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Results 155931-155960 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your letter of the 27th Ultimo was received last evening. Your proceeding upon the intelligence...
Your letter by Colo. Fitzgerald has been received—and I shall confine my reply at present, to the...
You are hereby Ordered to attend two Waggons which will set out to-morrow morning for Alexandria,...
155934General Orders, 27 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Irvine[,] Lieutenant Colonels Gray[,]...
I transmit to you, an extract from a letter of mister Short, relative to our affairs with Spain;...
155936[Diary entry: 21 May 1760] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday May 21. Wrote to Messrs. Nicholas & With for Advice how to act in regard to Clifton’s...
You will move your Legion from their present Cantonment, by the directest route to Pines Bridge...
I have duly recd your letter of the 3d of this month with the Bill enclosed. In wch I do not...
155939[Diary entry: 6 May 1797] (Washington Papers)
6. Warm with the Wind at So. Et.—but not hot.
I am extremely concerned to find by the late reports of the Inspector General, that most of the...
I am favd with yours of the 14th: This will be delivered to you by Lieut. Peyton of Capt. Lees...
Since my arrival at this place I have been favour’d with two or three of your Letters, and thank...
155943[Diary entry: 21 August 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Did the like this day also. “We have lately made a rule to meet at ten and sit ’til...
Peekskill [ New York ] August 3, 1780 . Informs Congress that Sir Henry Clinton has returned....
Letter not found: to Beverley Robinson, 27 April 1758. On 21 May Robinson wrote to GW : “Yours of...
The late movements of the Enemy and their determined purpose to execute their plans, if possible,...
Your letter of the 18th., enclosing answers to certain objections communicated to you in my...
155948General Orders, 28 August 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . A document entitled, “State of the Continental Troops under the...
The enclosed letter, which is under a flying seal, and the plough, which accompanies it, are...
I have been duly honored with the receipt of your favour of the 23d Instant. As you are known to,...
155951[Diary entry: 11 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. Rid to Muddy hole where three white men were Cradling—& then to the Mill where we were...
155952[Diary entry: 29 February 1780] (Washington Papers)
29th. Clear, warm and exceeding pleasant with but little Wind & that Southerly. Snow almost...
155953Acct. of the Weather in Augt. [1773] (Washington Papers)
Augt. 1st. Weather clear and Warm, Wind Southerly. 2. Warm forenoon—a little Rain in the...
155954General Orders, 9 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Genl Howe Colonel Vose Lieutenant Colonel Newhall Brigade Majer Hicks...
155955[Diary entry: 12 December 1789] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 12th. Exercised in the Coach with Mrs. Washington and the two Children (Master & Miss...
A brother of mine (Father to Mr Bushrod Washington, who studied Law under Mr Wilson) is desireous...
155957[Diary entry: 2 March 1767] (Washington Papers)
2. (No frost) Cloudy till abt. 11 Oclock then Rain & almost all Night very hard Wind at No. Et.
In a circular letter of the 22d of Jany—in your absence—I transmitted the Inspectors reports of...
I have had the pleasure to receive two letters from you since your arrival in France, and cannot...
A necessary absence from Camp and several unavoidable interruptions have been the occasion of,...