Results 15661-15690 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have duly recieved the Connoissance des tems for 1817. & 1818. two copies *I find on reexamn that it is a single copy of Blunt for each of the years 1817.18. that I have rec d of Blunt ’s Nautical almanac for 1817. and Graglia ’s Italian dictionary. I presume Blunt has not yet published his Almanac for 1818. At the time I recieved your favor of Dec. 16. my account with mess
Francis arrived here in good health the day before Yesterday. I think he cannot do better than to take this occasion of learning Spanish, because it is a language rarely taught in this country, and will be of great importance within his day. it is that too in which all the early history of America is written. I suppose he may acquire so much of it in 2. or 3. months as to pursue it easily...
On the subject of the rents claimed from me by the representatives of Bennet Henderson , my grandson desires me to put into your hands what information I have as to the rents for what are called the lower and upper field. I had given him a statement of those recieved from after 1807. when returning home to live I had taken the business into my own hands, and for the period before that while...
The following plan, for emancipating the whole Race of the people of Colour, from United America : Is respectfully submitted, to the honorable the House of Representatives , of the United States ; for their Consideration: Of all the extraordinary, and Rare phenomenon, exibited by any nation on the theatre of existence; that of the southern parts of the United States of America , is most...
If a large packet forwarded by the mail from Mr Maury at Liverpool, but coming from Philadelphia & charged with heavy postage should be brought to the office, pray do not pay the postage, nor open the packet till I come to town on Saturday. yours. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I transmit to the Senate a report of the Acting Secretary of War, in compliance with their resolution of the 8th instant. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, President’s Messages, 14A–E6). RC in John Payne Todd’s hand, signed by JM . JM enclosed a report from George Graham (see Graham to JM , 21 Jan. 1817 ), providing “the amount of money paid by the government of the...
Had I not a great personal interest in seeing the Laws of the United States, relating to the granting of Patents, & the protection of the rights of Inventors, So Modified as to embrace a better security of these rights, I should not have devoted So much time & attention to this Subject: nor should I now presume to Solicit thy attention to it. The Essay of “Franklin,” published in Nos. 8 & 9 of...
Jasper Parish Esquire, agent for the six nations of Indians, proceeds to Washington on business interesting to those indians. Mr. Parish is well acquainted with the present wants of the Indians & with the reasons for the measure of removing more westwardly which you were pleased to sanction last winter. I beg leave to introduce Mr. Parish as a respectable & intelligent gentleman whose...
The unbounded expansion of your mind, leaves me no doubt, of an excuse being extended, for the unpresidented Liberty, I have here taken, in addressing to you, the subject matter embraced in the Envelope. In submitting to a gentleman of your eminently high, & Commanding Station, in the literary world, together with your vast, & extensive experience in life; the enclosed plan; having for its...
Last night your Brother brought me your delicious Letter of 29th Octr. How do you know that Bees and Ants, and even Caterpillars and Cankerworms never enquire into the Why and the “Wherefore”? You cannot prove it. St. Justin and Dupuis, Dr Priestley and my Neighbour Colman all agree in the Precept “Be good.” I do not find however, that any of the Popes or their Janisary Loyola, or Luther or...
I address you thus familiarly as an old friend, for the purpose of introducing to your acquaintance without ceremony the bearer Captn. Douglass of the Corps engineers, and assistant professor of natural and experimental philosophy in this seminary, a young gentleman equally distinguished for his scientific acquirements, and his knowledge of the theory and practice of engineering, in which he...
Whereas it has been represented to me that at a late District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Newyork, Sentence of Condemnation was passed upon the Brig Hawk and Cargo, owned by John Bradley, of the Island of St. Bartholomew, for a violation of the Law of the United States, prohibiting Intercourse with Great Britain, France and their Dependencies; and whereas John...
Colo Waller Taylor Senator from Indiana has requested me to enclose the papers of Mr Graham for your examination; Mr Graham he informs me is very respectable & attatches considerable importance to the discovery he thinks he has made, But such is the confidence he places in your opinion that it will be abandon’d upon a suggestion of yours from you —I am aware that this will give you trouble,...
I send, by this Mail, Nos. 7, 8, & 9, of my Magazine, & invite thy particular attention to the Essay of Franklin , on a National School, &c. Please favor me with thy opinion of it, & of the plans that he suggests. The little Work I mentioned sometime ago, is printed, at Boston, & I have directed my publisher to send thee a Copy. It is anonymous, because I must conceal the of Authorship. I hope...
I thank you for your attentive favor of the 16th. which gave me the first intelligence of the death of Mr. Dallas. The melancholy event was received here with unfeigned grief, and by none more deeply, as you will readily conceive, than by myself. Our Country will rarely lose a Citizen, whose virtues endowments and services will leave a stronger claim to its admiring and grateful recollections,...
I withdraw the nomination of Joseph H. Hawkins as Surveyor of the Port of New Orleans & also inspector of the Revenue, in the place of Thomas L. Butler resigned. And I nominate William Emerson, for the said Offices. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 14B–A2). In John Payne Todd’s hand, signed by JM . The Senate confirmed Emerson’s appointment on 23 Jan. 1817 ( Senate Exec....
The Acting Secretary of War to whom has been referred the resolution of the Senate of the 8th. of this month “requesting that the President cause to be laid before the Senate the Amount of Money paid by the government of the UStates for the Services of militia during the late War, stating the amount to each respective state, and Distinguishing, as far as possible what has been paid for militia...
When you were in last summer you mentioned that you wished to procure two wild turkeys. I have now in my possession a male & a female which you are welcome to. By being kept up in a house with some tame ones they have become tolerably gentle & are well grown. My Father has been very sick but is now nearly restored. He was taken with a severe chill & for the first night was quite delerious. He...
I am obliged by thy kind attention. Thy Letter of Dec. 20 , was duly received, & I shall avail myself of the Suggestion contained in it. By this day’s Mail, I Send No. 9 of the Magazine, with the conclusion of the Essay of ‘Franklin,’ to which I invite thy particular attention. Looking over Some old Papers, I have, just now, accidentally taken up the Letter enclosed , which I Send for thy...
I have seen the statement of judge Fisher in the case of Mrs. Dauphine, and I should be highly gratified if you would be pleased to remit the forfeiture. I know nothing of the case further than is contained in that statement. But Mrs. Dauphine is a very worthy woman, and if the decree of the court is carried into execution, she and her children, will be left destitute of the means of support....
It is with great reluctance that I tresspass on your time. I would not, on any consideration, expose myself to the imputation of intrusion, but, on the other hand, I should be sorry to neglect the discharge of a duty from motives of false delicacy. I am encouraged also, to address you, on this occasion, by the example of others, who whatever may be my claims, have not stronger than mine, to...
Nothing shall prevent my my attending in Milton the day aftar tomorrow agreeable to Your request. please send John Hendersons — quit Claim to refresh my Memory—with great Esteem RC ( MHi ); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqre Monticello” by “Boy”; endorsed by TJ as received 20 Jan. 1817 and so recorded in SJL . For the quit claim , see TJ to Peyton, 30 Dec. 1816 , and note.
Thanks for your favour of the 14th. You urge me to explain the secret of Hutchinsons conduct. I have explained in my letter of the 11th. It was fear of explanations before the people of the doctrine of Impressments You may have but another nail upon the head; and there had been before and were afterwards many such nails, but they are too frivolous to be remembered one only, excepted, before...
The weather has been so Boisterous to day that not one of us have ventured out to meeting. I have written a long Letter to Caroline, and I Send you her two last Letters and return those of mr Everets, with thanks. I think them full as entertaining as Eustices Letters classical Tour. I laughd heartily at the attack of the young Lady who insisted upon Waltz waltzing with the Gentlemen. The other...
Whereas it has been represented to me that at a District Court of the United States for the District of Delaware a vessel and Cargo belonging to John Dauphin decd., late of that District, were condemned, as forfeited to the United States, for a breach of the Revenue Laws of the United States, & that Circumstances have now been disclosed on the part of Jane Dauphin, the widow and surviving...
Your favor of the 9 th is recieved by our last mail. I have been very long and intimately acquainted with Col o Trumbull , have had the best opportunities of knowing him thoroughly, and can therefore bear witness of my own knolege to his high degree of worth as a man. for his merit as a painter I can quote higher authorities, and assure you that on the continent of Europe , when I was there,...
I am very sensible of the honor done me by the Kentucky Agricultural society , in appointing me one of their honorary members . distance will be one great obstacle to my being of use to them; but a much greater and growing one will be the increasing torpor of age, now sensibly felt in body and mind. should any occasion arise however in which I can serve their institution, I shall do it with...
I thank you, Sir, for the books you have been so kind as to send me. they will afford me amusement as well as instruction. from a general view I have taken of Thomas’s work , it appears, with your aid, to be valuable for family use. without science in Medecine, I am yet fond of it’s philosophical speculations. with these I observe your Medical Register mingles disquisitions in all it’s kindred...
Accept my thanks for the specimen you have been so kind as to send me of the new preparation of mucilaginous substances for clarifying liquors. it is in the neatness of the manner of preparation, and equality of distribution on catgut, I suppose, that what there is of invention in it consists; as the clarifying powers of the mucilages, animal and vegetable, have been always known. I am sorry...
I ought long ago to have acknowledged my obligation to you for the loan of Grim who has afforded me a sumptuous feast for many months. In several of his scenes, most characteristic of the age, I was present and a witness, and could add some comical circumstances, that he has omitted. This philosophy, which was nearly that of Pythagoras, is as credible & intelligible to me, as that of the...