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Results 15661-15690 of 184,431 sorted by author
The enclosed paper will give you an exact idea of that property belonging to me, [in the] hands of Doctor Welsh, and our brother Charles, which it is [my] wish that, you would take under your care, and management upon your arrival in America. When my library shall arrive from Lisbon, you will consult with your mother for a place of security in which to lodge it— If it should be joined to that...
15662[July 1786] (Adams Papers)
The military company, having obtained a promise of 60 stand of arms, met immediately after Dinner, and chose their officers, and agreed to a Code of Laws. They were upon the business more than two hours. Vose, was chosen Captain, Fiske, and Packard lieutenants, and Chandler 1st. Ensign. This was the college military company, founded in 1770, and named the Marti-Mercurian Band because of its...
The Fire and Marine Insurance Office are now repaying the third part of their capital, to which they were authorized by an Act of the Legislature; and issuing new Certificates to the Stockholders—The old Certificates must therefore be returned into the Office—I will thank you to send me, by the earliest opportunity, your Certificate for the forty shares, which stand in my name, but of which...
Since my departure from Gothenburg Stockholm, I have been in such a constant tumult of motion, and emotion, that I have not been able to put pen to paper, except to write my name in the day-book at the Post-houses on the road—I have much to say to you, of no sort of importance, but which I want to say, because every thing is important to those whom we love—I mean, as the Clown in Shakespear...
1566522d. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I finish’d Vattel. The third book treats of War, and the fourth of Peace; much in the same manner as he treats the other parts of his subject. “Honesty is the best policy,” says nature; and so says Vattel. Mr. Parsons returned from Exeter before dinner. I intended to have gone to Haverhill this afternoon, to spend the Sunday there: but the weather was such as threatened a storm;...
156665th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. D. went to take a ride. I went with Mr. Artaud and took a long walk upon the key. In the afternoon I went to the shops with Mr. Artaud. And I carried my watch to the watch maker’s, to be mended. Clear weather. That is, quay.
1566724th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting, for any of the Classes, on Fridays, for the whole, Day. I wrote some Problems out of Ward to carry to Mr. Williams, next Monday Morning. After Prayers, I declaim’d, as it is term’d. Two Students every evening Speak from Memory, any Piece they chuse, if it be approved by the President. It was this Evening my turn, with the 2d. Abbot, and I spoke, from As you like it. All the...
The bearer, Major-General Eustace, after having served with great honor and reputation in the Armies of France, retired from that service on receiving the Presidents Proclamation, declaring the Neutrality of the United States, & is now upon his return to America. It is with great pleasure that I introduce to your acquaintance, and recommend to your attentions a Gentleman of so much merit, and...
1566928th. (Adams Papers)
Captain Wyer, arrived a few days since from Ireland, and had caught a couple of Turtles in the course of his voyage; he presented one of them to the owners of his ship, Mr. White, and Captain Willis. They invited a large Company to dine upon it, in an island about two miles down the River. A little after one o’clock, we all went on board a flat bottom’d Boat, which had been prepared for the...
15670[November 1786] (Adams Papers)
We returned through Boston, to Cambridge. The road from Charlestown was full of carriages coming here, to see the review of the militia of the County, under the command of General Brookes. I found my chamber full of Ladies, who had a view of part of the troops from the windows: there were I believe about 2000 men, composed of the Cadet, and light infantry Company’s, and the independent...
Mr Sargent who arrived in London, about ten days ago, delivered to me your Letter of 6. December; and I am now in daily expectation of receiving your annual account, and your final arrangement for making the second payment upon the Bank Shares. Your anticipation that the price of the Script would fall, as the day to make the payment drew near, was so well founded, that I hope you did not wait...
1567225th. (Adams Papers)
The Rev’d. Mr. True dined here: a person of a peculiar Character I am told, and from what I have seen of him to day I should have judg’d as much. At about 4 in the afternoon, my Uncle came in, and handed me, a noble Packet of Letters; 3 from My Mother 2 from my father, a long one from my Sister, and several others. It has made me as happy, (I will not say as a king,) as I can be. One Letter...
1567318th. (Adams Papers)
They were obliged to carry off Stratten this forenoon, as he could not possibly walk. I finished papering my study this forenoon, and in the afternoon put the Chamber in order. I engaged Sullivan 2d. for my freshman. Bridge made tea this afternoon for the Club, in Kendall’s turn. Somehow or other we made out without employing a freshman finally. James Sullivan, the second of three brothers to...
We arriv’d here the 16th of August old stile, (which is universally used yet, all over this Country;) having left Berlin, the 2d. of the same month, new stile, and rode the whole way, day and night, stopping only at the principal towns which lay in our way, viz: at Dantzic, three days, at Konigsberg, one, at Memel, one night, at Riga, four days, and at Narva, two: between these places, which...
1567524th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Lefevre, came out and dined with us. Mr. Jarvis offers me the carriage they came in from L’Orient: but it is at Versailles.
15676Sunday July the 15th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about four o’clock we set off from Coblentz for Francfort, Where we arriv’d at 8 ½ o’clock, the distance is 84 English Miles; All the way, the roads are mountainous till you get within about 10 Miles of Frankfort, and then you come upon a very large plain. The roads till the plain are in general very bad; but the soil is good, and cultivated in some places. On this plain we saw...
1567715th. (Adams Papers)
Thanksgiving Day, a day of feasting throughout the State. Custom (and I know not but law also) has established, that towards the End of the year, the Governor, should appoint a certain day, for returning thanks to the supreme being for his favours during the course of the year, and the Custom is, universally, to have something extraordinary on that day, to feast upon. We had a sermon in the...
156788th. (Adams Papers)
I went in the evening to see Mrs. Dana; there was a large Company there, and I escaped as soon as I could. I intended to make a number of Sage Reflections, this evening, but I feel so ill-natured, that I will not attempt it.
1567922d. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Shaw came last evening with my brother Tom, who was examined this morning for the freshman Class, and admitted. He soon after set off for Braintree, where he is going to stay untill, a place is found for him to board at. I declaim’d this afternoon Collins’s Ode on the Passions. Coll: Waters and Mr. Cranch came up from Boston. I spent an hour in the evening with them at Waters’s Chamber....
156808th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Randall, Mr. Short, Mr. Jarvis, Dr. Ruston, Mr. Williamos, and Mr. Bowdoin, dined with us. The drowth continues, and there is as yet no appearance of Rain.
I have mentioned to the Secretary of War, your wish that your Son Thomas may be admitted at the Military Academy at West–Point—His name will accordingly be placed upon the list of Candidates, and his admission may be expected in March 1824—But Mr Calhoun advises that he may be placed in the meantime at some School or Academy, where he may be kept to the most assiduous application of...
1568228th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. West came out to Auteuil and dined with us. After dinner I went into Paris, with him: we went to meet Dr. Ruston and then proceeded all together to the Italian Comedy, where we saw Theodore , a new Opera Comique, acted for the first time, with l’heureuse Erreur, this evening. Theodore, had not a brilliant success, but a tolerable one. The Subject, is as old, as the Theatre I believe. A Man...
1568312th. (Adams Papers)
Rain’d hard almost all day. We had a Class meeting, after Prayers for determining the matter, concerning a Valedictory Oration. By dint of obstinate impudence, Vociferation, and noise; the minority so wearied out those on the other side, that several of them went out, after which, a Vote was pass’d, ratifying the proceedings of the last meeting. Johnson, Sever, and Chandler 3d. were then...
Since I wrote you, which was last Thursday, I have received three letters from you, which call for a particular Answer—I must however defer it untill to-morrow; for at this time we are in the midst of a debate on the Bridge question; to which I must give all my attention—The weather too is so cold that I am scarcely able to write in my seat—My thermometer stood this morning at 6. degrees. I am...
We seem to be once more restored to some connection with our own Country; for six months after we left it, we might have been almost ignorant of its existence, but for the perpetual admonition of our own Hearts. A few days since I received from Hamburg, your favour of Feb y: 10 th. The third letter of yours that has reached me, and all within the course of three Weeks. Had you known of the...
15686Thursday May 12th. 1785. (Adams Papers)
At about 9 o’clock the Cabriolet arrived, and the postillion brought me a Letter from the Countess d’Oradour, by which she informs me that the Count cannot go with me, as it is impossible to fix two large trunks upon the Carriage; so that I shall finally be obliged to go down to L’Orient alone, after having been led to expect the Company of three different persons. I suspect that Mr. W. has...
I expected to have received ere this some Letters either from Braintree or Boston; But excepting what I have collected from the Newspapers I have heard neither directly nor indirectly from either. Had any good opportunity for sending, presented itself I should have written, although the only topic of information, would have been concerning myself.— The sum total of my news is that since I...
156889th. (Adams Papers)
This day our State convention is to meet in Boston for the purpose of assenting to and ratifying, the federal Constitution. The members from this Town, went for Boston yesterday, except Mr. Parsons, who will go to-morrow. The conjectures concerning the issue of their debates, are different, according to the dispositions of the speculators. Some think there will be a great majority for adopting...
156892d. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week to Mr. Burr the new Tutor; but he was absent this Day. The A B Society met this Evening. The Juniors Bancroft and Lincoln were received; Abbot, and Dodge, were received the last meeting. The first Piece read, was the forensic between Fiske and myself upon the Question whether, a republican Government, be the most favourable for the advancement of Literature. I denied it,...
I have received a Letter from my eldest Son, which informs me that in consequence of a difficulty which had taken place at College, the President at the request of my dear and honoured father had consented that he should retire to Quincy, till the fermentation, was over, where he should study something or other, till the class is re-organized. As my Son in the same Letter desires me to assure...