Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Notes on Appointments, 31 July 1804

Notes on Appointments

[ca. July 1804]


Govr. Claiborne
Secretary <Sumpter.> James Brown. <Prevost. Petit. Detrehan.>
Judges <James Brown>
Hall Distr.
Rodney Thos. Govr. Misipi. [he is judge of Misipi]
Williams Rob. <District>
Atty <Rufus Easton>
<James Brown>
Marshall. <Molier qu?> Clouet (11. 51.) or Guillot (25. 67. 78.) Thos Urqhart. 97. 110. Fr. E. S
Legislative council
French.     Americans
Detrihan. 7. 47. 85. 1161 Benjamin Morgan. C.
<Detrehan. 7. 47. + 85> John Watkins. C.
<Petit 5. 45. 72.> q Petit. 5. 45. 72.*
<q.  Dorsiere 8. 48. 73. Eng. * 94.> Evan Jones.
<q.  Clouet. 11. 51.> Clarke
Cuisergue. 16. 56. 106. Roman. 107. Attacapas
<q.  Breton. 23. 64. 105> Wikoff. 108. Appelousas. ignort.
Gaspard  Dubuys. * 26. 68. 74. Dr. Dow 96. Eng. Fr. Sp.
Poydrass. C. of Point Coupée 86. 113. Fr. Eng. Sp. George Pollock. 102. N.O.
Bellchasse. 95 C. W. of German coast.
q  Boré 1. 41. 84. speaks Fr. only
  <Cantarelle. 88. Acadn. coast. Fr. Sp.>
Derbigny. Eng.
Sauvé. Eng.
* speak English
+ reside in country


Commandants. Col. Hammond Colo. George
<\ Blount Thos.>
Col. \ Meigs. Judge
Col \ Gibs. Majr. Mass.
Majr. \ Hunt Seth. N.H.
Claiborne Fred. Capt.
Hunter John S. Kentucky
Peyroux Henry
Majr. \ Scott John M. Kentucky
Col \ Richard Kennon. July 20. wrote to. offered to be Colo.

1804. July 5. on consultation with mr Gallatin.
he accepts if Hoffman Register of Detroit declines, appoint Lewis Bond.
Turner Register of Natchez to remain till Dec. 1. the commn however to go off Nov. 1. enquire as to Thos. Fitzpatrick of S.C. from Briggs. & Claiborne. if do not find him appoint Wm. Bayard Shields.2 July 20. wrote to Sumpter & Hampton if now Fitzpatric would accept, not ascertaing. whether I should appoint him Commr. or Register.
Reciever of public monies. × Vincennes. Nathaniel Ewen of Pensva3 } lie till I return
× Kaskaskias. Elijah Backus.
× Detroit Bates.
<Reciever &> Register. Fitzpatrick  Natchez.
Toulman to be Reciever at  Mobile <Thos. Smyth of Maryland>
Marietta. Collector. Griffin Greene said to be dead. appoint Philip Greene. his son
Nanjemoy. John Brent collector.


Govr. Claiborne
Secretary. James Brown. July 20. wrote to know if wd accept
Judges of Superior court.
Prevost. July. 20. wrote to him to know if wd accept
Rob. Williams
Judge of the District court.
Dominic A. Hall. July 20. wrote to him to know if would accept
Attorney of District.
Dickerson. Robert Williams. Joseph Story. Mass. Crownenshd. P. Edward Denna. Lancast. Mas.
Marshall. Clouet. 11. 51. Guillot. 25. 67. 78. ✓Urquhart 110.
Govr. Misipi. Thos. Rodney.   Hull.   Baldwin

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 141:25350); undated but see below; entirely in TJ’s hand, including brackets in text.

TJ’s notes relate to candidates for appointments he considered during July. It is not always clear when or from whom TJ derived his information. He based his list of candidates for the Legislative council of Orleans Territory on the characterizations enclosed in James Wilkinson’s letter of 1 July, with additional information from recommendations included in William C. C. Claiborne’s letter of 29 May, which TJ received on 4 July. The numbers that TJ wrote next to some of the Orleans candidates he took from his numbering system for the characterizations. TJ summarized his 5 July consultation with Gallatin regarding sundry domestic appointments, several of which he opted to let “lie till I return” from Monticello. At different points TJ added information, such as his notations of letters written to several candidates on 20 July offering appointments in Orleans Territory and Louisiana District. Checkmarks he inserted to the left of several names apparently indicated those who were offered appointments, although TJ did not use this marking consistently throughout his notes (see also Vol. 43: Appendix II). Other markings may have indicated some of his early preferences for appointments.

1Entry interlined.

2Remainder of paragraph interlined.

3TJ interlined Nathaniel Ewing’s name and state after he made the “July 20” interlineation above.

Index Entries