Thomas Jefferson Papers

Order on John Barnes, 6 October 1801

Order on John Barnes

Oct. 6. 1801.

Mr. Barnes is desired to pay to Capt Lewis or order seventy two dollars for six months wages of his servant Abram on account of his humble servt.

Th: Jefferson

also twenty seven dollars in lieu of a suit of clothes.


MS (PWacD: Feinstone Collection on deposit PPAmP); in TJ’s hand; in a column to the left of his signature, TJ added the figures “72. D.” and “27.” for the sum of “99”; at foot of text: “Mr. Barnes”; on verso in Meriwether Lewis’s hand and signed by him: “Received of Mr. John Barnes ninty nine dollars agreeably to the within order—Oct. 7th. 1801”; acknowledgment of receipt on 8 Oct. “for Capt. Lewis” written by Barnes and signed in an unknown hand: “for Abrahm golden”; endorsed by TJ: “Gaulding Abram”; endorsed by Barnes.

Abram: Abraham Golden was a personal servant for Meriwether Lewis and later for Lewis’s successor as TJ’s private secretary. TJ wrote this order a day after he reviewed accounts for his Washington household from the period since his departure for Monticello, including servants’ wages. In his personal financial memoranda, TJ recorded on 6 Oct. that he gave “Abraham Gaulding” an order on Barnes for $99 (Lucia Stanton, “‘A Well-Ordered Household’: Domestic Servants in Jefferson’s White House,” White House History, 17 [2006], 8, 21n; MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1053–4).

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