Results 15661-15690 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
15661 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicolas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 24 January 1817 1817-01-24 I have duly recieved the Connoissance des tems for 1817. & 1818. two copies *I find on reexamn...
15662 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 24 January 1817 1817-01-24 Francis arrived here in good health the day before Yesterday. I think he cannot do better than to...
15663 Jefferson, Thomas Minor, Dabney Thomas Jefferson to Dabney Minor and Peter Minor, 24 … 1817-01-24 On the subject of the rents claimed from me by the representatives of Bennet Henderson , my...
15664 Humphreys, Thomas United States Congress Enclosure: Thomas Humphreys’s Plan for Emancipating and … 1817-01-01 The following plan, for emancipating the whole Race of the people of Colour, from United America...
15665 Adams, John Quincy Smith, John Adams From John Quincy Adams to John Adams Smith, 23 January … 1817-01-23 If a large packet forwarded by the mail from Mr Maury at Liverpool, but coming from Philadelphia...
15666 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, 23 January 1817 1817-01-23 I transmit to the Senate a report of the Acting Secretary of War, in compliance with their...
15667 Spafford, Horatio Gates Madison, James To James Madison from Horatio Gates Spafford, 23 … 1817-01-23 Had I not a great personal interest in seeing the Laws of the United States, relating to the...
15668 Tompkins, Daniel D. Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel D. Tompkins, 23 January … 1817-01-23 Jasper Parish Esquire, agent for the six nations of Indians, proceeds to Washington on business...
15669 Humphreys, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Humphreys to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 23] January … 1817-01-23 The unbounded expansion of your mind, leaves me no doubt, of an excuse being extended, for the...
15670 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 22 January 1817 1817-01-22 Last night your Brother brought me your delicious Letter of 29th Octr. How do you know that Bees...
15671 Ellicott, Andrew Madison, James To James Madison from Andrew Ellicott, 22 January 1817 1817-01-22 I address you thus familiarly as an old friend, for the purpose of introducing to your...
15672 Madison, James Remission for John Bradley, 22 January 1817 1817-01-22 Whereas it has been represented to me that at a late District Court of the United States for the...
15673 Burwell, William Armistead Jefferson, Thomas William A. Burwell to Thomas Jefferson, 22 January 1817 1817-01-22 Colo Waller Taylor Senator from Indiana has requested me to enclose the papers of Mr Graham for...
15674 Spafford, Horatio Gates Adams, John To John Adams from Horatio Gates Spafford, 21 January … 1817-01-21 I send, by this Mail, Nos. 7, 8, & 9, of my Magazine, & invite thy particular attention to the...
15675 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared From James Madison to Charles Jared Ingersoll, 21 … 1817-01-21 I thank you for your attentive favor of the 16th. which gave me the first intelligence of the...
15676 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, 21 January 1817 1817-01-21 I withdraw the nomination of Joseph H. Hawkins as Surveyor of the Port of New Orleans & also...
15677 Graham, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Graham, 21 January 1817 1817-01-21 The Acting Secretary of War to whom has been referred the resolution of the Senate of the 8th. of...
15678 Madison, Robert Lewis Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Lewis Madison, 21 January … 1817-01-21 When you were in last summer you mentioned that you wished to procure two wild turkeys. I have...
15679 Spafford, Horatio Gates Jefferson, Thomas Horatio G. Spafford to Thomas Jefferson, 21 January … 1817-01-21 I am obliged by thy kind attention. Thy Letter of Dec. 20 , was duly received, & I shall avail...
15680 Clayton, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Clayton, 20 January 1817 1817-01-20 I have seen the statement of judge Fisher in the case of Mrs. Dauphine, and I should be highly...
15681 Mason, Armistead T. Madison, James To James Madison from Armistead T. Mason, 20 January … 1817-01-20 It is with great reluctance that I tresspass on your time. I would not, on any consideration,...
15682 Peyton, Craven Jefferson, Thomas Craven Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 20 January 1817 1817-01-20 Nothing shall prevent my my attending in Milton the day aftar tomorrow agreeable to Your request....
15683 Adams, John Tudor, William, Sr. From John Adams to William Tudor, Sr., 19 January 1817 1817-01-19 Thanks for your favour of the 14th. You urge me to explain the secret of Hutchinsons conduct. I...
15684 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 19 January … 1817-01-19 The weather has been so Boisterous to day that not one of us have ventured out to meeting. I have...
15685 Madison, James Remission for Jane Dauphin, 19 January 1817 1817-01-19 Whereas it has been represented to me that at a District Court of the United States for the...
15686 Jefferson, Thomas Barbour, James Thomas Jefferson to James Barbour, 19 January 1817 1817-01-19 Your favor of the 9 th is recieved by our last mail. I have been very long and intimately...
15687 Jefferson, Thomas Barr, Thomas Tilton Thomas Jefferson to Thomas T. Barr, 19 January 1817 1817-01-19 I am very sensible of the honor done me by the Kentucky Agricultural society , in appointing me...
15688 Jefferson, Thomas Hosack, David Thomas Jefferson to David Hosack, 19 January 1817 1817-01-19 I thank you, Sir, for the books you have been so kind as to send me. they will afford me...
15689 Jefferson, Thomas Niles, Hezekiah Thomas Jefferson to Hezekiah Niles, 19 January 1817 1817-01-19 Accept my thanks for the specimen you have been so kind as to send me of the new preparation of...
15690 Adams, John Lyman, Theodore, Jr. From John Adams to Theodore Lyman, Jr., 18 January 1817 1817-01-18 I ought long ago to have acknowledged my obligation to you for the loan of Grim who has afforded...