Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Mason L. Weems, [30 October 1821]

To Mason L. Weems

[30 Oct. 1821]


The informn you have recd of my being in possn of a piece of the maple under which Penn treated with the Indians is entirely a fable. I know nothing of such a relick;1 any informn I could have given should hav[e] been quite at your service

Accept my respectfl salutns

Dft (NNPM); on address leaf of RC of Weems to TJ, 14 Oct. 1821; undated; edge trimmed. Recorded in SJL as a letter of 30 Oct. 1821.

1TJ here canceled “or.”

Index Entries

  • Delaware Indians search
  • Indians, American; Delaware search
  • Penn, William; relics associated with search
  • Weems, Mason Locke; biography of W. Penn search
  • Weems, Mason Locke; letters to search