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Results 15661-15690 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I nominate Moses Young Esqr of Pennsylvania to be Consul of the United States at Madrid DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I nominate The Honourable John Sloss Hobart Esqr to be Judge of the District of New York in the Place of Robert Troup Esqr resigned. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
A Treaty with the Mohawk Nation of Indians, has by Accident, lain long neglected. It was executed under the Authority of the Honourable Isaac Smith, a Commissioner of the United States. I now Submit it to the Senate for their Consideration. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I had the honour of receiving your letter which you were so good as to write to me, yesterday—& beg leave to assure you that I feel in the approbation which you have been pleased to bestow upon my letters a great reward, Sir, at least, most anxious moments, & zealous endeavours in the service of my country—The times in my view of things, have been, & still continue tremendous—They will Sir be...
This I expect you will receive by my collegue General Marshal, who carries with him the last letter of Mr. Tallyrand to the american envoys & their answer. on the day when we sent the latter, I received a letter from the minister, a copy of which & my answer is inclosed. I have not sent these to the Secretary of State, because I have not time to prepare a letter to accompany them. indeed I...
As your judicious administration is generally approved of in this City; it then becomes every honest and faithful Citizen to the federal Government to support the same: In consequence thereof I thought it my duty to report to your Excellency from good Authority that the greater part of the millicia Officers in this City are avowed enemies to the federal Government: which report I make known as...
I nominate George Mathews Esqr of Georgia to be Governor Ashur Miller Esqr of Connecticutt to be Secretary and William Wetmore of Massachusetts Daniel Clark of the Mississippi Territory And Daniel Tilton of New Hampshire to be Judges of the Mississippi Territory DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
There is very generally, so little attention paid to anonymous letters, that I have little to hope; but the present occasion to is so unprecedented, that I cannot avoid giving way to the impulse of the moment, and have therefore acted accordingly. Conscious of the rectitude of my intentions, and convinced that I am barely doing my duty, I feel little repugnance at betraying the horrid designs...
At the time the Militia were assembling to march against the Insurgents to the westward an application was made to the Executive of this State, by the Secretary at War, to supply a considerable portion of them with Arms Bayonets and Cartouch Boxes: Altho no legal authority existed in the Governor & Council to comply with this request, yet from the importance & urgency of the occasion they...
The commissioners were informed by a letter from Mr. White of the 11th of March last, “that the President was of opinion that the executive offices ought to be erected as near the Capitol as a convenient site could be found for them, as well for the accommodation of the members of the Legislature, who have frequent occasion to recur to those offices, as a means of collecting the inhabitants to...
This will be handed you by Capt Haswell of this town, who goes on to Phila. to offer himself for one of the ships which it is believed Government are about fitting out to protect our Coasts.—He has been sometime in the British navy when young, & is supposed to be well versed in naval Tactics after the British manner. Those who know him most intimately suppose him to be remarkably well...
I nominate Hugh West of Virginia to be Surveyor and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Alexandria in the Place of Vincent Gray dismissed DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I have received from the hand of Doctor Hall your favor of the 18th of this month, inclosing the resolutions of the Borough of York, and its Vicinity adopted on the 16th, together with their obliging address— The inclosed answer, I pray you to communicate in such time and manner, as you shall find most convenient, and to accept of my thanks, for the part you have taken in this friendly...
At a numerous and respectable meeting of the citizens of George Town, held this twenty first day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight, agreeably to a previous notice—Colonel Lloyd Beall, Mayor, was appointed chairman—When the following resolutions were unanimously agreed to. Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting the Executive of the United States, in their instructions...
Never, as I can recollect, were any Class of my Fellow Citizens more wellcome to me, on any occasion, than the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Philadelphia, upon this. At a time, when all the old Republics of Europe are crumbling into Dust, and others forming whose Destinies are dubious; when the Monarchies of the Old World are, Some of them fallen, and others trembling to their...
The address of the Citizens inhabitants of the Township of Little Eggharbour, in the State of New Jersey, at a special Town-Meeting held at Tuckerton in Sd: Township on the 23d. of April 1798, Respectfully sheweth, That we have with Silent indignation, and deep regret, beheld our ungrateful and faithless Ally for a length of time, committing the most unwarrantable, and unjust depredations on...
It is understood the Marshall of North Carolina has or intends to resign shortly; in that event, We beg leave to name and Recommend James Taylor esqr. of Rockinham County as a fit Person, in our Opinion to fill that office. Mr. Taylor is a Man of handsome Education and general information, and from the Several appointments of Honour and Trust which he has held and discharged in the state with...
A Sketch of the navy yard and stores in Ports’outh. All the largest Timber and plank of new England growth is carried from this yard to Boston: this with the quantity taken to build the Crescent has intirely destroyed the assortment for the suspended Frigate leaving only a quantity of small timber plank and knees season’d which may be converted to the use of building a 20, or 22, Gun ship....
Plan for the Marine Department, in the United States One Secretary of Marine 1 drafts man two Clerks—Phila. Three Commissioners—Eastern-Middle; South, district their duty under the Secretary to Build, equip repair, Purchas Stores and supply all ships of war, pay seamen provide Timber, and manage all the Marine affairs in their respective districts—also to take charge of Prizes or other vessel...
I nominate the following persons for promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States— Cavalry William Tharp Lieutenant 26th July 1797 Vice Mc.Dermont, resigned Ludwell Grimes Cornet Virginia Vice Tharp, promoted Thomas Blackburn Junr. do. do. Vice Warfield resigned Artillery Richard Watkins Lieutenant Vice Rand resigned First regiment of Infantry John Whistler
At a numerous Meeting of the Citizens of Alexandria held at the Court House on the 25th. Inst. in pursuance of a publick notice for that purpose, the following resolutions were adopted—with only two dissenting voices Col. John Fitzgerald in the Chair. Resolved, That the prospect of an impending rupture with the republick of France, is one which is deeply to be deplored; and that war and all...
I have received the honor of your Excellency’s Letter and immediately referred it with its Enclosures to the Secretary at War, with Directions to take the most prompt measures for doing Justice to the State of Maryland. Your Excellencys candid approbation of my Conduct on a late Occasion does me great honour. I have the Honour to be, with / great Esteem and respect, Sir your / Excellency’s...
I have received your Letter of, I cannot recollect what date, because I referred it immediately to the Secretary of the Treasury who has under consideration all proposals of that kind—yours will be carefully and impartially attended to, with all others— I perceive by the steadiness and firmness of your hand writing, that you are still a young man—having occasion at present for a little more...
I have received the Letter, you did me the honor to write me on the 21st of this month, enclosing the Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of New York unanimously adopted on the 20th, approving the neutral policy of the Government of the United States, the sincere, impartial, and persevering pursuit of it, the Overtures made to the french Republic, and declaring their intention to Support...
Many of the nations of the earth, disgusted with their present governments, seem determined to dissolve them, without knowing what other forms to substitute in their places. And ignorance, with all the cruel intolerance of the most bloody superstitions that ever have existed, is imposing its absurd dogmas by the sword, without the smallest attention to that emulation universal in the human...
The ardor of patriotism, which is expressed in this unanimous address of the Citizens, inhabitants of the township of Little Eggharbour in the state of New Jersey, is the Natural Result of Insults and cruelties practised by Arbitrary Power, on injured unoffending Innocence— The Enemies of our Country have a more dangerous and pernicious Instrument in their hands in the licentiousness of their...
I have received your favor of April 24th inclosing the address of the Inhabitants of little Eggharbour— The zeal and frankness of this unanimous declaration and is remarkable and purely American—my Answer is enclosed which I pray you to present in the manner most convenient and agreeable I am Sir with much Esteem / your most Obt: Servt: MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
The citizens of Alexandria viewing with the liveliest apprehensions, the alarming situation of our political differences with the republick of France, as detailed in the communications of our Envoys at Paris to the secretary of State, and desirous of evincing their attachment to the Government of their country, and a virtuous indignation at any attempt to infringe its national sovereignty,...
Mr: Craik, the representative of your district, has presented to me in your name, a Copy of the Resolutions, passed at a numerous and respectable Meeting of the Citizens of Georgetown on the 21st: of this Month— Your approbation of the Instructions to our Ministers to France, your estimation of the honor, and Independence of your country as the first National object, and more estimable Even...
You will, I fear, be surprised at seeing yourself addrest by a person unknown to you, but the subsequent lines, I hope will apologize for the intrusion! I am well informed, Sir, that Mr. John Halstead, Collector of the Customs for the District of Perth-Amboy, will resign his Commission in a short time; and I am advised by several of my friends to apply for that office:—I have also been...