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Results 15631-15660 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Law of the ancient Rome „ De minimis non curat Prætor „ that is, „ the high Dignity of the Pretor, is not to be troubled with the common events, or small affaires of the people „ would be, to me, a reason, for not imposing on your goodness and Serious engagements with trifles; should not this kind of trifles, be of such serious caracter in its consequences, as to involve the Society at a...
I learnt from your last letter , with much affliction, the severe and singular attack your health has lately sustained; but it’s equally singular and sudden restoration confirms my confidence in the strength of your constitution of body and mind, and my conclusion that neither has recieved hurt, and that you are still ours for a long time to come. we have both much to be thankful for in the...
Accept my Thanks for your Inaugural Oration. It would have been a great pleasure to me, to have heard it: but at my Age, all Such pleasures are forbidden me. The Edinbourgh Reviewers have Said, that, “if the whole of American Litterature were annihilated with the exception perhaps of something of Franklin, the World would loose nothing of the Usefull or agreable.”! These Gentlemen have merited...
My Thanks are due to you for your Inaugural Address of Decr. 11th. I rejoice that Such a Professorship is established and that So accomplished a Professor has been chosen. I am afraid to express my wild Ideas on this Subject. We are all Chymists from our Cradles. All Mankind are Chymists from their Cradles to their Graves The Material Universe is a Chemical Experiment, Its Author and Conductor...
Your letter of the 1st. of this Month was received by me here on the 6th. I will not attempt to express to you the feelings which were excited in my mind by its kind & approving Language—to have the approbation of the first benefactor & most eminent patriot of my Country gratifies my proudest ambition. You also will be gratified to learn that in this instance Our Country has departed from...
I nominate, Robert Trimble, of Kentucky to be judge of the United States for the District of Kentucky. Benjamen Parke, of Indiana, to be judge of the United States for the District of Indiana Thomas Blake, of Indiana, to be Attorney of the United States for the District of Indiana. John Vawter, of Indiana, to be Marshal for the District of Indiana. Stephen Bradley, of Vermont, to be agent...
I nominate The Revd Nathaniel Andrews, of Maryland ″ John Ireland   New York To be Chaplains in the Navy; and Ashton Y. Humphreys, of Pennsylvania, To be a Purser in the Navy. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 14B–A2). In a clerk’s hand, signed and dated by JM .
I have the honour to enclose the Petition of Leonard Blanchard , praying for a commission in the army of the U. States. I know not the man, personally, but cannot doubt of his merit when certified by so respectable authority as the Honorable Mr. Woods, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State of NewYork, and, His Excellency, Governor Tompkins. I have the honour to be Sir, with...
I now inclose you the power of Attorney which I am in hopes fulfills all the forms of the treasury & will enable us I hope to compleat this transfer for our friend . ever & affect ly PoC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “M r Barnes”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosures: enclosure to TJ to Barnes, 31 Dec. 1816 , and possibly also first enclosure to TJ to Barnes, 15 Dec. 1816 . our friend :
The republication of the antient and valuable works now out of print, will certainly be an useful undertaking. but it is time for me to withdraw from my attention from all long-winded enterprises. they belong to the generation which is to carry them through, as little would I presume to prescribe to them the proper objects of their attention. these books have by their worth established their...
I have the honour to transmit, herewith Nominations to the Senate of the United States of the Revd. Nathaniel Andrews and the Revd. John Ireland, to be Chaplains; and Ashton Y. Humphreys, to be a Purser in the Navy of the United States. I have the honour to be, &c. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). JM forwarded the nominations to the Senate on 29 Jan. 1817 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings...
The Secretary of State has directed me to submit to you the propriety of nominating to the Senate the following persons, viz Henry Wilson, of Maryland, at present the Consul at L’ Orient, to be Consul of the UStates at Nantz, vice, D. Strobel, resigned. Edward Church, of Kentucky, to be Consul at L’ Orient. John B. Frazier, of Massacts, to be Consul for the Island of Curracao. Stephen Bradley,...
Whereas it has been represented to me that Charles Clayton, a youth of the State of New york, and the son of a respectable Individual of that state, had enlisted, as a Private, during the late war between the United States and Great Britain, in the army of the United States, and that the said Charles Clayton deserted therefrom, and took refuge in the British Province of upper Canada, where he...
I n am in the daily hope of recieving new proof sheets and the particular wish that we may go thro’ the work before April, because I shall then go to Bedford and be absent a month. I do not know how our account stands; I mean independantly of the 60.D. for the translation; for I do not wish that reimbursement until you have made it by the sale of the book. if you will send me my account,...
On my return from Bedford I found here such a mass of letters and other business accumulated during my absence, that this is the first moment it has been in my power to turn to mr Mazzei’ s will . this occupies 4. sheets of paper, in a difficult hand. it is beyond my leisure to copy entirely, nor is their there any one else in the neighborhood who could understand and decypher it. after some...
I promised you in my letter of Jan. 22. 16. to make enquiry on the subject of the MS. journal of the boundary between Virginia and North Carolina , run in 1728. of which you have a defective transcript. I have since been able to obtain the original for perusal, and now have it in my possession. I call it original , because it is that which has been preserved in the Westover family, having...
I have read with great satisfaction the eloquent pamphlet you were so kind as to send me , and sympathise with every line of it. I was once a doubter Whether the labor of the Cultivator, aided by the creative powers of the earth itself, would not produce more value than that of the manufacturer, alone and unassisted by the dead subject on which he acted? in other words, Whether the more we...
On my departure from your hospitable mansion , I proceeded to Richmond , where I devoted a few days to an examination of the natural advantages & improvements of that City.— In my opinion, the time is not far distant, when Richmond will rank as the fourth City in our union. Her great water priviledges, particularly for mills, machinery &c together with her local situation, her vicinity to...
Scarcely a day now passes, without the arrival of vessels from the United States; but they are principally from New York or more Southern Ports—The failure of the Harvests in this Country has much contributed to their frequency. Two years ago the British Parliament made a Law, to raise the price of Bread; having discovered that if that first necessary of life should be cheap, the Country would...
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. I lay before Congress, copies of ratified Treaties between the United States and the following Indian Tribes. First. The Wea and Kickapoo. Second. The united Tribes of Ottawas, Chipawas, & Potowotomies, residing on the Illinois and Melwakee rivers and their waters, and on the Southwestern parts of lake Michigan Third. That...
The within letter relates to a Captive yet held as the Property of an indian; he is the only son of my near nieghbour, his Parents have long been amused with hopes of his being alive. I hope something may be done to liberate this young man from captivity. ⟨Wi⟩th g⟨rea⟩t respect your ob sert RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 107, LRRS , J-17:10). Undated; conjectural date assigned based on the date...
I once more beg your goodness towards a poor and unfortunate child, that was taken from me a mere Infant by his uncle and carried To the state of pennsylvania and there his cruel uncle desearted him, and being young and thoughtless like all poor lost children there was a gentleman on the road gave him a letter and told him there was money In it, to put it in the post office, and he thoughtless...
We have the Honor to enclose you a Resolution passed by the Legislature of this State at their last Session and directed to be presented to you. Permit us at the same time to offer you our best wishes for a continuance of your happiness and valuable life and remain With great respect your Obedt Servts. Whereas the highest tribute of respect which a Rep[u]blican Government can pay its officers,...
Mr. Woodward has the honor to present his respects to the President of the United States of America, and to submit to his perusal a discussion on the organization of the executive departments of the government of the United States. The papers are the property of the honorable Judge Duvall, of the Supreme Court of the United States; to whom Mr. Woodward solicits of the President the favor that...
Your favor of the 13 th was recieved by our last mail. Francis is now here engaged in learning Spanish. I thought he could not employ the winter better. but he has lost much of it at home. I think in a couple of months he may make such progress as that he will be able afterwards to pursue it by himself. I would then rather have him with mr Wood than any other teacher I know, but would much...
The undersigned to whom was refered a matter in controversy between the minor Legatees of Bennett Henderson dec d & Th s Jefferson , after hearing the case & the testimony offered on both sides have come to the following decision— It appears from the testimony of sundry witnesses, that Thomas Jefferson has been in possession of the lands of Frances , Lucy , & Nancy C. Henderson since the year...
Notes for the clear rents of the Upper & Lower fields of Henderson ’s lands 1807. Nov. 17. possession was delivered by John Henderson . D  1808.9. T. E. Randolph pd rent for the Dower house & lands & the upper field 90   he then gave up the lands & paid for the house & garden 60.  consequently the lands had been rated @ 30.  deduct for the Dower lands 15. a s 15
Bernard, Hutchinson, Oliver, the Commissioners of the customs, and their Satellites had an Espionage as inquisitive, as zealous, and as faithful, as that in France, before, during, or since the Revolution, by which the Tories were better informed of the anecdote, which I am about to relate to you, than the Whigs themselves were in general. That the Tory histories, may not hereafter...
Although I continue to be an invalide by a relapse Since three weeks—I will endeavour to amuse myself—while I have once more a prospect of recovering Soon—in perusing again and answering your affectionate lines of the 27 of Dec. last. you will not deem it a triffle for a man—who know not Sickness as by name, to be confined to his chair—during three months—often under torturing pains—But—it...
I am sincerely concerned and mortified at the failure of the remittance I had supposed made to you as long ago as March last. I received an account signed ‘ John B. Smyth for W m Duane’ in Feb. consisting of 2 articles to wit the translation 60.D. a year’s subscription for the Aurora to become due May 1 st 16. and on the 18 th of Mar. I desired my correspondents Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond...