Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Carroll Brent, [on or before 4 October 1801]

From Daniel Carroll Brent

[on or before 4 Oct. 1801]

D[ear] Sir/

It is not perhaps for me to intrude upon you. Yet as I believe to men of your mind, placed in your elevated Station, information from all quarters is acceptable, I will under these impressions address you.

The Office of Treasurer of the United States is now vacant, to fill such an office I know one man who I believe has every necessary qualification—his character is pure & chaste; to which no censure is attached, or against which calumny dare not to dart its tongue—he has always been in private life, is of moderate fortune & therefore not much known in the political world, is a pure Republican, has always, (even in the worst of times) been firm & steady—no change of men or circumstances has made him deviate—the gentleman I mean is Col. John Cooke of Stafford County Virginia, he is well known to John T Mason, who is his friend, & to whom I will refer you for a confirmation of what I have stated—this application is unknown to this Gentn. yet I know the appointment will be acceptable

I will not apologize for addressing you as I can conceive it is the duty of us all to give you information—yet Sir whatever may be your determination on this subject I shall consider it as made for the public good & rest content.

With sentiments of high respect I am yrs &c

Daniel Carroll Brent

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); undated; endorsed by TJ as received 4 Mch. but recorded in SJL at 4 Oct. with notation “John Cocke of Virga to be treasurer”; TJ canceled “Brent Daniel” and added “Capt John Cocke of Staffd. Virga to be treasurer” to the endorsement.

Perhaps Brent was recommending John Cooke of West Farms in Stafford County who married Mary Thomson Mason, George Mason’s daughter, at Gunston Hall in 1784 (Robert A. Rutland, ed., The Papers of George Mason 1725–1792, 3 vols. [Chapel Hill, 1970], 1:xliv; Washington, Papers, Pres. Ser. description begins W. W. Abbot, Dorothy Twohig, Philander D. Chase, Theodore J. Crackel, and others, eds., The Papers of George Washington, Charlottesville, 1983–, 48 vols.: Presidential Series, 1987–, 12 vols. description ends , 1:369; George H. S. King, comp., The Register of Overwharton Parish Stafford County Virginia, 1723–1758 [Fredericksburg, 1961], 224).

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