Thomas Jefferson Papers

Citizens of Lynchburg to Thomas Jefferson, [14 November 1809]

From the Citizens of Lynchburg

Tuesday Morning—[14 Nov. 1809]

The Citizens of Lynchburg, with unaffected pleasure, behold the arrival of Mr Jefferson among them. Desirous to offer him, in the plain and simple mode that the infancy of their Society permits, an evidence of their Cordiality and respect, they wish to invite him to partake of a public dinner with them, at Mrs Ward’s tavern, on Saturday next.

RC (MHi); partially dated at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as an undated “Lynchburg. invitation” received 14 Nov. 1809 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Lynchburg, Va.; citizens of, address TJ search
  • Ward, Mrs. (Lynchburg); tavern of search