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Results 15601-15650 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am here to collect together the Bills and Send them to you by Express. When this Express...
Colo. Franks has occasion for money to carry him to London. As we propose that all the money for...
After the letter I did myself the honour of writing you to assure you that I would reimburse you...
[ Paris, 15 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Barclay. Receipt of letter Nov. 19.—paiment of...
My Express who sett off, on the third from Amsterdam is with you before now, and I hope you have...
I have rec d the Letter you Yesterday did me the Honour to write me, and will lay before you, all...
I am now to acknolege the receipt of your several favors of June 29. and July 6. on French’s...
Colo. Franks arrived some days ago with the Marocco treaty, and with your dispatches. I am...
The letter which you addressed to me, on the 18th of last month, has come to hand; and requires...
In answer to your favour from Rochfort of the 25 th Ult: I may inform you, entre nous that if I...
I have received a letter from a Doctr Thomas, of Westmoreland in this State, requesting me to...
Copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letters you did me the honour of writing to me the...
Your favor of the 12th. came to hand two days ago. Your adversary had been busy here in...
I have recieved in due time with great Pleasure all your Letters & Dispatches: But the Reason why...
I have a Letter from M r: Jefferson of 19. June by which it appears, that he will be at Paris by...
15616I. Commission, 11 October 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
To all to whom these Presents shall come or, may be made known. Whereas the United States of...
We have transmitted to M r. Lamb a Resolution of Congress vacating his Commission & Instructions...
[ Paris, 11 Nov. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Barclay. To send 2. casks brandy by...
I have received your Letter of the 13 th with my accounts settled by yourself up to the first of...
In Pursuance of the Instructions of Congress, Signified by M r Morris their Superintendant of...
The United States of America in Congress Assembled on the 14th. day of Febry. last resolved, that...
I wrote you a fortnight ago an account of what had passed on your subject that day. Yesterday I...
A private instruction which Mr. Barclay is to carry in his memory, and not on paper, lest it...
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly yours of the 3d. Inst. and I am enrag’d to find that...
I have this Moment the Pleasure of your Letter of the 18. The Bills you mention, which were only...
I was honored a few days ago with the reciept of your letter of Aug. 11th. In my last to you I...
I have this moment your Favour of 22. last night I returned from Amsterdam, where I have...
Copy: Library of Congress The Loss of the Transports that accompany’d the Fleet of Mr. de Guichen...
As you have acted, since my arrival in France, in the characters of Consul general for that...
I wrote you the 23 Ult. and expect your Answer by the next Post. To Day I have yours of 26 Ult...
I have duly received your favor of July 30. covering Mr. Huntington’s papers on the subject of...
I have rec’d your Letters of the fifth and ninth, and at last my Trunks are arrived, so that I am...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Mr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Barclay,...
Congress having furnished me with means for procuring peace, and ransoming our captive citizens...
I have received your favour of 24 th. May, by M r. Chew, and am very Sorry to hear of your ill...
I have duly received your favour announcing the departure of Mrs. Barclay, and assure you that it...
I have this Moment rec’d your Letter of the 6 th: and have now only to say, that if you have not...
I am Sorry to have given you, So much Trouble about the House, to no purpose: But I am weary of...
ALS : Barclay Giddings Johnson, Jr., Watertown, Connecticut (2001) The within is a Copy of a...
AL (draft): Library of Congress Enclos’d is a Letter to Mr Adams, which I send open for your...
Your fav r: of the 17 th. & the letters accompanying it are come safe to hand. I rec d. too a...
I allowed M r. Thaxter only 4 years Salary viz t. from 13 Nov r. 1779 to 13 No vr. 1783, three of...
15643II. Instructions, 11 October 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
Congress having been pleased to invest us with full powers for entering into treaty of Amity and...
Congress having furnished me with means for procuring peace, and ransoming our captive citizens...
The object of this is merely to inform you that I sometimes hear from Mrs. Barclay and your...
Last Night I received your letters of the 10 th. and 11 th. Inst: and am sorry you had the...
I have been favored with your letter of the 24th. The spirit and exertions of the citizens of...
I am now to acknowlege your separate favors of Dec. 4. and Jan. 6. and the joint one to Mr. Adams...
The Assemblage of the Militia and Recrruits begins to add greatly to our consumption of...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the honour of yours respecting Your Return to Paris before...