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Results 156301-156330 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
156301 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 13 December 1801 1801-12-13 I recieved last night your favor of the 8th. and I readily embrace both ideas of amendment...
156302 Ray, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Ray, 13 December 1801 1801-12-13 Relying on the high character You have for Justice I flatter Myself You will permit a Foreigner...
156303 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, Mary Jefferson From Thomas Jefferson to Mary Jefferson Eppes, 14 … 1801-12-14 I recieved in due time yours & mr Eppes’s letters of Nov. 6. and his of Nov. 26 . this last...
156304 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 14 December … 1801-12-14 Before your papers of to-day came, I had read the report & inclosed it with a word of answer . I...
156305 Judd, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Judd, 14 December 1801 1801-12-14 I was born and Educated in the State of Connecticut, I have served my Country as an Officer in...
156306 Meade, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Meade, 14 December 1801 1801-12-14 The health of Mrs. Meade, & my Dr. Daughter Charlotte (who was married last Octor was a Twelve...
156307 Muhlenberg, J. P. G. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 14 … 1801-12-14 The President will—I hope, pardon the Liberty I take of addressing a line to Him, on a subject...
156308 Soulés, François Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from François Soulés, 14 December … 1801-12-14 I have long wished for an opportunity of expressing to you my sentiments upon your nomination to...
156309 Wuibert, Antoine Félix Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Antoine Félix Wuibert, 14 … 1801-12-14 Forever Rememberfull of Your Excellency’s past favors, When you was Ambassador at the Court of...
156310 Crowninshield, Jacob Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Crowninshield, 15 … 1801-12-15 Being always anxious to support the honor and fair fame of the Republican cause, to the utmost...
156311 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, [15 December … 1801-12-15 The enclosed requires but little comment. Why Mr Beckley did not divide the printing between Mr...
156312 Thomas, Abishai Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Abishai Thomas, 15 December … 1801-12-15 John Thompson Mason Esquire having applied for an official copy of the instructions to the...
156313 BruC, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Bruff, 16 December 1801 1801-12-16 A person unworthy your attention has taken upon him, to address a few lines to you, in...
156314 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 16 December … 1801-12-16 Will it not be necessary to intimate to Congress the necessaty of some provision for making the...
156315 Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 16 … 1801-12-16 I supose Mr Dawson wrote to your Excellency a lettere by my desire, in whiche I had recomendet...
156316 Madison, Bishop James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bishop James Madison, 16 … 1801-12-16 I recd. your Favr. by the Son of Dr Logan; & tho’ I cannot take him into my Family, at present,...
156317 Nemours, Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1801-12-17 Votre Message est, comme toutes vos pensées et tous vos écrits, plein de sagesse, de raison, de...
156318 Holmes, Hugh Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Hugh Holmes, 17 December 1801 1801-12-17 I hope to be excused for the liberty I have taken of recommending to Your Attention a friend of...
156319 Walker, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Walker, 17 December 1801 1801-12-17 It gives me regret that I cannot have the pleasure of delivering the inclosed in person—I have...
156320 DeLacy, John Devereux Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Devereux DeLacy, 18 … 1801-12-18 Having shortly after I did myself the honour of writing to you last set out on a tour through the...
156321 Jefferson, Thomas Lyons, Peter From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Lyons, 18 December 1801 1801-12-18 I yesterday recieved your favor of the 10th. covering the Voucher I had asked. I have this...
156322 Macon, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Macon, 18 December … 1801-12-18 I this morning received the enclosed. Mr. Blount is the half brother of the late Wm. Blount, and...
156323 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 18 December … 1801-12-18 I recieved some days ago the letter which you did me the favor to write me by Chanor. Livingston...
156324 Jefferson, Thomas Taylor, James, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to James Taylor, Jr., 18 December … 1801-12-18 I ought a this time to have remitted you 700. Dollars for the 4th. & 5th. pipes of Madeira but it...
156325 Austin, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Austin, 19 December 1801 1801-12-19 Will you have the goodness to look over a communication of 28th ulto & seriously to weigh its...
156326 Cranch, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Cranch, 19 December … 1801-12-19 In consequence of a note at the bottom of a petition to you in behalf of Charles Houseman , I...
156327 Jefferson, Thomas Dickinson, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 19 December … 1801-12-19 The approbation of my antient friends, is, above all things, the most grateful to my heart. they...
156328 District of Columbia Commissioners Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the District of Columbia … 1801-12-19 Agreeably to the information given in our memorial of the 4th. Instant we have held a sale of...
156329 Henfrey, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Henfrey, 19 December … 1801-12-19 I might have had the honor of addressing you thro the medium of a member of Congress but...
156330 Patterson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Patterson, 19 December … 1801-12-19 The art of secret writing, or, as it is usually termed, writing in cypher , has occasionally...