Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Williams, 19 December 1801

From Richard Williams

Baltimore Decr the 19th. 1801


please to Except of A few fresh Cod-Fish; this day taken alive from on board the Smack Lewis of Newbury port Commanded by

Yr Obedt & Hle Sevt.

Richd. Williams

PS as this Smack is intended to Suply this place & the City of Washington Information may be had from Mr Enoch Bayley, Markett Space No. 38. Enquire of Genrl. Dearborn Secretary at War for Particulars & place


RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 21 Dec. and so recorded in SJL.

Richard Williams was a drayman at Lexington Street, Baltimore. Williams and a co-proprietor of a “fishing smack” advertised a subscription to raise $2,000 for building another smack to bring fish to market (Stafford, Baltimore Directory, for 1802, 113; Baltimore Republican or, Anti-Democrat, 27 Mch. 1802).

Enoch Bayley was an innkeeper at 38 Market space, Baltimore (Stafford, Baltimore Directory, for 1802, 11).

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