & he was gone on a visit to his father & family at Portroyal , I awaited his return. I knew indeed that he had just made a purchase for himself, of the land which was Col o N. Lewis’s , extending from Charlottesville to Monticello
The late french Ambassador at this Court, the Duke de Vicence, has taken leave, and his succesor Count Lauriston has been received—He takes his departure this Evening or to-morrow for Paris, and I avail myself of the opportunity to enclose a line for you, under cover to Mr Russell our Chargé d’Affaires at that place—I have already sent several letters for you and for my brother to him to be...
Shall I be permited to correspond with you as a man fair removed from my one native Country. What was the reson that the Minister from the Spanish Dominions in South America could not be duly received and accredited at the City of Washington. I do not now wright to you for an Office not being authorised to do so—th⟨o:⟩ as a ⟨former?⟩ Nieghbour you will not think me presuming & suffice it to...
I this day forward to you ⅌ stage, a small Box , which M r Milligan of George Town sent to my care.— With best wishes for its safe arrival RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Th. Jefferson Esqr.”; endorsed by TJ as received 22 May 1811 and so recorded in SJL . The box from bookseller Joseph Milligan
I received your favour dated at Baltimore of April 28th, with the Letter inclosed for Mrs Adams, which I had an opportunity of immediatly forwarding by a vessel which saild last week for St Petersburgh I find by Letters from my Son, that those Letters which have gone by way of France have had the most speedy conveyance, and I regret that I have not oftener made use of it, altho they may be...
Letter not found. 19 May 1811, Philadelphia. Calendared by Latrobe in a list of “Letters written at Philadelphia May 1811” as forwarding a copy of his “⟨ann⟩iversary oration” (MdHi: Latrobe Letterbooks). Latrobe’s Anniversary Oration, Pronounced before the Society of Artists of the United States,… on the Eighth of May, 1811 (Philadelphia, 1811; Shaw and Shoemaker R. R. Shaw and R. H....
Two days before I left Washington , I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 14 h of April .—This letter was of two much importance to me to be hastily answered amidsst amidst the hurry of the preparations necessary to my leaving Washington , and I brought it with me hither in hopes that I should find more leisure than at home to say to you all that is upon my mind in relation to the...
Charge Craven Peyton £19–10 for fire & coal wood accounted for to him by Reuben Grady settled between them May 19. 1811 . MS ( MHi ); entirely in TJ’s hand; written on a small scrap, part of a reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ: “Peyton Craven.” reuben grady paid TJ for the right to cut firewood at Milton and occasionally sold him charcoal ( MB James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton,...
Your favor of the 3 rd covering a copy of your letter to Colo. D. arrived at a time when I was absent on an excursion to the superior court of Powhatan from which I have just returned. If the bulwark of vanity which surrounds D. be not impregnable, or the spirit of faction which rules him, as wild and deaf as the winds of winter, I think your letter must touch him—but I much fear that he is...
The Memorial of the subscribers would respectfully represent, that, They are deputed, in behalf of their fellow citizens, who are merchants in trade in the City of Hartford, and State of Connecticut, respectfully to present to the view of the President, the peculiar hardships, and embarrassments of their situation, arising from the severe operation of the “Non Intercourse Law” of March 2....
I had the Honor to receive your note of the 12 th Inst. covering three Letters. The one for Mr Warden was delivered to him this Morning on his return from New York . at this time we have no information of any direct conveyance for St Petersburg ; but I will certainly avail myself of the first which I deem safe, to forward the Letters you have done me the honor to commit to my care unless you...
I received in September last, your favour of 11. July preceding, which was brought by Mr: Jones, together with the second part of the third Volume of the Memoirs of the American Academy; intended for the Imperial Academy of Sciences in this City; which has been duly presented to that body. Early in the course of the last Winter, I received from their Secretary the Volume last published of...
Your favour of I received by the last mail. I had been in daily expectation of hearing from you, or Seeing you Since the begining of the Month. my own health is better than when I wrote you last and I think I could enjoy my dear Mrs Cushing Society whenever She will favour me with it ; I have not any expectation of leaving home for more than two days which will be in Boston. Since the Short...
. . . Judge Dana is removed, and no man seemeth to lay it to heart. If my absent son had been in America the grave would not thus silently have closed over him. A gentleman who had sustained several public offices with reputation, and who for several years had filled that of Chief Justice of the state, which all who knew him acknowledged that he discharged with fidelity, and integrity, ably,...
I was much surprised this day, to find in my desk the enclosed Letter dated March 23 d , which I expected had been long ago forwarded to you, it appears we neglected to send it to the post office, lest you have not had a Copy of it I now enclose it. Yours of the 5 h of April came duely to hand; and I have no doubt of your makeing me as large a payment as you can . I am still very blind, yet I...
I Have To Tell you That I am your Frend & hope you Will Send me your Best Respects To Celebrate The Fourth of July 1776 & A Golden Eagle Direct To me & Beleave me & my Bro t her to be your Well Wisher RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 28 June 1811 and so recorded in SJL . Thomas Ringgold (ca. 1778–1818), a resident of Washington County, Maryland , was described by his brother, Maryland...
I have recd. your favor of the 16th. by the mail which brought the result of the Election at Salem. The general result I infer will fulfill your wishes. The atmosphere has for several days been filled with reports of an engagement between the Frigate commanded by Rogers and a British frigate. You will estimate the testimony by the Contents of the inclosed papers. The occurrence is in itself so...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 16 th inst. & by this day’s post I inclose it to the Secretary of state , for his information and that of the Secretary of the Treasury . I suppose it probable they will avail themselves of your kind offer, to get dispatches to France should they have present occasion. I avail myself of this opportunity of renewing to you the assurances of my respect PoC...
Flour having become more & more unsaleable from the date of my last , I found it impracticable to effect any further sale of yours at 9.½ $ in money, and was therefore induced to sell the whole of it (288 barrels) to Brown & Rives at that price, on a credit of 60 days, adding the bank discount.—As however we were not authorised by you to make a sale on credit, we enter it to your account as if...
I inclose a letter from a M r John Dortic , who being bound to France shortly and to return again, wishes to be the bearer of any dispatches the government may have for that country. of this person I know nothing more than that he brought me lately a packet of seeds from M. Thouin Director of the National garden of France , which he very kindly notified me of from N.Y. and afterwards forwarded...
I have received, fellow Citizens, the petition which you have addressed to me, representing the inconveniences experienced from the existing non-importation law, and soliciting that the National Legislature may be speedily convened. It is known to all, that the Commerce of the United States has, for a considerable period, been greatly abridged and annoyed, by Edicts of the belligerent powers;...
24 May 1811, Savannah. “A few weeks before the adjournment of Congress having been informed of a vacancy in the consulate of Antwerp I addressed a letter to Mr Smith nominating & soliciting the appointment of Emanuel Wambersie of Georgia to that office. Will you do me the favor to sieze a leisure moment to turn to that letter & the recommendations which accompanied it.” Encloses an old paper...
At the time, my dear Sir, when I am about to suspend for many months, the prosecution of the design I have undertaken: for the purpose of more systematic preparation, I cannot deny myself the pleasure of troubling you with a few lines.— During the progress of my rapid and extensive excursion, altho’ the concentrated enthusiasm, which my pursuit excited, necessarily occasioned an almost...
I have received, Letters from my Family at St. Petersbourg, at two Several Times, under the Seal of The Department of State, and honoured with the Frank of your Name. I ought to have acknowledged the first by the return of the Post: but I hope you will excuse that omission and Accept my Thanks for both at once. I wish you Sir, in your important and difficult office, all the Honour, Comfort and...
Some time ago I give Mr James Leitch a draft on you, for $200 without mentioning the thing to you, before, which I ought to have done, therefore I will thank you to pay it when you find it convenient. We are at this time ingage on the other wing we got it to the Serface of the ground, and will use Every Exersion to finish it with Speed the other wing I will finish against you come hare, I am...
As I sent you my first effort to keep Duane right, so I communicate the second, which the failure of our measures to help him obliged me to write. It probably closes our correspondence as I have not heard a word from him on the subject. Ritchie is correct as to the administration generally. I have written to a friend there what I am in hopes will put him right as to mr. Gallatin, altho, as my...
I have just recieved a copy of the Modern Griselda which Ellen tells me will not be unacceptable to you. I therefore inclose it. the heroine presents herself certainly as a perfect model of ingenious perverseness, & of the art of making herself and others unhappy. if it can be made of use in inculcating the virtues and felicities of life, it must be by the rule of contraries. nothing new has...
As I sent you my first effort to keep Duane right, so I communicate the second , which the failure of our efforts measures to help him obliged me to write. it probably closes our correspondence as I have not heard a word from him on the subject. Ritchie is correct as to the administration generally. I have written to a friend there what I am in hopes will put him right as to mr Gallatin ,...
The Washington, Capt. Brown, has at length arrived at cronstadt, and we have received the letters by her, which we had so earnestly expected, and for some time had abandoned the hope of receiving. Among them is your letter of 9. Feby.—numbered 13/4 which if accurate, leaves five still outstanding.—Three sets of my lectures came at the same time, and all in good condition. I have a letter from...